So is the gameplay exactly the same as it was in the original CS? It looks so immature in that respect to the likes of COD.
How many new maps are they creating for GO?
It looks so immature in that respect to the likes of COD.
It looks so immature in that respect to the likes of COD.
I like it so far, great fun playing a nice new fresh Counter StrikeI'm sure I'll have some things I don't like by the time the day is up though
cl_showfps 1
I would hardly call it fresh and new though....
Really it is more like a patch for CSS....
So what's the game like, I'm after a decent FPS to play on pub servers, gone off CS:S since my regular servers all died and don't like either the recent cods or Battlefields. Could this be a decent game for me? I've heard it's not up to 1.6 standards but then that's not really what I'm after.