CS:GO Discussion

in game comms have improved significantly since the patch which addressed it. not felt the real need for TS since then either.

In game is fine if you have a stacked lobby or nice team mates, some times however its nice having TS so you can talk between games/ without the other team mates hearing.
Well i finally got my 10 wins on my smurf which came in as MGE and my main is DMG. Really need to derank the smurf a bit to help a few folks lol
but.....if you are only 2-3, if you don't use TS, how are you going to talk doo doo about your team mates?

I'm at GNM currently after deranking and they just do it in game, some of it's amusing but the rest of the time it's just those people putting their own mess up on someone else.
Can someone help answer something for me.

My googlefu is playing up and I cannot find the answer.

Do you have to win those 10 placement games before you can team up with friends?
Update History
November 21, 2014
Added three restrictions to Competitive Matchmaking:
If a player does not have a competitive Skill Group, they will not be able to queue in a party with a player having a very high Skill Group
Accounts are restricted to two Competitive wins per day until they receive their competitive Skill Group
Unless they are in a party of 5, players will not be able to queue for Competitive Matchmaking if their skill group range is very large.


might be a useful link to keep &


I'll add them to steam group as anything useful gets lost here

After an update, being kicked from the game as a result of a "votekick" will not count as a player abandoning the match, and thus the vote to surrender will not be unlocked
Only just noticed that

Also great to see KennyS finding form again.
Yea that was my guess, that'd he be determined not to repeat the last final. Looked up match history and luckily put enough on envy that I was positive overall but won bitcoin instead of skins. Next LAN is qualifers for a major I think, Hiko in action



Just an FYI chaps
Thanks for running the server

Not that I have anything against Russians, Pols, Ukrainians etc...

but I'd really like to be sworn at by English players.

How do I get in a game with mostly English players?
USA, Germany and Russia are the biggest centres for CSGO apparently and uk has just one team in the game, just beat the aussies I think
If you can find 10 people, setup a game on here: https://popflash.site/scrim

Popflash now lets you import ESEA wins to add to MM for the total required 150
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Any time you wanna use a TS feel free to use mine

Also really handy bind for those people that would like the choice of A1 or A4 during the match without disconnecting and changing. You have to originally got the A1 selected in ur inventory then use this - bind key "buy M4A1 1" and you can have A4 as well.
Anyone is welcome on our TS, there is always between 5-10 of us playing CS (usually standard MM, but sometimes Faceit/ESEA for global trolling) pretty much each night and we're almost nearly UK based except the Battlefield/Arma guys.

ts3.interventionclan.com (password is INT)
Why is there so many russians in this game and on WEST servers :mad:.

Get matchmaked with 4 russians, not a word of english, shouting calls at me in Russian. 2 of them continually going AFK for half rounds... then all 4 of them kick me at end :confused:.
Why is there so many russians in this game and on WEST servers :mad:.

Get matchmaked with 4 russians, not a word of english, shouting calls at me in Russian. 2 of them continually going AFK for half rounds... then all 4 of them kick me at end :confused:.

Have you adjusted your MM ping down from the default?

I run mine at 50 and rarely get them now.
On tonight if anyones up for some games. MGE atm but haven't put enough time into MM to make progress, however aim feels really strong at the moment. Moved away from spamming DM servers to some decent community servers with competitve settings ( 128 but higher player count).
Although its a bit messy you can really practice holding your angles and 'nade-play'
voice_scale 0.1
you cant hear them over gunfire, 0 if they all useless

http://Popflash.site has been relaunched, open and ranked play for those on 100 wins.
If you a 30 win global with all your games on esea it handles that, clever them

Jimlad did you used to play on 50klicks ?

Interestingly, the slower fire provides a higher amount of recoil decay in between each shot which leads to tighter handling at farther distances
magazine Review of last update changes, summit said m4a1 is improved for him like I said, great minds think alike :D
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