I noticed one of my skins had spiked in the past price graph, so listed it way higher then its worth and its done it again and this time its 2000% higher over night for some reason.
Just a trash skin but I got tons of these things, pity this is definitely not normal
Mirage galil, maybe its a mission or someone is cornering the market; steam markets be crazy yo
One inv I saw had 30 pages of the banned p90 huntsman skin
Well worn.
I can only assume that's bad.
Thats 2nd from bottom but it can depend on the pattern too. If you screenshot, up load to cloud and click the pic, the very last big picture it shows, copy that link and it'll hot link as a picture here.
There is a numerical float value, so 0.1 is FN I think and well worn is like .35, so you can get good and bad variation under that label also, see csgostash
I put some really bad float skins on lounge for fnatic to win, pointless odds but might get back better in the mix