CS - Apparently I am a "n00b hax0r"

rayb74 said:
Are you players that are called Haxors really that good?
I have been playing CS for a few years now and know the maps pretty well and tactics. I can anticipate where people will be e.t.c.

I always seem to end up near the upper middle of a table.
Every time I end up with a 1 on 1 with someone 95% of the time I will always loose. Even If I creep up on people And start shooting them in the head 7/10 they will turn round and waste me.
Now am I just playing with crap settings ?
Are you guys playing with really good settings?
Sometimes when watching other players they never seem to be on target yet get kills !
On the odd occasion I will seem to hit everything I aim at and end up top of a server!
P.S. I never use Auto or AWP !

Im afraid its all about aim*. Even people who get good scores on public, most of the time dont aim well. There is still a massive collection of people who dont usually inhabit public servers because they are fed up with baiting and useless team mates. These are usually the people who appear for 5-10 minutes in a warm up before pcwing whilst people are getting on ts2/vent, completely dominate the public with lots of accusations of cheating/camping sites, then leave as quickly as they have come.

*Aim not being in a crouched position at a choke point, but being able to place the cursor whilst strafeing different directions. Watch people with good scores on public, most strafe back and forth firing at the correct height of the target but not ajusting to their movement...still eventually gets them frags but is by no means aim.
played CS for years. Pretty much stopped when i went to Uni as couldn't play in halls and my laptop makes the play jerky as hell. New PC for next year and might wire up to the router rather than using wifi so i think it will be back to online gaming for me a bit in my spare time :)
cs has ALWAYS been full of cheating accusations but it got a lot worse after the beta's i think.

can't wait for TF2. TFC, DoD and Natural Selection always offered a good wind down and change of scene to the whining. I hope they get a next gen NS sorted to be honest. It is a class game.
The answer to avoid being called a "H4x0rA" all the time is to find a good community, and stay with them. eg. No Fear who are my clan, who also have VERY close ties with Cows With Guns . Between these two servers there is a great community. People will be removed for being donkeyholes like screaming hacker all the time. They generally have a really good community of players on both server, the regs for one are the same on the other. Find just such a community and you're sorted, haven't been on another server in months.
but if you dont join other servers and meet new players you'll never improve, have fun being average.
Anim said:
but if you dont join other servers and meet new players you'll never improve, have fun being average.

not really, the players on these are all medium-high skill level, im near the lower end of them. Its not like they give out stalee tactics, there are constantly new surprises from everyone. I dont play to "be the best" anyway, i play to have fun. Which you need a good server/community to do.
This is the reason i stopped playing CS, I was very good at it and I coupldn't go in any other server (outside my favourite where i knoew the regulars) and not get called a hacker. People don't realise how bad they are and how much skill other people have, aswell as the occasional luck factor where you spray and get a kill.

When u reach the point of getting called a cheat every time you play then you know its time to take it to the next level of play and stop pubbing and get a team where you can play without the abuse (usually).

This is the reason I don't pub in CoD2 no more as I go in with a couple of team mates and own everything that moves and we get called hackers and cheats just becuase we're better than a lot of people.

Meh my 2 cents
I just play IL2 now, the only problems you get then are "GOD DAMN YAK-3 ROCKETPLANING NOOOOB!"

Usually comes from a K-4 pilot oddly...
Andr3w said:
rofl i laughed so hard at that i farted
lol!! I was laughing at his message too and I burst into more laughter after reading this.

I already farted though.

I stopped playing CSS to play WoW but before I quit I used to play pretty much daily and got really quit good at it. About half a year later I come back to play for the first time. I wasn't playing particularily good but I wasn't a noob either and straight away I was getting accused of cheats. I say it is much worse now than it used to be.
I disagree. I think it's more fun just finding a decent public and pwning noobs :p

Me and my mate used to just troll publics until we found a decent server and made friends etc. Sometimes finding open clan servers and becoming a regular is much better and play with the clan members.

Once me and my mate decided we were good enough to join a clan, the fun got sucked straight out of it. It loses the fun element when you try and play "professionally".

Well it did for me anyway.

I'm not really a clan type person but I enjoy playing with other clans. Just not officially.
I usually play on public to either play with friends, or to warm up. As I said I have not played for at least 3 months so have been a bit rusty...

I usually play on clan servers though. I find your team are more helpful to, rather than not covering bomb sites/hostages/whatever.
Scott Salisbury said:
I disagree. I think it's more fun just finding a decent public and pwning noobs :p

Once me and my mate decided we were good enough to join a clan, the fun got sucked straight out of it. It loses the fun element when you try and play "professionally".

Its a completely different type of game. I enjoy the fact the last thing your thinking about is how many frags you have got and concentrating on how you your buddies can make your team win the round. It also adds a massive tactical element your never going to get in public, becuase things need to be pre-meditated, practised and perfected.
Dont get me wrong i do like the noob bashing on public, but there is a lot less satisfaction to topping a public to winning a match.
I hate to say it but this is why I don't play HL2 or any source engine based game on the internet.

Too many people think good = cheating.

They give the game a really bad name, a little bit unfair on the people who actually are good.
rayb74 said:
This is not aimed at anyone in a bad way .......

Are you players that are called Haxors really that good?
I have been playing CS for a few years now and know the maps pretty well and tactics. I can anticipate where people will be e.t.c.

I always seem to end up near the upper middle of a table.
Every time I end up with a 1 on 1 with someone 95% of the time I will always loose. Even If I creep up on people And start shooting them in the head 7/10 they will turn round and waste me.
Now am I just playing with crap settings ?
Are you guys playing with really good settings?
Sometimes when watching other players they never seem to be on target yet get kills !
On the odd occasion I will seem to hit everything I aim at and end up top of a server!
P.S. I never use Auto or AWP !

A lot of good players don't play on public servers because they are no challenge. I found when I was playing ET I could get scores of say 80+ kills - 10 deaths on publics where as playing against good players (in matches) your lucky if you make a couple of kills before you die. Even when ET was at its peak there were only really 2 servers out of the thousands where decent people used to play on. I presume its pretty similar with CS/CSS.

There is also your config setup - Its not cheating but you can tweak it massively. You can pretty much guarantee most clan players will be at the max settings the leagues allow (lego mode wise). This gives quite a big increase in your game play.. things like turning shadows off etc.. and muzzle flash.

To the op, you just accept that you will get called a cheat when playing publics, some people don't like to die :).
Una said:
There is also your config setup - Its not cheating but you can tweak it massively. You can pretty much guarantee most clan players will be at the max settings the leagues allow (lego mode wise). This gives quite a big increase in your game play.. things like turning shadows off etc.. and muzzle flash.
Hey this sounds interesting, you wouldnt happen to know of a site or anything that explains it more would you?. My FPS are between 80-200 so would turning off shadows etc really make a difference?.

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