a lot of people are opening Crysis, putting in the code and expecting physics to run smoothly like in the video, it won't.
It's for rendering a video with capture_frames, actual gameplay will be extremely low frames per second, capture_frames isn't affected by low fps but the physics having their own framerate do.
The song is "Aberdeen City - Pretty Pet", I've recently checked them out after having an urge to listen to their song "God Is Going To Get Sick Of Me" that's in Saint's Row and I started listening to their other stuff and I really like them, nice to hear a band sticking to one genre (in this case indie) rather than going all out and putting all kinds of crap in their songs to appeal to a wider audience or staying to a single genre by not being original and sounding like any other band in that genre.
Thanks to "poomuckel" from the Crymod forums for inspiring me to make this video/render lots of physical interactions by making the giant robot looking thing made from boxes that he posted on page 4 of his "Physis" map thread ( id=10448) which is also pretty fun.
I used the very high settings tweak for DX9 and the commands I used ontop of that for this were:
sys_physics_CPU 0
fixed_time_step 0.033333
e_particles 0 (all those particles when a box would collide with something killed my GPU)
r_motionblur 4 (need the very high tweak if on DX9)
r_useEdgeAA 2
r_displayinfo 0 (get rid of the white text when in devmode/sandbox)
cl_hud 0
capture_frames 1 (to take a screenshot at every frame so you can add them all together to make a smooth motioned video).
Yes, there is still some physics lag when sys_physics_CPU is set to 0, but it's SOOOO much smoother than if set at 1 when there's that many physical interactions going on and I think it's an actual physics engine problem where they can lock when colliding, they can't get past what's infront of them rather than it actually lagging like when it's set to 1. If there was nothing in the way of a moving object, it won't lag on 0 but can on 1.
The last clip wasn't anywhere near as massive as I wanted it to be, unfortunately my GPU couldn't handle rendering all the boxes when I doubled the amount of what is shown in the video so I left it as that rather than trying to find an actual limit of what it could handle incase it needs power to render the motion blur and stuff.
I'm tring to get a high quality version on filefront or stage6 but I recorded it in not the highest of quality .jpg format at 640 x 480 as it was only planned to be uploaded here and my PC seems to hate DIVX so I might just make a .wmv for filefront.
I PANT3RA I approves of this video.
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