CS:GO Discussion

You're rank 8 because you play competitive, you get loads more xp playing competitive compared to the other game modes, even if you do well.

DM is like 20% of your score iirc, not half of it, on another forum I thought it was funny when someone posted about how quick it is to get rank 3 while showing a screenshot of how much xp Overwatch gives. In the screenshot it showed that they got ~160xp for a DM including the full 300% weekly bonus.

I spend more time in Arms race/DM/Casual doing missions and messing about/Practicing than I do in Comp so try again.

I just dedicate time to the game. You are miffed because you feel you should be able to go on and play without this wall...I agree in some aspects and disagree in others. The wall is there to stop casuals/Smurfs/New acccounts going straight into MM and potentially ruining it for others. It is similar to the argument of everyone having access to everything within WoW. You want it...dedicate the time to getting it. If not, Be content with what you have.
I don't understand people whining about the whole Rank 3 thing. It's a good thing, not a bad thing.

Me and my friends (all of us are global elite) would have bought a 3rd account in sale to just smurf at lower levels on, if it wasn't for this level 3 stuff that is. I'm sure many will think the same.

It does take some time and effort grinding, but not THAT long really on the other hand though it's gonna block a whole bunch of people from buying an account to just rage hack for a few games, or in a lot of cases stop people from smurfing so easily.

Just go DM and practice your aim till you are rank 3. I promise you, you will be a much better player for it.
I don't understand people whining about the whole Rank 3 thing. It's a good thing, not a bad thing.

As i've said a couple of times now. They changed the game so i cannot access a mode that was previously available and is pretty much all i played. So yea it's pretty annoying and feels like i have to grind to get there.
You can access that mode perfectly fine if you just play the game.

It should make the experience better for you in the long run as when you do start playing competitively there should be less smurfs and cheaters.
As i've said a couple of times now. They changed the game so i cannot access a mode that was previously available and is pretty much all i played. So yea it's pretty annoying and feels like i have to grind to get there.

I agree its a bit harsh to remove it from people who already had it, I think they will wait a few weeks and bump it up to lvl 5 or higher once people are at that level, if they went straight in at 5/10 there would have been massive uproar.

They could have just put it on lvl 1 for the first week or so so people can still play MM while getting up to lvl 3/5/10 or whatever. With 1000 hours in I would have been supremely annoyed if I went away for 2 weeks came back and tried to queue with friends only to find out I had to grind 3 levels first.
I've got ~1.2k hours. Stopped for a months due to Uni and now I can't play competitive :(

I'll probably need the DM though to get my aim back.

Don't know why I have to pay to increase the rate of being able to do something that I could have done a few weeks ago -.-'
I'm rank 8 mainly from ******* around, I'ver enjoyed haviung a reason to play other modes. me and rjk did the guardian missions dead good fun could do with the skill cap being higher so it becomes like a 2 v 5 brush but either way :D
I think they will wait a few weeks and bump it up to lvl 5 or higher once people are at that level

To me it makes sense for them to set the cap at the meta/average for all players. that way it is ever changing.

once you can play MM it shouldnt matter anyway as a few MM games should boost the XP score so much that a meta based rank cap shouldnt even apply to you.

thats what im hoping for anyway, that and more tearful moments about it in this thread.

Don't know why I have to pay to increase the rate of being able to do something that I could have done a few weeks ago -.-'

Its £4. less than the price of a beer in a pub.

in one single update, valve have eliminated smurfs, cheaters, poor people and cry babies. :cool:
in one single update, valve have eliminated smurfs, cheaters, poor people and cry babies. :cool:

If level 3 is so easy to get, it hasn't eliminated neither smurfs or cheaters. You will never eliminate smurfs/cheaters. Only way to eliminate cheaters is if you introduce cloud based gaming, which is still a fair bit away.

I've got all operations, from Payback to Vanguard. I didn't even load up CS since Falchion was released, so no idea how I could have bought it.

Not sure how it eliminates cry babies. Have you not visited /r/globaloffensive. 128 tick, hitboxes, and 100s of other complaints.
Its a good point about choosing maps, comp is fairly unique so I dont blame people upset about it. The main reason to buy csgo is comp, most of the rest is close to previous versions

Also the XP rank 3 thing is hardest on the lowest players. If above average skill, DM is no challenge and most pub players feel like bots in their delayed responses, no effort required here and you are getting high scores every time you log on to do any game mode.
If average or a newer player, they will struggle and its a tougher burden getting to rank 3

I still like that they put in XP system. Comp with hacks is a joke so any attempt to stem the tide at all is great. I recommend learning smokes during the xp grind for something useful.
It dont stop hacks, but its a bit more awkward as some avoid OW by playing 10 different accounts maybe so thats a lot of grind in order to troll comp

Skadoodle did a 1 v 5 ace last night as his team was losing the map (vs a team on 5%) - replay is live now . Main thing was the smoke he used for 3k, pretty much a one way mirror thing.
I wish some dm games had smoke in there, they could limit that nade buy to once per 5 minutes. just normal smoke is fine, this one is glitchy also

didn't even load up CS since Falchion was released
I dont think any of the maps deserve to return and the missions just boost xp which if you play a lot anyway isnt needed. In theory its allows a dragonlore to drop etc
All my analysis will be completely free for my final 2 months. Also, I reveal my lounge stats and betting history: https://www.facebook.com/CSGOAA/pho...828.1546442222243368/1666657233555199/?type=1

Ideal Arms race xp for me, 412 seconds = 72 +216xp or 1 rank per 17 maps :o or 2 hours for a rank. Ok that does suck lol

brianlev_valveValve Employee 331 points 4 hours ago
All reports against cheaters are helpful. You should always report a player if you suspect they are cheating, regardless of the game mode or context.

Also, we’ve noticed a lot of people talking about the criteria for a reported player entering Overwatch (e.g., “players need X reports in a day to enter Overwatch”). So far, none of these descriptions have been accurate. While we won’t reveal our process here, we can say that we do not rely on simple thresholds or easily-bypassed time windows.
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TwsT just got the most disgusting set of kills I have seen in a while.

I'm sure he will be along with a poorly put together video to mark the occasion anyway.

meanwhile. I ranked up to MGE. happy days.

edit* the spreadsheet is locked
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uploading as we speak.

Absolutely terrible play but hilarious

I can still edit the SS so I updated it for you Rjk

any one else need updating just let me know i'll add it
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it isnt now. cheers for moving my rank joel. took all the bloody fun out of it.

its not 'official' until its 'ocuk spreadsheet official'.
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