Play arms race to start, your opponents end up with glocks so you will have an advantage eventually and its instant respawn. Casual takes forever
XP rank numerical is just are you a new pleb or an old pleb. Hours in game can clock up just because you went afk and forgot to come back for 3 days but xp is acquired or won actively in cs games and of any mode type.
Valve servers give xp only hence you can often see a pro player has zero xp gained as they never play without additional anti cheat, etc
Anyone can see your xp rank and/or badges
MM rank is about are you an average cs savvy pleb or king of the plebs, there is no number shown for that one. It only briefly shows strangers mm rank at a comp game end to the 10 players in that game. So the game tries to weigh either side to be equal ranks
10 game skill matching system if you pretty much win every game then still end up in Silver One
Dont believe thats possible. If you win each game, your enemy team would be progressed very fast. Silver > nova > mg > eagles > 5xLEM afaik you should have had some tough games or maybe thats not the case if you win but score 1 kill.
Take a screenshot of your last 10 matches listed in game > watch > your matches
Hello, guys! I wonder what monitors/resolution are you using for CS:GO? I have found out that pro players like 4:3 aspect ratio more. What are your thoughts on it?
Personal preference, pro players get given bad machines at lan apparently and fps is king
any low rankers online now for a quick comp game? Trying to get a mate into comp but need two more as his rank is low (silver 1)
Add me, I dont mind random games or add your name to the page Ive got set as my homepage
rip nip