CS - Apparently I am a "n00b hax0r"

I stopped playing on public CS servers ages ago, and recently quit my clan mainly because when we won we where "cheating" and would be "reported to admins" etc, and when we lost it was all "omg you suzors" etc etc, hardly a fun game.
I love it when someone accuses you, you tell them where to stick it then they return to the server suited and booted with all the cheats possible.

The height of stupidity?
I'm not surprised at all that people get called cheats, theres are loads about and a quick google and you can have aim bot and wall hack and all sorts of other hacks. Its obvious that loads of people must be using them so if someone is doing really well it could be quite possible they are cheating. I'm rubbish but would never cheat as that would take all the fun out of it for me and it annoys me to think that there are people running about seeing me as a bright blue target or whatever :mad: .

Ive never called anyone a cheat nor have i been called a cheat prolly due to me being so rubbish.

I don't play CS 1.6 anymore (stopped about 2 years ago), but any decent player (i.e a cut above anyone else on the server) will be called a hax0r.
if you're better than them then you're a hax0r... hmm im a big fan of Counter Strike Source, i usually just ignore the comments, you'll always get the odd whiner in public servers, good thing the server i join doesn't have too many of them... it's all for fun though. :p
PinkFloyd said:
The one game I have never seen childishness problems like this is in UT2004.
People actually say "wow your good" rather than bitching that you hacking. :)

Or "nice shot" when I nail someone mid-air with the lightning gun, "thank you"s when we complement the other side. The mandatory "good game" at the end too. :)
Apparently I use a double gravity hack in LFS so I stick to the road better :s

Didn't think I was that good at it :p

It is bad though.

Most of the time I have to say that I go to Clan Server, and so the complaints are somewhat minimal... mostly since I am around the same skill as half of them (better than a few, worse than a few).

Public is what makes me laugh though... the amount of times I have been asked to leave a PUBLIC (like ADSLguide) because 2 or 3 friends want a practice match is amazing... it ends up being me vs them :/
where is the actual place where you report hackers anyway? As I recorded a hacker the otherday speedhacking/aim bot etc etc... Nothing like steam bans though, as thats crap, because the demo has to be recorded on thir servers now, and if its not and u submit the demo, you get suspended :S Noobs.

But yeah I know the feeling, I used to get it all the time when i was good. I stopped playing back in December, but started to get back in to it again because bf2 patch just p****d me off so mutch it was un-true.

If anyone feels like having a game off css add my xfire ;) could do with playing with a few, much more fun. Hexin275 is the add :)
Damn, tbh, i miss the days i called a haxing noob. Got such a bad net connection now i can't hit things anymore.
The last time I played Q4 I railed somebody who was standing still on a ledge and apparently that was conclusive proof of me using a bot :rolleyes:
This is not aimed at anyone in a bad way .......

Are you players that are called Haxors really that good?
I have been playing CS for a few years now and know the maps pretty well and tactics. I can anticipate where people will be e.t.c.

I always seem to end up near the upper middle of a table.
Every time I end up with a 1 on 1 with someone 95% of the time I will always loose. Even If I creep up on people And start shooting them in the head 7/10 they will turn round and waste me.
Now am I just playing with crap settings ?
Are you guys playing with really good settings?
Sometimes when watching other players they never seem to be on target yet get kills !
On the odd occasion I will seem to hit everything I aim at and end up top of a server!
P.S. I never use Auto or AWP !
When me and my housemate use to play CS:S at uni we often got people calling us hackers. Which was sort of right I supoose because when one of us died we would zoom arround the map and find people for the other one to kill both PCs being next to one another. Mwahaha :D
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