Crucial Anniversary: The results


2.25V so perfectly safe. Bandwidth isn't too hot at the moment because of the very slack Trc, but I can tighten it right up I think :D .

And I feel there is more in the tank Mhz wise.

fornowagain said:
Well I've got 2GB of G.Skill HZ, paid £170 for that, now look at it. Wish I'd bought a few extra sticks of that, I can tell ya. It never changes, I remember meeting some dodgy, cloak and dagger bloke for cheap 8Mb Simms back in the early 90's, stuff was so expensive you wouldn't believe.

Did the same, should have brought more! Wish I'd done the same with this crucial too, 186 quid inc was a bargain at the time!

Nice speed Jokester, still running 2.2v or did you need more juice?
Not long and i can be tweaking again, know my current pc inside out as im sure you all do, nice to have something new to learn and tinker with.

Great clocks there jokester, have you found a particularly sweet spot for this ram yet?
I'm going mental here reading this thread. My new PC is still in various brown boxes lol, really looking forward to getting this memory installed as i never used DDR2 before. I'm a regular DDR man so 200MHz-260MHz (DDR400/DDR500) is the normal working range for me, so I am pretty shocked at seeing this new stuff running at 600MHz.

Apart from the new high frequency (500-600MHz) I have never used a PC at length that features 2GB of main ram. . .

Btw: I remember the old days of PC memory, the first 'proper' PC I had was loaded with a whOOping 16MB of ram (Win95). :D :cool:
Don't think I mentioned before but this is on the EVGA 680i, using the unlinked option so it gives extremely flexible options for RAM frequency except around about the 2:1 divider area for some reason where it isn't overly stable.

Jokester said:
"2.25V so perfectly safe"
Oh ok, I thought that may be quite hot! :D

Jokester said:
Don't think I mentioned before but this is on the EVGA 680i
No you didn't tell us anything apart from what memory you were using? Whats wrong with you man, do us Hitmen and Wiseguys deserved to be left in the dark??

"Give us the specs, or your gonna get Whacked!"
1dmf said:
lol yup those were the days - i remember having an IBM PS2-Model 30 - 4 MB ram a 30MB Hard Disk and Dos!.
Memories!! Just a kid first real PC, a 12Mhz 286. PC-DOS 2.0 booting on those giant 5¼" floppy disks. Man I'm getting old.
fornowagain said:
Memories!! Just a kid first real PC, a 12Mhz 286. PC-DOS 2.0 booting on those giant 5¼" floppy disks. Man I'm getting old.

No, when your father built you (by soldering ALL the components onto the system board) a 1978 Ohio Superboard that had 4K of total memory (including the bootstrap ROM) and all the programs had to be loaded on from a 300kbps tape deck, then you are truly getting old!
Can't match Jokesters clocks on this mobo, not 1:1 at anyrate, dividers are next but seem to be a bit crappy on this board.
550 4,5,4,6 2.3v seems memtest stable but thats right on the edge of what the board will do. Need to drop voltage as there should be no probs running that speed with lower voltage.
WJA96 said:
No, when your father built you (by soldering ALL the components onto the system board) a 1978 Ohio Superboard that had 4K of total memory (including the bootstrap ROM) and all the programs had to be loaded on from a 300kbps tape deck, then you are truly getting old!
Tell me about it, I still remember the loading times on a cassette driven VIC-20. Oh the agony of waiting when you're 10, just trying to remember the games, Sidewinder IIRC. Not really an x86 PC I know, but they were the days. Of all the various interests I've had, it amazes me, must be 30 years I've always had a computer on the go. From the first time we had a Pong paddle, I'm not sure if I should thank my Dad or not, costs a fortune :D
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