CS:GO Discussion

Rarely encounter many cheaters nowadays tbh, whereas a GE game pre-March this year it was a matter of how many cheaters rather than if.

On the odd occasion that I do come across a cheater they are still usually completely toss and can be easily isolated.

Back when I was a pre-VAC wave DMG I used to watch my SMFC/GE mates...or rather watch them sit in spawn as a 1-2 guys spinbotted around the map or negev'd everyone through walls....good times.

I'm sure there are still plenty of cheaters but they certainly don't impact upon the game how they used too.

20 games with cheaters in a row? We found our MG playing vs LEM-GE smurfs
played a bit more cs past couple of nights and have made my way to nova 1 to 4 quicker than i made it out of silver and the most annoying and frustrating things i found were lack of communication and team work and people screaming on the mic, until......
i met two idiots deranking last night , blocking team mates, flashbanging , teambleeding , blocking defuses hiding the bomb etc etc
joined a game straight after only to be on the same team as them again :( got a draw tho .... so frustrating mate who is more into the game said there are dedicated lobbies etc for people to derank why spoil other peoples experience / rant over

must look up the spreadsheet for ocuk peoples and add my self
Yeah, I don't seem to come across many cheaters although I believe yesterday on a LEM account we met a cheater also was a low hour 1 game account but he actually looked a poo player.

Inferno he was CT holding Middle from Long, Two of us were silently creeping mid which judging by his crosshair placement he was waiting for all of a sudden as we slowly push one guy pushes appartments his crosshair fly's over to him and he retreats to site as he realises the guy goes Balcony rather than Boiler he comes back middle and manages to land 4/5 bullets on the wall plus landing a headshot on me through the wall after I die the second guy pushes approx 10 seconds later met by another prefire hmm which is just one round for example, they were premade who just predicted everything felt like he was feeding info oh well :D
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Demos Manager seems like a good tool, I like that you can check if anyone has received a VAC ban.

I have a question though, in a game it can be hard to tell if someone is cheating till you can see the demo and watch from their perspective (wallhacking etc) is there a way to retrospectively report them, after the match?
I won't reply to all posts, can't be bothered. But here are the demos for the cheaters, who they're is obvious.


On Cobble I changed the res and sens, stupid idea considering the match was on globals. :p But 1280x1024 stretched is so good, 1280x800 stretched isn't bad either.


Edit So close to de-ranking the Smurf, 1 more match and possibly drop to LEM then I just need to loose 20-30 games in a row and go to silver. Challenge accepted! :D
I should just play these smurf accounts while I try to adapt to using a no invert mouse. I figure it might help me to change over but it makes my aim so slow when I try, maybe I can use p90. I was hoping I could just flick a switch in my head but nope.

My own alt accounts are a rank higher then my main :o

But 1280x1024 stretched is so good
Thats my fav res, its got a unique aspect of 5:4 and I think its really fast vs 16:9

On the odd occasion that I do come across a cheater they are still usually completely toss and can be easily isolated.
Played vs a whole team walling earlier and I swear they could've been beaten. Not saying Im that good but really they were a joke and it was just because our teamwork was not good enough plus have to aim really fast. The higher rank people trample over low grade hacks and they dont even realise it, if you check a few cheapy booster sites some will stop offering past DMG or so because of this effect

played a bit more cs past couple of nights and have made my way to nova 1 to 4 quicker than i made it out of silver
joined a game straight after only to be on the same team as them again
The silver speedhump was always how it used to be yea and the nova ranks are the very smallest to traverse in skill range up or down I guess. Maybe they could make all ranks like that but those ones are the baby steps, much higher or the very low ranks are small cliffs. Nova 2 was my highest when I first played, you've joined the ranks of everyone better then me already lol
I always add idiots to the blocklist, not sure MM notices but one day I hope to see the list lit up red like xmas from vacs on checker

is there a way to retrospectively report them, after the match?
No I think is the quick answer. Afaik you can just report via their profile but that has to be handled manually by admin and its more for profile content then gameplay. The base logic is its not their problem how someone plays in game, your report during a game is forward to other players to examine and thats only a iffy maybe. 20 overwatch cases convict per day ? (600 vac yesterday vs norm of 200)
You can try faceit if you get fed up, slightly better anti cheat but mostly a hack game is just time to practise throwing smokes, etc I want a proper forfeit option personally so we can just move on without penalty, we lost 5 rounds? fine we'll take it, next
20 in a row?
6 in a row Ive had and I checked demos, didnt report all. After a while you can tell from their idiot moves working and vice versa. The reason 20 is unlikely is because you will be lined up for derank games vs an easy lobby where as the hacks are more likely to be people who are going up in ranks, so you get close to rank up and MM says here try these guys who never lose; the probability of the guys who never lose being hackers being quite substantial

Perfect example is a faceit game I was in last week, some guy on the other team was destroying me with Awp (I've played primary awper in many teams since 1.6), which just doesn't happen consistently. I was (in my mind at the time) 99% sure he was a hacker, getting angry and frustrated at some of the utter nutty Bs shots. Looked at his profile at it turned out it was Key'd Stars primary awper Zqk accompanied by his quarter finalist trophy on profile.
GE is just faster then me, the wall hack is waiting for you. He lines up the shot, stops his movement when the crosshair is on your head even if you werent visible previous or do a fake flick. Be as random as possible vs someone like that, really rapid movement maybe jump off a box going round the corner and dont let them get an obvious HS and if you do get the HS then you got them beat hopefully. If they havent set up their mouse properly or they cant match your movement ideally they'll be a bit slower. Works best on really low ranks boosted by their software
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I know this was a long time ago now, but did CS:GO used to be free? Or did you get a free upgrade if you were a "veteran" cs/1.6/source player?
Cheers, to be honest apart from the first (wrong) call I made when I thought someone was cheating I've had no cause to think anyone was cheating since. Maybe I've been lucky, I've watched a few matches back and not seen foul play.
I know this was a long time ago now, but did CS:GO used to be free? Or did you get a free upgrade if you were a "veteran" cs/1.6/source player?

CS was a mod made by players to Half Life deathmatch so it was about 200 meg to start and you wandered round a house and there was a doorbell and everything lol

It was free if you owned HL and thats it. Only ever paid for CS when playing source (CS came with HL2 so free I guess) and now CSGO. Effectively if you play for 3 drops every week, you get the game free after a year :p
I just bet my drops here for LG and then elsewhere I bet envy for cash, I get the cash for the drops in theory no risk and no steam tax
LG arent bad, they just arent synchronised :/ tbh its not an awful bet anyway
GE is just faster then me, the wall hack is waiting for you. He lines up the shot, stops his movement when the crosshair is on your head even if you werent visible previous or do a fake flick. Be as random as possible vs someone like that, really rapid movement maybe jump off a box going round the corner and dont let them get an obvious HS and if you do get the HS then you got them beat hopefully. If they havent set up their mouse properly or they cant match your movement ideally they'll be a bit slower. Works best on really low ranks boosted by their software

Are you really trying to give Qitarah AWP advice? :o
CS was a mod made by players to Half Life deathmatch so it was about 200 meg to start and you wandered round a house and there was a doorbell and everything lol

It was free if you owned HL and thats it. Only ever paid for CS when playing source (CS came with HL2 so free I guess) and now CSGO. Effectively if you play for 3 drops every week, you get the game free after a year :p
I just bet my drops here for LG and then elsewhere I bet envy for cash, I get the cash for the drops in theory no risk and no steam tax
I played CS since the first beta :p.

I asked specifically about CS:Go. I don't ever remember buying it.
I not heard of it being free, free weekend maybe. 83p in Russia. I was beta 6 maybe, was always the best fps even then

Are you really trying to give Qitarah AWP advice? :o
I got like 50 kills in last year or so with awp so nope. I dont count hackers as actual players though so Im not certain we discussing skill just how to maybe disarm their advantage, I guess Im more talking about these type.
unless they don't care and are just blatant.
Someone mentioned how'd they stack the sites always. Valve did change the range of data given to clients so that you cant always know the position of all players but I'd like to know just how far that goes.
Can I see from mirage A to B site with walling or not, Im hoping not.
HEre is profile of Hack creator who posts regular on HLTV - http://www.hltv.org/?pageid=14&userid=435266

I got a kill vs Flamie's awp, does that qualify me for elite awp advice He held an angle I jumped over and got 5-7 kill, we both knew each others position- I can dream right

That LG bet was amazing turns out. drawing on inferno T side for a possible series win and bettors rated them at 5%
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I went back to 4:3, on aim maps the 1 taps were easy. But the mouse movement was off and the game felt weird, I didn't know where to point the crosshair when the opponents came out. Going back to 1024x768 BB...
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