I'm struggling to see a map mode that shows your war targets territories, I have to open the surrender/demand terms screen then zoom out to see where they are on the map.Anybody else really struggling to quickly see alliances and also look after their realm? I get confused when people within my realm start having wars with eachother and there isn't anything I can do.
there's no made mode that shows friendly/hostile either? I thought there were way more map options in ck2?
I find the whole map kinda confusing tbh I think there's a mod so it's only the flat version of it.
your vassels fighting each other is normal btw, you can outlaw it at some point probably like in ck2
sometimes you can talk to them and tell them to surrender/end the war.
BTW, is there no option to attach to an allies army? and what about creating your own mercenary group like in ck2?