Crysis the ps3 view lmao

Although im not a fan of pre-rendered video the worst for me is when they use it in adverts, the call of duty 2 ones were just silly, loked nothing like the real game.
Maybe if console gamers actually got off their couches and moved up close to their TV's (like how most PC gamers play) they'd realise why PC games will always look better. You can't compare the image quality of a particular game, unless both systems are using the same monitor/tv. Try outputting a 360/PS3 game on a bog standard 1280x1024 monitor and it would look cack compared to the PC equivalent. Plus it would most likely be upsampled to 720p from a lower res, something you don't notice when your sitting several metres away from the TV screen.
titaniumx3 said:
Plus it would most likely be upsampled to 720p from a lower res, something you don't notice when your sitting several metres away from the TV screen.

iirc, all 360 games are rendered at 720p and then upscaled/downscaled to the resolution set in dashboard
I was under the impression Crytek were lining up a port to the 360/ps3 after the pc release?

As has already been said, though the 360/ps3 have less to work with, the games tend to be far better optimised than pc games, so it's by all means possible they could run Crysis. Not at the same res and with all the candy on, but then how much do they cost in comparison to the machines used to run the Crysis videos??
Monkey Puzzle said:
Not at the same res and with all the candy on, but then how much do they cost in comparison to the machines used to run the Crysis videos??
The difference is with a PC you get much more with it, not just a gaming machine.

360/PS3 are primarily games only with the addition of Blu-Ray/HD-DVD/DVD playback.
my mate was bigging up his 360 against my c2d+8800 saying gears of war looked real and it was best game ever, he owned the game, and then said "havnt you even seen the advert? thats in game footage.."
i replied "what, the one that says 'graphical representation in the corner?"
"yea that means ingame graphics, its unreal"
"hows about i draw you a stickman with a gun and wrote graphical representation on it, that'd be pretty urneal too wouldnt it? next gen as ****"
knowledge123 said:
iirc, all 360 games are rendered at 720p and then upscaled/downscaled to the resolution set in dashboard

Whats that mean? So all games even at 1900x1600 or whatever the res is are still rendered at the low 720P res?
willhub said:
Whats that mean? So all games even at 1900x1600 or whatever the res is are still rendered at the low 720P res?

Tbh, I can't quite remember, so I'll just say it and see if I get shot down in a flame war. ;)

The 360 natively renders internally at 720p and then uses upscaling to get it to run at the set dashboard resolution. I've tried to look for a source and have found one!

Anandtech said:
Microsoft’s targets for the Xbox 360 are far more down to earth, with 720p and 4X AA being the requirements for all 360 titles. With a 720p target for all games, you can expect all Xbox 360 titles to render (internally) at 1280 x 720. We’ve already discussed that the 360’s GPU architecture will effectively give free 4X AA at this resolution, so there’s no reason not to have 4X AA enabled as well.

Most HDTVs will support either 1080i or 720p; those that natively support 720p will simply get a 720p output from the 360 with no additional signal processing. We’d be willing to bet that the game will still render internally at 720p and rely on either the Xbox 360’s TV encoder to scale the output to 1080i, or you can rely on your TV to handle the scaling for you. But for all discussion here, you can expect the Xbox 360 GPU to render games at 1280 x 720 with 4X AA enabled.
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I love this comment:

Lol, I agree, Cell+RSX will surpass what DX10 has. But I won't believe the DX10 is worse then DX9. Though right now, I might believe that lol.

I think devs also need to learn the power of DX10. But, still, in an overall perspective when its all done, PS3 is WAY more flexible then DX10 with their graphics, so as you originally stated:
Cell+RSX=da' truf'.
So do they think that DX10 is a graphics card or what? Some truly brilliant comments in that thread. It is exceptional how stupid some people are. I am fully expecting to read something along the lines of "Crysis will look better on PS3 because it comes on Blu-Ray, where as the PC version comes on DVD!"

maybe one day, when i upgrade my CPU (computer unit)
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I thought that when vista is properly implemented that it will mean we do have more of a streamlined solid platform for games, meaning hardware manufacturers and devs will have more of a specific standard to work with, resulting in PC having optimised games(not as optimised as consoles, but who cares about that, nothing a GB or 2GB stick of ram cant fix?
main reason consoles have good looking games right now is simple. most of the big developers go into overdrive for the 6 months before a new console is out and a year after. notice the distinct lack of big titles on the PC in a while, theres been a few but not many. we're in that lull, low point between all the big engines coming out. the big/good companies don't release a new engine every year but more like every 3-5 years. cry engine 1/2, ID, EPIC, valve and a whole host of others. the consoles look as good as pc's right now(VERY debateable) purely because of good/lucky timing where most of the big companies are working on their big titles which a heck of a lot are coming out this and next year.

in a years time things like dual core's being mainstream, quad cores being quite common, hugely faster cpu power on average than 3 years ago. massively better gpu's and so on will mean in a years time the real creativity in games, the big big titles will be coming back to the PC. just like when the ps2/xbox came out there was a relative lull in pc gaming, but a year later when console hardware was old school already all the really cool stuff was on pc's.

fact is that general texture quality, general effects possible aren't far apart pc/consoles right now, but you can play the same game with far more depth of view, AF set to high, AA when you want and much higher resolutions make the PC's better already. but they are still showing only the same kind of quality games in higher res which doesn't make a huge amount of difference.
knowledge123 said:
Tbh, I can't quite remember, so I'll just say it and see if I get shot down in a flame war. ;)

The 360 natively renders internally at 720p and then uses upscaling to get it to run at the set dashboard resolution. I've tried to look for a source and have found one!


Wow, I always thought at 1080i the Xbox was rendering games like GOW at 19** 16** res :p and other games.

Wow my rig is allready killing an Xbox360 :eek:, I say its 650quid well spent :D
willhub said:
Whats that mean? So all games even at 1900x1600 or whatever the res is are still rendered at the low 720P res?
All Xbox 360 games are rendered in 720p (1280x720) as far as I am aware, and downscaled to PAL or upscaled and stretched out to 1080p (1920x1080) when needed.

1920x1080 isn't even really that impressive, it's only around the same as 1600x1200 on a standard 4:3 display. Likewise 720p isn't much bigger than 1024x768.

So when you play a game on your PC in 1600x1200 or whatever with 8xAA on your 8800, you're doing something both the X360 and PS3 can only dream of ever doing, and it's probably not making your PC sweat.
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Shamikebab said:
It was prerendered, I think Sony finally admitted it several weeks later :rolleyes:

Thought as much, so its odd how the sony fans still say its gonna be better then crysis without seeing any in game screenshots lol

The way they made that killzone vid though they made out it was really in-game, the way it was fist person view and all real sneaky of sony!
The pre-rendered video is solely why Sony is going to look so stupid at E3. Everyone will be like, 'hey this is nothing like what you've shown before' and Sony will be trying to spin it silly to people who won't have any of it.
Thought Id put my 2 pence in ;)

No doubt over time the PS3 will be able to recreate Crysis graphics, but it wont be happening this year or the next. One thing you have to appreciate is that however powerful the DX API is its still a constraint where developers have to code to a specific code set, but its a necessary evil to ensure all PC variations can play these new games.

Considering that the PS3 doesnt have to have the same constraints (closed platform) where potentially devs can harness and optimise code to the hardware I fully expect that the PS3 (or any console in reality) to reach Crysis like graphics quicker than the PC has. c.f. with the Glide API...

The issue is that by the time it does the PC would have already gone to the next generation if not further. i.e. In the lifetime of the PS2 we went from the end of DX8 to the start of DX10 - by the time PS3 catches up we will already be looking at DX11 and beyond. All consoles are ultimately fighting a losing battle because they are based on tweaked PC hardware (ok lets just focus on GFX) which is usually old hat by the time they launch.

One argument that doesnt hold water is that even though the PS3 is new, DX10 itself is also - so the time devs have had to play with SDKs is relatively small - a lot of what we are seeing that is purported to be DX10 is just the start of it (just like the PS3 launch games). When both start to mature we will see the real power...

Yes on paper a RSX is nothing like the power of 8800GTX but an 8800GTX will never be used as efficiently as a RSX over its lifetime...

ps3ud0 :cool:
Why though? From a developers point of view the power to be harness in the PS3 will make it more than possible...

You have to remember they dont have to worry about DX API so even though the RSX is a DX9 part its can easily do all the effects that DX10 provides because it uses a totally different code set...

Im not a console fan - but I appreciate what you can do with hardware if you have years to code for it - Crysis on PS3 isnt a pipedream - far from it - but by the time that happens Crysis will be budget PC software...

ps3ud0 :cool:
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