Crysis the ps3 view lmao

procrastinator said:
All these games that they're saying look so much better or as good as crysis, are there any vids of them? :confused:

yep check gametrailers, although some of them look very nice indeed, they dont stand up to Crysis.
Average PC games aren't built with the top of the range stuff as the main target, they are built for what the average PC gamer has which hardware wise is a lot less powerful than what is in the xbox360 and ps3. It will be early 2009 before we see PC pulling away from consoles graphics wise again.
Alex UK said:
Check out Motorstorm and Resistance: Fall of Man.

Im presuming that is a joke post if you think either of those game look anything liek the graphical quality of crysis:p :p :p

I own a ps3 and both of those games motorstorm has 2d grass that rotates when you move the camera and resistance looks nothing like even gears of war

FANBOYS make me cry and laugh :) Especialy the one which claims to be "In the industry". He compared Dx10 to RSX, software to hardware and then said this:

"LOL If Crysis comes out on PC it won't sell well at all."

hahah :D
8igdave said:
"LOL If Crysis comes out on PC it won't sell well at all."

hahah :D

Well actually he's got a point there, compared to how well the game would probably sell on one of the consoles its likely it would do badly on the PC in comparison.
as far as i know crysis wont be on PS3. They are boasting its built for the PC from the ground up after all lol.

There is a rumoured project of crysis using the engine for a PS3 game and now they all think it will look as good and be better. Thats what i dont understand, same engine... ooo obiously it will look better ;)

Also, what is the processor like on the PS3? they all only seem to think about the graphics card, but that only makes pritty pictures and they have a worse one at that anyway. They all keep saying the cell + RSX is going to own. But, even if it works like a 7900 in sli. It will only ever be able to do graphics as good as the 7900 is caperble of no matter if they had 10 of them. It will never be able to run the graphics of the next card above when they are not so much an upgrade but new options. In this case the G80s.

Terribley explained. But like the shader modle 2 and 3. I beleive 6600 is shader modle 2 and the 6800 shader modle 3?

anyway, no matter how many 6600s you had. youd never be able to run the shader model 3.

Correct me if im wrong please. Knowing me i probly am :D
Alex UK said:
Check out Motorstorm and Resistance: Fall of Man.

Yeah for examples of games that look "ok" at best, motorstorm for one doesn't look anywhere as near as good as the vids that they stated the game would look like.

That forums pretty sad, its just like a bunch of deluded kids who believe anything sony tell them. :(
lol motorstrom? Dirt looks far better, actually closer to the cgi of motorstorm they originally showed :rolleyes:

As for crysis, i find it hard to believe anyone who doesnt think its by far the best looking game shown. When you think of the scale,draw distance, destruction...every damn tree snaps at where you shoot it for gods sake ! Ahev people seen the close up character models in some of the video's? Astounding.
mqketucker said:
Im presuming that is a joke post if you think either of those game look anything liek the graphical quality of crysis:p :p :p

I own a ps3 and both of those games motorstorm has 2d grass that rotates when you move the camera and resistance looks nothing like even gears of war

Of course neither of these games look as good as Crysis, far from it. I was commenting on how some PS3 games, such as Motorstorm, are comparable to current PC games.
Cyber-Mav said:
gears of war on 360 looks better than pretty much any pc game out at the moment
Until you actually look closely at the low/non-existent levels of antialiasing, anisotropic filtering, and how low quality the textures are. It's just all covered up by the good lighting and post-processing effects.

When I see a console run a quality game with high-resolution textures, up to 16x+ filtered antialiasing and 16x high-quality anisotropic filtering I'll be impressed, but until then I'll be able to see huge flaws in console gaming image quality on a single look when compared to the awesome and undebatable graphics fidelity on any half-decent gaming machine.

Get a machine with an X1950Pro in it and you already have a machine that can output more IQ than the Playstation 3 and Xbox 360 can only dream of, probably multiple times over.
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that Killzone 2 vid looks awesome though, but im guessing its pre rendered, the framerate looks astonishing for the amount going on
HighlandeR said:
This killzone... I almost forgot what game that was untill I watched this trailor

Remember now watching this like 2-3 years back I think !

Was it even in game or was it just pre-rendered stuff? It looks like its the only thing comparable to PCs Crysis the pinnacle of our gaming;)

It was prerendered, I think Sony finally admitted it several weeks later :rolleyes:
Hedge said:
that Killzone 2 vid looks awesome though, but im guessing its pre rendered, the framerate looks astonishing for the amount going on
Pre-rendered, Sony hype for idiot fanboys as usual.

They did a Motorstorm pre-render and promised in-game graphics like it, of course it looked nowhere near as good. :D
Jihad said:
Pre-rendered, Sony hype for idiot fanboys as usual.

They did a Motorstorm pre-render and promised in-game graphics like it, of course it looked nowhere near as good. :D

To be honest we do still get a lot of pre-rendered stuff for PC. Its just that generaly people who like PC achualy know about the hardware and therefore have an idea of the hardware needed for the PS3 to be equivilant etc. These PS3 fanboys just keep saying the word RSX over and over again.
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