CS - Apparently I am a "n00b hax0r"

12 May 2005
"STOP HACKING YOU NOOB" is usually the screams over the mic (which I have now muted :p ) and screams over text, mostly from the other team.

I find it amazing how just because you are beating the other team with a stick, they start to cry. One example, I was playing with one guy, he got so angry I was constantly owning him, he changed to my team to keep flashing me :/

Another great example, last night. I was playing, a guy constantly told me to turn of my cheats, so then he turned on speed hax, and aim bot... and got himself kicked by admins, and his steam ID reported.

I find it amazing how people on regular public servers are so ready to scream haxor, when you shoot them thru a door with a AK47, or have the Scout sight at head hight, because you hear their elephant like running coming in your direction.

Oddly, I swear the amount of cries of my cheaing has increased, and truthfully I am worse than I was 3 - 5 months ago, cause I took a long break.

So come on, am I the only one that has noticed a huge amount of people crying recently? maybe its cause school holidays...
Úlfhednar said:
I don't play much CS or CSS anymore, but that type of whining is constantly there on Battlefield 2 servers.

yup I had a friend who thought he was 'all that' on BF2, and whenever somebody killed him he'd say "he's using hack cheats". The once I killed the guy that killed my mate after my mate said that and he then said "well done, he was using 1-shot-not-likely hack!"

Quite funny, I got killed a lot on BF2 but I couldn't care less to be honest, so long as I'm enjoying it.
Yep happens to me all the time on 1.6. Been used to it for 4 years now and you just learn to live with it.

Don't play to much on public servers now anyway, just play gathers and mixes then clan games.
It's in every online game, more so with CS though, and yes indeed there will be more kiddies about being it's the summer holidays.

I wish I was good enough to be accused of hacking :'(
CSS is fun, however I find myself resorting to childish sarcastic comments at the kids. Best is when they ask why I am so old and why I play CSS, I offer them sweeties at this point :)
Ive just this second been called a cheat n DOD:S altho i can see why he thought that, its seemed like i had a sixth sense, and new when he was coming round the corner most times, othertimes it was pure luck :cool: I was on fire with the sniper rifle :cool:
Tigjaw said:
yup I had a friend who thought he was 'all that' on BF2, and whenever somebody killed him he'd say "he's using hack cheats". The once I killed the guy that killed my mate after my mate said that and he then said "well done, he was using 1-shot-not-likely hack!"

Quite funny, I got killed a lot on BF2 but I couldn't care less to be honest, so long as I'm enjoying it.

I've found that a lot of the problems/"cheating" in BF2 is a result of dodgy connections and buggy netcode, the game has spazzy moments that makes it seem like people are cheating. I've seen it a lot when I'm playing and when watching others.
HicRic said:
I've found that a lot of the problems/"cheating" in BF2 is a result of dodgy connections and buggy netcode, the game has spazzy moments that makes it seem like people are cheating. I've seen it a lot when I'm playing and when watching others.

I know what you mean, it does look like it sometimes, but my friend said this guy cheated just because he killed my mate easy (turned round the corner and bang). It was one of the rare times I was lagless too!
I've noticed in my time of playing online games, NO games are taken as seriously as CS and CS:S. The player base are like, the most serious gamers i have ever seen and cant stand losing. I think itll be that way till its death tbh.
Its the complaining about hacking that put me off CSS

first got it along with HL2 a year or so ago, played it went onto a random server and killed the top scorer with a pistol. Needless to say he bitched constantly till the point where I soleley went after him until he left.

and I suck on CSS :p
i always used to get accused of cheating in CS:S and 1.6, because i was l33t! :D

However its never happened in BF2, and i dont think i see many cheaters in battlefield either compared to CS.
The one game I have never seen childishness problems like this is in UT2004.
People actually say "wow your good" rather than bitching that you hacking. :)
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