Crysis. Maxed!

Does anyone have an other fix bar alt entering a lot ?

Creating a custom resolution in nvidia panel is impossible for me, that option is greyed out because I use DSR in Nvidia for supersampling for other games...
This is mine


d_brennen said:
Was attacking the fuelling station in the "Recovery" mission Rambo stylee taking out Koreans with the speed and grace of a ballet dancing terminator when I did a quick check of my six and saw this lovely rainbow above the a waterfall. Paused for a second for a snap then went back at them hard. Crysis really is unbelievably pretty sometimes. I want to live there!

No mods, was playing on a laptop so not maxed out either
Played through Crysis completely at least four times (usually with a GPU upgrade). Each time it gets better. The smoother the game runs, the more fun it is.

Also, if you think it's boring, you are not playing it the way it was meant to. You have to be very quick, moving from cover to cover, rapidly changing between suit modes. Forget his name, but there's a guy on youtube who made a couple videos demonstrating this play style. So much fun like this and actually requires a fair bit of skill to do.
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