CS:GO Discussion

going mad at the min... game has been working fine for months now today after the latest update for the cologne stuff i cant play. constantly tells me that pak01.vpk is missing! and it doesnt match the server files so im booted with in 30 seconds.
tried validating files, re installing, re installing to a different hdd but nothing. every time i validate it says there is 1 missing ile and its re downloading it but nothing... driving me mad.
Got my first souvenir package today, was only a train case for the Flipside/Optic game, but it's a rush all the same after not having any luck with it before! :)
Had two awesome games with SS today :D, thanks dude.

Finally ranked up out of the silver ranks, currently at Gold Nova 1 now.
does anyone play ESEA regularly and can comment on the state of the MM games?

weve been trying faceit recently, which on the whole is great. the thigher tick servers are so much better than valves. However the big downisde seems to be the number of players that leave games early. numerous times as soon as the team start to lose by more than a couple of rounds someone will jump ship.
hey guys,

can anyone tell me if they have had experiences of the more players in game on CS:GO the frame-rate dropping?

i dont understand it...i have a decent system!

hey guys,

can anyone tell me if they have had experiences of the more players in game on CS:GO the frame-rate dropping?

i dont understand it...i have a decent system!


This was a while ago so updates may have fixed but I used to find that if I left chrome open while I played my frame rate would get progressively worse as the game went on.

I'll always get less frames in a busy DM server than I will in a competitive game though.
This was a while ago so updates may have fixed but I used to find that if I left chrome open while I played my frame rate would get progressively worse as the game went on.

I'll always get less frames in a busy DM server than I will in a competitive game though.

Same! If I have anything playing video on my second screen whilst playing CS (YouTube or twitch) I get staggered frames in CS.
hey guys,

can anyone tell me if they have had experiences of the more players in game on CS:GO the frame-rate dropping?

i dont understand it...i have a decent system!


what do you mean by more players, as in when you see more on the screen at once? eg: DM when 5 players meet up at some point in the map? or do you mean you can be stood on your own, but on a busy server it seems you get lower fps?

as cane says, I used to have the same issue with chrome. If I play faceit games that require a web browser to join a match etc I have to close chrome before joining the game. i've actually started using IE for faceit games and don't see the same drop in fps as the game goes on.
I had the same issues with frame dropping when I had Chrome open watching twitch, if you go to Chrome settings > show advanced settings and untick Use hardware acceleration when available.

This sorted out the frame dropping issue for me.
what do you mean by more players, as in when you see more on the screen at once? eg: DM when 5 players meet up at some point in the map? or do you mean you can be stood on your own, but on a busy server it seems you get lower fps?

as cane says, I used to have the same issue with chrome. If I play faceit games that require a web browser to join a match etc I have to close chrome before joining the game. i've actually started using IE for faceit games and don't see the same drop in fps as the game goes on.

i mean if there is more people on the map as a whole, and when there is say 5v5 my frames are like 160+???


i have tried this option but has not effected much :mad:

any low rankers online now for a quick comp game? Trying to get a mate into comp but need two more as his rank is low (silver 1)
Hello fellow CS players, just started playing competitive and got my 10 game wins pretty quickly, usually get matched against noobs and end up top of the score sheets.

what's the point in the whole 10 game skill matching system if you pretty much win every game then still end up in Silver One??? don't see the point of it if you still end up on the first rank.
Ive had CS:GO for a long time but never really played it much as ive always been Battlefield.

What do you guys recommend i start with in CS:GO?..obviously i dont want to be put in a match with pros all the time il just get rekt.
Is there any beginner servers or something of the sort?
Ive had CS:GO for a long time but never really played it much as ive always been Battlefield.

What do you guys recommend i start with in CS:GO?..obviously i dont want to be put in a match with pros all the time il just get rekt.
Is there any beginner servers or something of the sort?

get yourself up to rank 2 or 3 etc. in casual then start competitive games, its noob city at the lower ranks
Play arms race to start, your opponents end up with glocks so you will have an advantage eventually and its instant respawn. Casual takes forever

XP rank numerical is just are you a new pleb or an old pleb. Hours in game can clock up just because you went afk and forgot to come back for 3 days but xp is acquired or won actively in cs games and of any mode type.
Valve servers give xp only hence you can often see a pro player has zero xp gained as they never play without additional anti cheat, etc
Anyone can see your xp rank and/or badges

MM rank is about are you an average cs savvy pleb or king of the plebs, there is no number shown for that one. It only briefly shows strangers mm rank at a comp game end to the 10 players in that game. So the game tries to weigh either side to be equal ranks

10 game skill matching system if you pretty much win every game then still end up in Silver One
Dont believe thats possible. If you win each game, your enemy team would be progressed very fast. Silver > nova > mg > eagles > 5xLEM afaik you should have had some tough games or maybe thats not the case if you win but score 1 kill.
Take a screenshot of your last 10 matches listed in game > watch > your matches

Hello, guys! I wonder what monitors/resolution are you using for CS:GO? I have found out that pro players like 4:3 aspect ratio more. What are your thoughts on it?
Personal preference, pro players get given bad machines at lan apparently and fps is king

any low rankers online now for a quick comp game? Trying to get a mate into comp but need two more as his rank is low (silver 1)
Add me, I dont mind random games or add your name to the page Ive got set as my homepage

Legend!!! :)
rip nip :(
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They could end it, any severe action to do so is going to have a massive impact on the skin economy. Watch out I guess is best

Its not Valve at all, I consider that lawsuit litigious. Somebody on here has a website that uses the same Green button key entry, maybe they can say better then me. That kind of auth system doesnt then make them liable for content on every site that uses it really. Facebook have some kind of signin system a bit like that but perhaps I have that wrong and they could pick and choose and by allowing any site they are implicitly encouraging under age gambling #sirscootswasright
Quite a few sites are banned under USA law and are obligied to restrict the location of their clients, not sure UK is so strict its also related to tax revenue

Read the filing against Valve, Tmartn and syndicate here

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