Is it easy to move Win7 onto this?
Do a clean install.
Hi there
Guys some key points as to why you really need one of these:-
- This is the 2E model, much higher quality components, I've checked our history, 1644 units sold and only 28 units back faulty. Sub 2% failure which is in line with Intel and Samsung.
- The performance improvement for any desktop or laptop over a 7200rpm HDD is night and day, remember SSD have 0.1ms access time.
- These are the peak of SATA2 performance, they offer close to 300MB Read/Write on SATA3 and outperform a lot of modern SSD drives.
- 120GB is more than big enough for Win7/Win8 O.S. with Office with ample space to spare for games, photos etc.
- Price, simply unbelievable, cheapest in the UK for a 120GB SSD and this is still a top performance drive.
- Limited quantity, we only have 1400 units, once gone OCZ have no more and we've sold 400+ over night.
- Just buy it, I mean £40, thats like the amount you generally carry in your pocket!
- One more thing - BUY NOW!!!
I have the bigfoot version of this (have had for at least a year, nearly 2) which I paid £180 for(!)and it has never caused me a single issue. At this price it's a steal. I may have to get another couple for my games/photo editing drives. Oooh, but how to justify it to the missus!
So if i swap the hadd in my laptop for one of these will i have to use the restore DVDs i made when i first got the laptop as obviously the restore partition is on the HDD
And would it install with being a different hdd?
I have to stop looking at these threads, last week i got a Kingston 120GB SSDNow V+200.
Now this turns up and i decide to buy it as well!!!
ones going in my laptop and ones going in the desktop. i want the fastest/best one in my desktop, which is best?
desktop will be sata 3 (asus P6X58D-E mobo just havnt updated sig yet) so the kingston will go in desktop then thanks.
tho at this price i am very tempted to order 2 of them, 1 for lappy and one for apps/games in desktop with the kingston as the boot drive...arr must stop spending!
No, u might find lot of problem issues. Best way is clean install is important!