CS:GO Discussion

m_rawinput doesn't work in source games, use RINput for true RAWness.

** No need for the personal remarks **

Minimum Fps_max should be 300 (yes 289 is valve 2x rate but just use 300 or more. 0 is ideal for best response)

rawinput should be set to 1 unless you have been using 0 or the working rinput for years.

cl_cmdrate "128"
cl_updaterate "128"
rate "128000"
cl_interp 0
cl_interp_ratio 1
cl_interpolate 1

That is the only thing you should have for your net settings
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Nice. I always seem to have my best individual moments on cache for some reason, got a rather disgusting 1 v 5 clutch and diffuse ages ago, annoyingly lost the demo for it though :( the other day got another ace with diffuse with some rather nice awp shots as well.

What is the best recording software so I can upload it? Can I use shadow play to record? Never recorded anything before so not sure what to use.

shadow play is fine for recording stuff.

i have the settings to record the last 5 mins and then when i do something fun i click the button to save the 5 mins.
Was Zeus noticeably inhuman

Anyone know when the new operation will be out roughly?

From what I read not immediately? and operation and Nuke replacement are not together. I imagine operation is this year just because its money and year end accounts or whatever so a bigger priority. Nuke may take longer on anything niggly like objects causing fps drops on ancient hardware like my old 8800gt. People moan too much or they could release now and update progressively but if were going into a comp rotation :mad:
old nuke with 'hole' in wall for purposes of sound cues apparently

First time I had this during a game I was playing. - I was with SilverSurfer also

I blocked him first half for being iffy and second half decided to report at the end of a round. Few seconds after buy time that next round he disappeared with that message, I guess it was queued up but I like to think it was my report that was the final nail in his virtual coffin :p He had a half decent inventory, nothing big like the fade bayonet hack I saw but nice awp skins and stuff, +1 pointless pleb player pwned :p
He did a bhop looking like a lot like frankie on that video but it was a gameban eg. overwatch

I hate being MMed with Russians who do nothing but shout in Russian. Always a loss with any Russian on your team. I wish I could filter my games to NEVER play with them.
Some are ok, its mostly a language barrier. The largest country by CS players is apparently Russia, I wish they stay on Eu North but nope
u wot m9?
I thought it showed in ping but as I've restarted between changes Ive tested wrong I guess, cant see it now, says it adds latency in link below anyhow
google said:
As of this update, the last 3 commands are not necessary. Your client now matches the servers rates.
didnt notice when this changed in an update though I noticed it forcing settings

Valve run through of settings -
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He was 3rd at the end, won a fair few rounds on his own though and saw some tactics on D2 I haven't seen before. Without the cheater we'd have won comfortably.
If you can remember I said i'd go all in yesterday on one of the NV games, luckly CSGO lounge wasn't working for me so saved my skins as NV lost both games.

I'm liking old TSM's odd vs fanatic, so trying to go all in on that but again all queues are constantly full, maybe its fates way of saving my skins again!

****I'm in, wish me luck or get ready to laugh (I'm in for $19 possible return $39)******
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Happy dropped out yesterday but Maniac did a good job but cant replace IGL I guess. Problem with France is they have fixed IP as well. The advice from this site was pretty much spot on, if you do the steam logon it looks at your inventory for advice on bet size

He concurs with your TSM verdict. This team have no org though

View interpolation delay gives a moving player a small advantage over a stationary player since the moving player can see his target a split second earlier. This effect is unavoidable, but it can be reduced by decreasing the view interpolation delay. If both players are moving, the view lag delay is affecting both players and nobody has an advantage.

peekers advantage sounds like
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Fnatic seem to be on fire lately! :D I didn't watch the whole match/es, but so far everyone is getting rekt. :p

What are you video settings people? I've ditched lowest settings, when the textures are higher detail for me it makes it easier to spot someone. The models seem to stand out more and the textures don't look that washed out...
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Is anyone experiencing FPS drops in smokes? I switched back to 1920x1080 after playing on 4:3 ratio res for couple weeks and I noticed this weird FPS drop to 80. I searched the web and people with very high end machines are experiencing exactly the same issue. I'll try 1600x900 to see if its only 1920x1080+ that is affected... ehh Volvo really can't make a simple shooter work right, can they? ...


It could be due to fps_max "0", that's the only settings I changed lately. As the video settings I've changed back to v.low/low no AA etc. and tbh I was still getting the same 310-400fps on mirage... I'll try fps_max "289" and see if that helps...


BTW I tried m_rawinput "1" and got rid of the mouse drivers, the mouse movement seems to be better then before with rinput. :D
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I just stick to low, I think the fps drops is from a cpu glitch when they fixed hitboxes [should test fraps fps log with oc and not]
rip skins [*]

Olof vac incoming......not salty.....kappa

They won 7 rounds T side mirage and the CT pistol so should have had that.

They losing cache to SK today not even close, not checking box in A main etc I guess the no org thing is a distracting problem for them.
The payout on SK win is 2.20 for some sand dunes, of course lounge fell over so only bet 3 batches and it lets me bet big I lose :p
4% odds on SK
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It didnt?
You can play it how you like, but if you want to be matched up with players of similar skill it makes sense to do competitive games, unless by ranks you mean the little badges, if so then I dont think many people actively tryhard to get to the top of them each season especially as other badges are pretty common now from tournaments/season passes.

Smurfing a real problem, people intentionally de-ranking, people buying extra accounts in sale time? It's utterly pathetic.

As usual, nothing but a money grab from valve and it's ruined CS.
I just stick to low, I think the fps drops is from a cpu glitch when they fixed hitboxes

Are you experiencing those drops too? None of the other grenades affect my FPS noticeably as the smoke nade does... I can run the game on high settings and I'm still really stable around 300fps on surf maps where there's sometimes 30-40 people on the server.

I'll just keep everything on Low, some people have reported that turning multicore rendering has helped them, doesn't hurt to try it. I'll alsotry capping the FPS and see if that does anything even though fps_max "0" like some of you said does feel smoother and the mouse response seems to be better/less input lag.

P.s. Are you using 1920x1080 res or... ?

Smurfing a real problem, people intentionally de-ranking, people buying extra accounts in sale time? It's utterly pathetic.

As usual, nothing but a money grab from valve and it's ruined CS.

That's why 1.6 was better, but it didn't ear as much money, as GO does. People who say CS:GO is better in terms of game mechanics are wrong, for competitive play fancy skins and good graphics don't matter, all it matter is performance.

Although, I'm Global and my smurf just de-ranked to LEM (I only lost a game when people didn't try/care), I had more enjoyable games on smurf with mature people than I had on my main with russians... Playing with deagle for the whole match and still being near the top was pretty amusing tbh.

I'm searching for an FPS to replace CS, I hate this game. But I still play it for an unknown reason, its always the same scenario... On the other hand games like BF and COD are too easy, you run spray like an idiot and still get kills. I would love a good remake of quake, I heard a new doom is coming? That could be interesting! :)

Going back on the topic, I know how annoying the game can get for my mates who are DMG-LE playing VS LEM-Supremes. Not really enjoyable for them, especially since CS:GO is their first CS, before it was COD mainly... COD only gives you bad habbits.
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Saw my first Spinbotter in a long long time yesterday.

Spam advertising the cheat, spin botting/Wh/silent aim and trigger. Literally haven't seen one in months and months and month. The game ended up 16-14 to the hacker, he had 45 kills or so and my friend had 40 and I had 30.

The last 10 or so rounds he was full rage hacking spin botting/etc.

Also had one game on faceit that yesterday with someone boosting his own account with cheats (super obvious yet again).
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