CS:GO Discussion

i need some guys who play late at night, i have several of you guys from here but i always miss invites as im at work or gym, i dont get to play till around 11pm sometimes 12 but then im on till about 3/4. so does anyone else play late?
i need some guys who play late at night, i have several of you guys from here but i always miss invites as im at work or gym, i dont get to play till around 11pm sometimes 12 but then im on till about 3/4. so does anyone else play late?

The graveyard shift.
I have a question for you MM people... I have just reached around 100hrs in CSGO (like said above). MM for me is pretty intimidating for me, seriously don't like letting people down, and people here are serious about this game lol. This is becoming more of a life lesson to get over.

I started MM and got 5 wins and few of losses, in them I got called out a few times etc for being a noob, no mic. So I decided to wait till I reach atleast 100 hours in casual before going back to MM and feel the game more and get a mic, Im 96 now and tonight felt like a game, within round 4 I was kicked lol, I threw a nade, it didnt work, although it did not damage any team mates. bonus?

Second game, we won, but I was called out again, really let the guys giving order my attention as they know their stuff, still got called out :p cant repeat it here.. but yeh, they knew I was new to comp, this is what puts me off. I am fairly good in casual, can become top fragger, mostly follow and play where the bomb is, learning call outs, started giving call outs, watching videos, practicing spray pattern etc..

Question is; I am not ranked yet so after 10 matches will I get decided into a rank and play with people around that rank? as people have been fairy high ranks, I don't know much about ranks but they are always gold and seem experienced hah. also, you reckon its best just to keep hacking (not literally) at it with MM and get past the hate to get good
or more casual?

Really wish their was something similar to comp at a casual level to get the hang of it, I think this would in return improve all levels of play tbh, but im still a noob so what do I know! Going to stick at it anyway, really enjoy at a casual level but I love the idea of getting good at comp.
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100 hours in casual

casual is a mess, its got too many players in there. There should be an unranked comp mode but there isnt, try searching for retake mode on community servers its kinda competetive
Demolition might actually learn you more :p its just the wrong maps, if theres an operation play the new maps as you are on more of an equal footing. I got a 4k clutch vs some eagles on a brand new random map, them not having a clue which angle is viable really upsets the pecking order

As far as getting kicked, doesnt really mean a lot. Some people turn on their team if they dont get a round of applause and a round win.
Especially at lower ranks it can get seriously silly, like surrendering 6 rounds into Playing T side of inferno. Inferno is famously biased. 1st game of csgo I ever played I got kicked, vertigo T side and I did win the previous round vs 2. Next round I looked the wrong way and they kick, I was the last person again and at lower ranks last person to die is the one to blame for the loss.

1st first person to die has nobody watching him, basically do not take mm that serious this is your mistake

I'm at MG2 and try and get a game in most nights between 8pm - 11pm.


I will add you into a list of OCUK players, its shown under
<--------my name as the homepage
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Might just be because you are playing the 1st 10 placement matches it may have tried matching you against mid level players so your 'Noobieness' for want of a better word probably showed through quite a lot.
Don't let it put you off though, once you have been placed hopefully in one of the silver ranks then you will be able to work on your play whilst still being able to have fun playing with other newish people.

Don't be scared to mention that you are quite new so are still doing your placement matches and still learning the ropes, as there are some nice people about that play and will understand and go easy on you or may even help you.
Yeh, I will play out a couple more till I get a rank and see where I end up. I don't think it helps I have a 5 year badge (played a tiny 1.6 and css) so they may expect better :D.
Yeh, I will play out a couple more till I get a rank and see where I end up. I don't think it helps I have a 5 year badge (played a tiny 1.6 and css) so they may expect better :D.

Just keep plugging away at it, the only way you will learn to play comp is by playing it. When i first started with no prior cs experience i was queuing with my DMG friend and got spanked. But i learnt.

Had 3 good games tonight, 2 wins and a draw.
I have a question for you MM people... I have just reached around 100hrs in CSGO (like said above). MM for me is pretty intimidating for me, seriously don't like letting people down, and people here are serious about this game lol. This is becoming more of a life lesson to get over.

I started MM and got 5 wins and few of losses, in them I got called out a few times etc for being a noob, no mic. So I decided to wait till I reach atleast 100 hours in casual before going back to MM and feel the game more and get a mic, Im 96 now and tonight felt like a game, within round 4 I was kicked lol, I threw a nade, it didnt work, although it did not damage any team mates. bonus?

Second game, we won, but I was called out again, really let the guys giving order my attention as they know their stuff, still got called out :p cant repeat it here.. but yeh, they knew I was new to comp, this is what puts me off. I am fairly good in casual, can become top fragger, mostly follow and play where the bomb is, learning call outs, started giving call outs, watching videos, practicing spray pattern etc..

Question is; I am not ranked yet so after 10 matches will I get decided into a rank and play with people around that rank? as people have been fairy high ranks, I don't know much about ranks but they are always gold and seem experienced hah. also, you reckon its best just to keep hacking (not literally) at it with MM and get past the hate to get good
or more casual?

Really wish their was something similar to comp at a casual level to get the hang of it, I think this would in return improve all levels of play tbh, but im still a noob so what do I know! Going to stick at it anyway, really enjoy at a casual level but I love the idea of getting good at comp.

Hi mate....

I know what you're going through and MM can be intimidating at first. I'm still not great in the game but really enjoy it, especially now I'm playing with buddy's from here, makes all the difference.

I recommend you look on you tube and look for the smoke and flash videos on the popular maps like dust 2 and mirage. Once you learn them you'll look more experienced and may not get kicked so often.

I'm gold nova master which isn't amazing but I'm more than happy to team up with you and guide you on a few maps. I'm not that experienced compared to some but have a reasonable basic knowledge. You will not get kicked and can get you placement rank, that'll give you a starting point

Don't give up, it really is a great team game.

Steam Id: doctor4t6
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