CS:GO Discussion

Think I like rust pattern

We doing a ten man apparently if people on

Me and robbo were the other 2 but we wanna get our golden AK so played MM instead.
I had a cheater yesterday, well 2 on opposite team. They were playing like silvers getting battered 11:4 and all suddenly they flick shot everyone with HS. But after that match I had another go as I don't care about my rank that much and ESEA subscription run out.

This happened, I thought they were silvers at first. My stats are pretty bad as I was rushing most of the time with awp :p

Well I got back to MGE yesterday after a loss and a win. The loss match I was paired with a Russian, a Ukranian, a Czech and a Pole on Dust 2. The communication was effectively zero and as a result we were getting stomped. Top fragged both teams yet still lost by a large margin, probably not helped because I couldn't be bothered playing a team game when the team consists of me.

Second match on Cache was much better! Everyone on the team understood and spoke English (bar the one chap who didn't have a mic, but he typed well enough) and it was a really good game all round! Again top fragging without much issue.

I just don't understand why Eastern Europeans get queued for EU West servers in Luxembourg. EU East in Vienna and EU North in Stockholm would return much better latencies for them, so no idea why they don't queue for those instead! C'est la vie!

So 38 wins in total from 67 matches total now. Just wished I hadn't have played the game when I was on mobile broadband, should have been ranked higher than MGE to start with. Not that it bothers too much, the people I usually play with are all Gold Novas (albeit one should be a similar rank to me), so creating too much of a rank-gap just makes it unfair on them anyway!

New config that I'm using seems to be having the desired (placebo) effect too, hitting so many more of my shots now!
Anyone wanting to play some MM please add my steam, I play regularly and always up for a game.

Current rank is MGE.

Steam = tommyVicious (Friends name is tommyV). I won't post a direct link to my profile, as my picture is a bit rude. It rhymes with Thomas the tank engine :p
I do know mou53y assuming he's a 20 something gas head from the bristol area who used to play CSsource with Rasta gaming
Ranked up the other day :D

Master Guardian Elite :cool:

Updated the SpreadSheet


I'm not the most graceful Scout or Awper and usually leave people arguing over who's AWPING.

But in a painful solo que here is what happened when I thought I would try the scout, again not the most graceful missed few shots a very bad peak with a slow scope in etc but I was past caring :D https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pvVSm2FE7Ro&feature=youtu.be

Plus I am aware of how easy they made it for me :D (Perhaps down to how they were rekting us) Also this was as MG2
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Could anyone make this method a bit clearer? I've done it 3x now and I always get the sens I started with which is my 360 sens....

BTW Has anyone tried this?

mr_sneakyTV said:
The following is a more exact process that takes longer but doesn't leave room for potential errors. The same method will be used to determine the better sensitivity at each stage, strafing while keeping your crosshair on a fixed target.

Find the sensitivity that completes a 360 moving your mouse across your mousepad from one end to the other. For me that number is 2.5, take yours and multiply it by .5 and write the number down, then take your 360 sensitivity again and multiply it by 1.5 and write that down.
It should look like this:

360 sens = 2.5

2.5 x .5 = 1.25

2.5 x 1.5 = 3.75

Low - 1.25

Average - 2.5

High - 3.75

Now perform the test, moving back and forth and determine which crosshair you are steadier with after about 5 minutes with your high and low sensitivity(mine being 1.25 and 3.75)
After determining which one is worse for you, cross it out:

if that leaves you liking the higher sensitivity
multiply it by 1.2, so for me it would be 3.75 x 1.2 = 4.5

if that leaves you liking the lower sensitivity
multiply it by .8, so for me it would be 1.25 x .8 = 1
Take your new sensitivity and add it to your 360 sensitivity and then divide by 2.

(2.5 + 4.5) / 2 = 3.5 OR (2.5 + 1) / 2 = 1.75

So now you have the following

Low - 2.5

Average - 3.5

High - 4.5


Low - 1

Average - 1.75

High - 2.5

Now repeat the test using your new high and low sensitivity, cross out the worst of the two. Next instead of using 1.2 and .8 as your multiplier, change it to 1.05 and .95
So if you were testing between 2.5 and 4.5 and liked 2.5 better after that test, you would do the following:

2.5 x .95 = 2.375

So you would be left with 2.375 and 3.5, add them and divide by 2.

(2.375 + 3.5) / 2 = 2.938

So you have the following:

Low - 2.375

Average - 2.938

High - 3.5

repeat this process until finding your perfect sensitivity. After the first 5 tests I changed my multipliers from 1.2 and .8 to 1.05 and .95 allowing me to be more precise with my adjustments.
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Could anyone make this method a bit clearer? I've done it 3x now and I always get the sens I started with which is my 360 sens....

BTW Has anyone tried this?

Yea I did that and I got like a quarter sens now but I need a bigger mousepad/desk
Try the youtube vid, it was slightly confusing .
The loss match I was paired with a Russian, a Ukranian, a Czech and a Pole on Dust 2. The communication was effectively zero and as a result we were getting stomped.

I just don't understand why Eastern Europeans get queued for EU West servers in Luxembourg. EU East in Vienna and EU North in Stockholm would return much better latencies for them

Yea that does kinda suck unless you dont mind solo play. You can opt to play on USA east servers, I do find that can work as the other team often has a person with similar ping. With USA being a big place, I reckon mm balance looks at ping also

The russians opt to play on west servers deliberately in some cases.
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Two things!

I've been bouncing around LE/LEM for a while now (pre ban-waves), haven't played too much recently but yer. Queued a few games tonight as LEM and the skill level over all of people is drastically lower. I couldn't believe the over all skill level of some people, literally lower than many AK's I've seen.

I guess the ranks really did get shifted massively due to the ban-waves.

secondly a tail of two hackers!

Just had a game now and ow my. The other team (4 players playing together and 1 random) had an obvious spin hacker boosting them to whatever rank. the usual HS's while looking at the floor and etc.

3rd round in and a guy on my team obviously turns his hacks on, goes and kills them all in a few seconds, and gets VAC banned by the end of the 5th round. 9 Hour account, first time I've seen someone get VAC'd while playing.

So there we are 4v5 Vs. another hacker and the friends he is boosting.

Sad sad sad. Even with all the bans recently, there are still so many around.
See I havent seen this rank shift in solo queue as every game I have soloed has put me in a game with on average 5 sub 100 hour accounts spread across both teams. Seemingly they try hard when on the opposite team to me or play terribly and dont care when on my team.

All this supposed rank shift has done is put me up against more smurfs than usual.

Playing with TwsT today at around DMG+ level and no smurfs.

Must just be that MG1 is the lowest that high level players are willing to smurf at because there is loads of them.

Sort of wish there was a reporting option for smurfing in the reporting/overwatch feature.
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