Its a good point about choosing maps, comp is fairly unique so I dont blame people upset about it. The main reason to buy csgo is comp, most of the rest is close to previous versions
Also the XP rank 3 thing is hardest on the lowest players. If above average skill, DM is no challenge and most pub players feel like bots in their delayed responses, no effort required here and you are getting high scores every time you log on to do any game mode.
If average or a newer player, they will struggle and its a tougher burden getting to rank 3
I still like that they put in XP system. Comp with hacks is a joke so any attempt to stem the tide at all is great. I recommend learning smokes during the xp grind for something useful.
It dont stop hacks, but its a bit more awkward as some avoid OW by playing 10 different accounts maybe so thats a lot of grind in order to troll comp
Skadoodle did a 1 v 5 ace last night as his team was losing the map (vs a team on 5%) -
replay is live now . Main thing was the smoke he used for 3k, pretty much a one way mirror thing.
I wish some dm games had smoke in there, they could limit that nade buy to once per 5 minutes. just normal smoke is fine, this one is glitchy also
didn't even load up CS since Falchion was released
I dont think any of the maps deserve to return and the missions just boost xp which if you play a lot anyway isnt needed. In theory its allows a dragonlore to drop etc
All my analysis will be completely free for my final 2 months. Also, I reveal my lounge stats and betting history:
Ideal Arms race xp for me, 412 seconds = 72 +216xp or 1 rank per 17 maps
or 2 hours for a rank. Ok that does suck lol
brianlev_valveValve Employee 331 points 4 hours ago
All reports against cheaters are helpful. You should always report a player if you suspect they are cheating, regardless of the game mode or context.
Also, we’ve noticed a lot of people talking about the criteria for a reported player entering Overwatch (e.g., “players need X reports in a day to enter Overwatch”). So far, none of these descriptions have been accurate. While we won’t reveal our process here, we can say that we do not rely on simple thresholds or easily-bypassed time windows.