CS:GO Discussion

Is this game worth ~£8?
Actually, what is the cheapest you can get it?

Not played any Counter Strike but have seen Pyrionflax playing a bit (in between Blood Bowl 2) and I get a little tempted.
What sort of games does it compare to?

Yes it is easily worth £8, have you been living under a rock dude?

CS doesn't really compare to other games these days. It is quite old school.
Guys, Anyone know of any Anticheat Matchmaking pickups that we are required to run Anticheat? I don't mind subscriptions, getting fed up with hackers!! 3 players all in same team with VAC bans! and walling like crazy!

I think ESL has this where you can do mixes and run their Anti cheat
me and RJK queued once and about 3 rounds in the 3 other guys were like "are you guys england?" and we were like "YEAH we're England" we played 5 games together than night as 5 won 4 of em I think. I think thats the only time it's happened.

I have never heard such shock in the voices of an individual before.

They were genuinely taken aback that other people from the UK played CSGO :p
Guys, Anyone know of any Anticheat Matchmaking pickups that we are required to run Anticheat? I don't mind subscriptions, getting fed up with hackers!! 3 players all in same team with VAC bans! and walling like crazy!


they both have clients with anticheat built in. esea you need to pay to use and cevo you can play for free if you want.


is good/new and you need to have at least 100 MM wins to play (hopefully enough that hackers will have already been banned by that point) but it doesnt have an anticheat client but its free.
I suck so bad in competitive it seems. Played one last night (solo Q) and we lost by 2 rounds, my score at the end was like 5-22. Played a casual game before that and was kicking ass. Immediately went back into casual (clearly where I belong) and won the game with 15-3.
For some reason I just can't hit a thing in a comp game lol
What is the average MM rank people queue for UK ESL mate? i'm wanted to get into competitive play although i was under the impression i shouldn't bother until i'm atleast LEM, i'm currently DMG and still climbing. Thoughts?

Cheers mate

hmm I wouldn't queue on esl i'd make a team but yeah LEM should be the min for Serious play

You might find 5 serious DMG's but you're likely to be out of your depth. Especially since the ranks are so broken.
Sounds good, I'm just fed up of playing soloQ MM at the moment, i pretty much only play with 4 IRL + as i can rely on them. struggling to find a reliable 5th at the moment and we are all DMG which is a bonus as our skill level is similar.

Played a casual game before that and was kicking ass.

Casual or plain public deathmatch might be below your rank. Try fragshack if you want to push yourself, theres probably other servers with higher skill level but casual is like mid nova I guess
I'd say 10 kills is aprox the min for ok game and even then :/
in theory you could win rounds and not kill them directly
LEM should be the min for Serious play
My recent test of esea was like that, you got to be in the region of global as theres always one in the game. I did have at least one game with all lower ranks and was good but I'm told mostly its higher ranks and esl sounds the same there.
Try popflash.site

Plenty on ocuk are dmg or close Ashley so you should pick up some more. I'll invite if I see a spot in a lobby. I find solo queue is usually 'easier' (while more chaos) then a lobby though, mm does sort them different
Sounds good, I'm just fed up of playing soloQ MM at the moment, i pretty much only play with 4 IRL + as i can rely on them. struggling to find a reliable 5th at the moment and we are all DMG which is a bonus as our skill level is similar.


look through the sheet of players and add them, im MGE and normally play a few games each night.

add me if you like
I've been playing competitive games more and more.I must have lost atlest 6-7 games in a row , now in sea of headless chickens. All fun though. I sleep as a winner!
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