CS:GO Discussion

I'm LE and enjoying playing vs supremes that aren't cheating :)

getting shoulder peaked by legit players and then getting owned isn't so degrading as being owned by a player who misses every shot except the one he shouldn't be looking for.
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all the cheaters gave us unrealistic expectations of what a good player is?

Cheaters arent usually any good at csgo, I think many dont even like the game. Its more of a trolling expedition, not much point speaking to an enemy team as I think they enjoy any feedback like that .
They dont demonstrate any good style in their play. Thats how its obvious a lot of the time, the disparity that a really bad player is able to top frag.
A hacker wont do anything you can learn from, they are basically lazy. Pre aim and pre fire mostly
a lot of hack games turn stupid, bizon rush or p90 becomes very prevalent and as a counter even you do better to forget angles just jump round a corner to kill them.

If a lot of the players now are bad its because stupid tactics work vs hackers, so its going to take time for people to develop but theres lots of hacks rising back up. I said that about silver rank, you can see good players there (in potential) but because every game is trash almost casual or deathmatch you wont really progress

People disappearing from player popular would change more then a simple derank. Mg1 is close to the average overall rank, the broadest range vs ge or silver 1 which should be rare and smallest numbers of players afaik

- reload when pushing angles
- need to be told by spectating team mates when they have seen enemy players.
The 2nd can be graphics settings or something like digital vibrance I think. Possibly 4:3 vs 16:9
bad reload would maybe be inexperience and the rapid change in ranks. Ive seen a few I used to play in silver games gained maybe 9 ranks and theres only 18 total so they a fast learner maybe. Others probably need more of these no hack not silly casual style game experience to tune out silly mistakes. My natural levels of derp are quite high as I play when a bit tired which makes a large effect for me

Found a nifty server, pbfortress. The map starts with T on the site with bomb planted, you must retake. Very fast like deathmatch I guess but good practise I think.
Also you can load any skin on any gun looks like. Downside, its usa but plays fine for me and too easy to kill if anything
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Last 10 games at LEM/Supreme:

Two good games 14-16 both on inferno.

One game we annihilated the other team.

Two standard wins.

One game just now in which a (Russian) chappy was WHing and admitted to it. Shooting people doors/smokes with an awp.

Two people using spinhack to boost children to GE, said children spamming "rekt" and the likes in chat/microphone at half time (only one has been VAC'd so far).

Two different games with people using "silent" cheats got VAC'd within 24 hours.

I've never in 13 years of CS seen so many OBVIOUS cheats than I have in the last week. I guess it has something to do with all the cheaters who have been banned in the last 2-3 weeks worth of ban waves re-buying accounts and wanting to be boosted/cheat back up.
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Yes I would say that is my experience as well.

I mainly play public and I have seen more blatant cheats in the last week than I have in the last two years.

Possibly they lost their long term accounts and now just trying to ruin it for everyone out of spite?
How much is CS now? £12 or so? Realistically I think valve could charge up to maybe £20, but I Doubt it's going to reduce cheating at all. You will still have places like g2a selling it for £10 or under.

They just need to keep on top of the bans, keep banning as many idiots as possible. Make it more effort than it's worth. I've seen so many 200-600 hour played accounts banned recently, even some idiots with knifes. Quite funny really.

The last 3-4 weeks have seen quite a few public hacks busted, they just need to keep on top of it now. Realistically valve will never stay ahead of the scum who pay for private hacks, but the public ones they need to get locked down asap after updates.

I think overwatch needs to be promoted more, some rewards for doing it (properly), the biggest issue right now is you can only spot the blatent hackers, the ones aiming and blatently WHIng. The low life's trying to hide it are a lot harder due to the crappy tick rate, obviously I don't know the technicalities of the system but valve need to Get us watching full 64 tick demos of suspects.
Played a few MM games last night, I'd only played 2 I think since the ranking system got shaken up.

I stand by what I said last time there really is a lot of people now at LEM/SMFC (I'm SMFC) who previously would have struggled to get out of DMG. It really has had a massive impact.
Getting really tired of this... Of the past 5 games I've played I've won two and lost three, but I'm always top fragging/most MVPs and trying to call all the strats - feel like since the VAC ban waves I'm having to do a lot more work to make sure my team wins the rounds.

This game, for example, was a joke. 14-8 up, lose 14-16 as if I didn't get at least one entry frag the entire team fell apart.


As an addendum, is it just me or are the Poles the most toxic nation in this game? Opposition was a 5-man Polish stack - constant swearing, kurwy/kurwa etc, trash-talking and flaming. Ridiculous.
Wink, I think you applies to every rank. After a hard ass BF4 game last night two others and me thought we'd go smash some low rank noobs on our smurf accs so all DMG/LE (xD) and each got 20-30 kills. The 2 randies on our team got 5 kills combined. 1 Being DMG and 1 being LE. Silver movement and the aim....oh boy
Wink, I think you applies to every rank. After a hard ass BF4 game last night two others and me thought we'd go smash some low rank noobs on our smurf accs so all DMG/LE (xD) and each got 20-30 kills. The 2 randies on our team got 5 kills combined. 1 Being DMG and 1 being LE. Silver movement and the aim....oh boy

Didn't know i was playing :D
Was just about to ask the same..

Seems that my inventory is screwed and that its integration into CS has resulted in that falling over. Part of me is hoping this is related to a new operation going live :D
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