Crysis and very low CPU load

Nor me, but I would stand on my head if I thought it would work lol.

And even at lowest HZ of 60HZ we aint going to get near 60FPS anyhow to worry about capping it, but I think there is more to it that that.
Its using roughly 50% use on both my cores, wouldn't mind if it used them a bit more.
Try in sandbox and see if it makes any difference ?
i'm sorry, but thats just complete crap.

i've never seen another game that comes even CLOSE to Crysis

Then you haven't been playing any games then

On medium it looks crap, only looks good on high and very high.

res = 1600x1200 AA=off, gfx settings all on high
get around 30-40fps

4GB G.Skill HZ 4 x 1GB
Asus Pk5 Deluxe
Xp X64
all hardware at default clocks.

I get same FPS as you.

I agree game aint worth playing for me at Medium, it starts to look cartoony like said over on the Crysis Forums aswell as style of play as FarCry.
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Then you haven't been playing any games then

On medium it looks crap, only looks good on high and very high.


i wouldn't know.

i've been running the game on High as deafult since i installed it and its runs just as smoothly as any other game i have, including HL2, CoD4 (which i don't have installed because its rubbish) and UT3

The game DOES use all 4 cores, but only about 12% of each. this distribution means that windows and other programs don't have to compete for core attention. all in all, the game runs very well for me.
From over at the Offical Forums.


1 core doing most of the work and I would expect it to take it to 100%, its said to be more so like above on Quads, I aint checked on my Dual yet.

If the game really is more CPU dependant as Crytek's CEO Cevat Yeril, then thats why FPS are bad, they need get it to rape all 2 or 4 Cores to near/100% like games normally do for Single/Dual cores.
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Then you haven't been playing any games then

On medium it looks crap, only looks good on high and very high.


Dude, I've been playing on medium at 1680x1050 and I can safely say it's graphically the best game I've seen.
What games look better then?
Dunno why you're all expecting massive CPU utilization, it's not a flight sim or RTS or something. CPU is probably doing little more in Crysis than in any other shooter that has physics. Crysis is all about graphics and massive GPU workload.
Quote from F/Squad (review of GTX8800 on Athlon's)

""""In shader-heavy titles like Oblivion and F.E.A.R. however the GeForce 8800 GTX and 8800 GTS were never CPU-bound. In fact in our foliage test with Oblivion we were 100% GPU-bound, whether we were testing with an X2 3800 or the FX-62, performance was the same across all resolutions, including 1280x1024! Of course, keep in mind that we were testing Oblivion in particular with HDR+AA, so that’s going to be harder on the GPU, if we’d turned off AA the results may have been a little different, but we have a strong feeling that anyone who is going to buy a GeForce 8800 card is going to want to run with HDR+AA.

In any case, this suggests that perhaps with next-gen shader model 3.0 and DX10 games the CPU won’t play as large a role in overall performance, but we’ll have to wait and see if that’s truly the case when those titles ship.
"""""" End quote

I'm (still) on an AthlonFX-55/XT850 ATI, and wondering if a CPU/mobo upgrade is necessary at all, or maybe a GTX8800 coupled with my CPU will cut Crysis....

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if you get bad framerates at high, drop down to lowest, if you're getting much higher framerate it means your cpu is more than capable of higher settings. maybe the only differences would be physics to a not top setting might help i'm not sure. try it.

high ran at an acceptable but not perfect framerate on my 2900xt, as people may or may not have noticed, AA is dodgey at best in most recent games. firstly they are doing things in engine to make aa less of an issue in the first place, some of the games flat out don't support AA, and its really not needed anywhere as badly as titles in general from well every title before the latest crop of games. clearly the industry is moving away from normal AA and is doing a lot to do AA within the engine itself. i played without AA and didn't notice much wrong in that sense. sure if you stand still near a sharp edge for half an hour you'll probably notice something. but in actual play, moving around its not that bad. but then i was playin at 1680x1050, might be worse at lower levels.

theres not a huge amount going on with the cpu in general, its most likely, like other games, simply splitting off different parts of the engine to diff cores if available, IE, sound, maybe physics(maybe not), input, drivers, blah blah. but in general its still incredibly difficult to split the main engine into multiple parts. we're still at the point where fps's dont entail a huge amount of cpu power anyway. you don't just use cpu for the sake of its there. what do you think they should add to the game exactly that uses cpu power that would make it better.

its a gpu load game, it looks fantastic, high/very high look easily better than anything around and that takes more power than games that don't look as good.

if you DO have to complain about framerate, don't post a generic sentence, post YOUR SETTINGS. that means res, aa/af, and the settings in game. that way if someone with a similar rig posts and says he's got twice your fps and the only difference is one small setting, you might be able to help yourself. if people just post their actual settings , and compare them we might find some easily changable option that makes the game play great for everyone. but why do that when you can just complain and move on.........

quad core support most certainly is a marketing buzzword, as basically all games with "quad core support" shows. lets see, sup commander, dual core, a modest boost in fps, quad core about 1-2% further on top of that. but the fact is its plenty playable in most situations on a single core, its more than fine on dual core as most people who played it had single/dual and were fine with it.

ut3 still plays pretty well on a single core, perfect on a dual, and theres very VERY little difference at REAL resolutions with a quad core.
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i'm sorry, but thats just complete crap.

i've never seen another game that comes even CLOSE to Crysis

Try running 1280 res on a 24" screen and you will see what I am talking about. My native res is 1900x1200, anything below 1600 is not worth it.

I have three choices:
- crappy gameplay but sweet graphics
- good gameplay but crappy graphics
- play other games that run better (UT3, COD4 etc...)

BTW what FPS are you running, what res, what settings and what size screen?
I have three choices:
- crappy gameplay but sweet graphics
- good gameplay but crappy graphics
- play other games that run better (UT3, COD4 etc...)
I feel the same, I posted something similar in the Crysis thread and got flamed bigtime.

Have a look at this page:

The processor utilization never really got above 45% which would indicate that the game is really only using one core. However, based on the CPU Scaling results it could also just mean that Crysis is not that processor intensive when you consider that a 1GHz drop in frequency only accounted for 2-4fps.
So the game is VERY videocard limited with most systems so it doesn't matter what CPU you have got (to a certain degree)
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