i find the in game chat fine and never really needed TS
in game comms have improved significantly since the patch which addressed it. not felt the real need for TS since then either.
i find the in game chat fine and never really needed TS
in game comms have improved significantly since the patch which addressed it. not felt the real need for TS since then either.
in game comms have improved significantly since the patch which addressed it. not felt the real need for TS since then either.
but.....if you are only 2-3, if you don't use TS, how are you going to talk doo doo about your team mates?
you can lobby with anyone but you might need a full lobby of 5.
You must win 10 to get a rank
Hey Joe no you don't. Unranked can play with up to GNM/MG1 iirc
Update History
November 21, 2014
Added three restrictions to Competitive Matchmaking:
If a player does not have a competitive Skill Group, they will not be able to queue in a party with a player having a very high Skill Group
Accounts are restricted to two Competitive wins per day until they receive their competitive Skill Group
Unless they are in a party of 5, players will not be able to queue for Competitive Matchmaking if their skill group range is very large.
Only just noticed thatAfter an update, being kicked from the game as a result of a "votekick" will not count as a player abandoning the match, and thus the vote to surrender will not be unlocked
Yea that was my guess, that'd he be determined not to repeat the last final. Looked up match history and luckily put enough on envy that I was positive overall but won bitcoin instead of skins. Next LAN is qualifers for a major I think, Hiko in actionAlso great to see KennyS finding form again.
Thanks for running the serverJust an FYI chaps
USA, Germany and Russia are the biggest centres for CSGO apparently and uk has just one team in the game, just beat the aussies I thinkNot that I have anything against Russians, Pols, Ukrainians etc...
but I'd really like to be sworn at by English players.
How do I get in a game with mostly English players?
Why is there so many russians in this game and on WEST servers.
Get matchmaked with 4 russians, not a word of english, shouting calls at me in Russian. 2 of them continually going AFK for half rounds... then all 4 of them kick me at end.
magazine Review of last update changes, summit said m4a1 is improved for him like I said, great minds think alikeInterestingly, the slower fire provides a higher amount of recoil decay in between each shot which leads to tighter handling at farther distances