CryEngine 3 PC footage

in a lot of games when you get to grass it mullers the old fps counter weird.

Cant think of many games with grass/plants/trees that are anywhere on a level with Crysis regarding density, complexity and physics. Obviously I wasnt just referring to some strands of lifeless 2d grass sticking up from the ground swaying from side to side in a predictable manner like you see in most games.
If it's coming out for console it will be numbed down, so it will run fine.
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It'll run a damn sight better than it will on consoles, that's for sure.

At the same graphically settings as the consoles, then yes.

But im assuming he will want to run it with almost everything turned on, in which case it will not run a damn sight better than the consoles.

Consoles will be less graphically amazing (obviously), but will hopefully be optimized to hell so it will run smooth and still look decent. I emphasise hopefully there.
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