CS:GO Discussion

Are you pressing the push to talk key?

I struggled with this for a bit.... I crashed the game a few times , i always thought it would always pick up what i say rather than hitting the talk key.

Is there a better setup ?
Some times its a pain to hit the key and talk , like when you spot a enemy or co-ordinated ambush.
still nothing about fixing the 4:3 stretched :/ I've tried everything and still can't sort it!
even done the whole Override the scaling mode set by games and programs under my Nvidia options.
fixing the 4:3 stretched

fixing ? I think your'll find this is the master race res. I used to be on 16:9 then 5:4 but Gaben commended this to me. a lot of pros use it, only thing is recalibrate mouse sens on res change as you will mostly likely be off a bit which is a pain

open broadcast on CSGO
gives flood errors in console

Furyus I have a couple ideas to run through if you want add me
fixing ? I think your'll find this is the master race res. I used to be on 16:9 then 5:4 but Gaben commended this to me. a lot of pros use it, only thing is recalibrate mouse sens on res change as you will mostly likely be off a bit which is a pain

gives flood errors in console

Furyus I have a couple ideas to run through if you want add me

Add me on steam bud

Don't think we've played together for a while. Will make sure I invite you chap.

Think I only need 1 more game to get my smurf to rank 3 too so may be on the accounr

we haven't! either way if you need a player on either account send a invite :)

im still on MGE
Is there much of a overclockers 'community' csgo scene? I started playing CS at 1.6 and then wife/kids came along, so that stopped it essentially. I then played CSGO when it first came out, until the motherboard on my laptop shorted a month outside the warranty. Cut a long story short, I'm getting a new rig delivered Monday so will likely be up and running mid week if folk are keen for players?
Is there much of a overclockers 'community' csgo scene? I started playing CS at 1.6 and then wife/kids came along, so that stopped it essentially. I then played CSGO when it first came out, until the motherboard on my laptop shorted a month outside the warranty. Cut a long story short, I'm getting a new rig delivered Monday so will likely be up and running mid week if folk are keen for players?

434 pages in this thread chappy. Think that mostly says it all.

Most people play Matchmaking (competitive)


There's the link for the spreadsheet a lot of us are added too. When you get your profile to rank 3 and get a rank add yourself as well.
I can't be many wins away from LEM. I'm grinding out wins but finding myself at the bottom of the team quite a lot, not getting many kills but contributing with my fair share of MVP's.
434 pages in this thread chappy. Think that mostly says it all.

Most people play Matchmaking (competitive)


There's the link for the spreadsheet a lot of us are added too. When you get your profile to rank 3 and get a rank add yourself as well.

Cool, sounds good. I always preferred to be playing with people I regularly play with. I'll get myself ranked up the take it from there. Cheers
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