CS:GO Discussion

If you get a silly mm game use it for practicing smokes and you can move your game forward even on otherwise pointless maps. Or some other kind of strat especially if you arent solo like being flashed through by a teammate, basic stuff but I know on lower ranks its not used or done properly and it makes a difference to have this easily ready. Then on the next proper game you arent as likely to lose.

Steel is going over C9 win demo from yesterday

We need 2 more for MM, playing around MG1 rank anyone interested
Add people from the spreadsheet

:confused: Never seen such a high value drop, that's mental!

I got dropped the top weapon from Train, Lake and Dust collection. Its just they not worth anything unfortunately, the Dust deagle is used by some pro players and its impossible to get now so I presume it'll go up eventually but I think everyone in the game wants the dragon lore even people who dont awp

I put some really bad float skins on lounge for fnatic to win, pointless odds but might get back better in the mix

Pretty easy game for fnatic overall though keyd did well on train. Zero winnings for me as I thought but I just returned my same skins back and some now have stickers, win lol :p Apparently some 2 dollar skins have 100 dollar stickers, not likely to get it from lounge maybe market possibly if lucky

27% for CLG vs C9 seems well off to me [nope clg played :eek: looked like, can never tell which head they'll put on]
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My friends reactions during the rank up where superb as 3 of us ranked up to GN4 whilst he remained at GN3 :D (he ranked up next match though, thankfully!)

I'm sitting at GNM, hoping to rank up soon :) what's everyone's playtimes like? I keep saying I'm pretty new to CS GO with only 177 hours but maybe that's actually quite a lot? Either way, looking forward to hopping into some games with you guys :D
Seen people with 1000 hours at double AK. 177 hours Isn't very much, assuming you never played 1-1.6 / source. I'm about 1100 hours at global, with (according to steam) 650 hours on 1.6, but I'm pretty sure its way higher than that really.
I'm really dense and can't find the ESL event listings page. I was told that there was a big match on today and I'd like to watch it if possible - I've never really sat down with a mind to watch an event.

If anyone has a link to a schedule / site to watch on that would be great :)
I'm really dense and can't find the ESL event listings page. I was told that there was a big match on today and I'd like to watch it if possible - I've never really sat down with a mind to watch an event.

If anyone has a link to a schedule / site to watch on that would be great :)


Winner gets $100k. Loser gets $60k.

Streams are found on the right hand middle side of that page. ESL UK stream is the main one.
Abuse started from the first round mainly reported/reported/reported/hacker/hacker/hacker :rolleyes: Perhaps the USP first round ACE had something to do with it :D

Purposely tried to keep my rank lower to play with friends who are a mix of Nova's but last game was actually quite tough due to the situations my team left me in (constantly 3v1 situations where the bomb has been dropped in mid etc) but WE :p managed the win.

Shame no one from the forum hit me up :(

I dont see how C9 can challenge them, too much of what they do is on the fly. Everybody knows in game if you recognise where somebody already might be and peek on that basis then its advantage so C9 being confused at all or unable to recognise Fnatic movements (before) means they die

Sometimes teams can dictate the pace of a game, burst in and surprise, aggressive bias partly from very good aim. But Fnatic has more set strats, they execute them in a way all members know beforehand so in bo5 its hard to beat just their default level of knowledge on a wider range of maps.
hltv said:
C9_Skadoodle leads the event in all AWP categories - 80 total kills, 0.50 per round, at least 1 kill in 33% of rnds

Pointless odds though, map history was with older roster.

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Balls, just managed to move up to MG1 after taking a chance on solo-queuing, all four others on the team played well and communicated properly as well. Problem is I feel I'm out of my league now :p
Balls, just managed to move up to MG1 after taking a chance on solo-queuing, all four others on the team played well and communicated properly as well. Problem is I feel I'm out of my league now :p

congrats, I just ranked up to MG1 last night as well but I normally play pre made 5 mans rather than solo!
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