CS:GO Discussion

4870 will run CS:GO just about

The office grenade lag sounds like physics related which is completely removed from go
I actually liked the css beta with full physics, you could push a chair under a table, barricade the door. In competetion play I can understand why they remove it but I hope other games have it in future, maybe arma 3 if Greece can stop turning commi on the devs

Have not played GO yet but still play the cs:s beta. Anyone know what is happening with that beta ?

That beta is just for tests before adding to main CSS. I doubt anything much will change now
Nope, just need to have a video card that's not 5 years out of date. I'm pretty sure even £40 cards will support SM3 at this point in time.
Why is it so hard to find a normal server in this game?

I played CS:Source competitively for years and stopped around 2008 I tried to start playing CS:GO today and all I can do is connect to servers which have stupid game modes which turn the game into call of duty.

Is this what CS has become? I couldn't find a single server that had more than a 1 second respawn time or was some stupid mode where you had to could pick any gun from the start to keep every round, When did it change?

If this is what the game has become then I will stay away, Can anyone reccomend any servers that don't have stupid settings that are regularly populated and are based in or close to the UK?
I bought CS:GO thinking that it was the reason why the servers I normally play on were becoming less populated (CS:S). As it turns out, I rarely see anyone on a normal server, let alone one from a select group of favourites.
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At first, I actually quite enjoyed CS:GO but there are too many things in the game now that annoy me. Between this and CS:Source for replacing 1.6 (which is unfortunately dying quite quickly now), I think I will take CS:Source, since it is a little more familiar.
What's the 5v5 like on GSGO? I used to play a lot of Source 5v5 and really enjoyed it. Looking for something to fit that gap (may even reinstall sourcem but looking at GO)...
I quite enjoyed CS:GO from my limiting time on it. I've played CS:S for years and I think it's a good step. I wouldn't necessarily say it's a step forward...more of a side step :p
I like it, 178 hours played since it came out. It's kinda a mix of CSS and 1.6 I reckon, though I didn't play much CSS compared to thousands of hours of 1.6.
I like the game but I am getting VERY ******* off with the cooldowns...

I have spent a total of 3 weeks banned now with 3 x 168 hour bans every time it has been to connection or server issues or bugs in the game.

Also my cooldown period does not reset after a week so if I ever leave / get disconnected it is an auto 168 hours for the game I PAID FOR AND HAVE NEVER LEFT FOR ANYTHING OTHER THAN CONNECTION PROBLEMS OR BUGS!!!!

I appreciate that it needs to exist for good matches and no leavers etc. but it is very badly implemented.
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I was really surprised that with nothing overclocked and all settings maxed I could run this at 90+ FPS

Played CSS many years ago and never grasped me but CS:GO has me hooked (especially arms race mode). Love the lack of achievements and weapon unlocks, feels like it encourages the game to focus on skill.

CS banter always rules and seems to have a fun, witty and mature community.
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Awesome game.

What draws me in is the fact that I can pick it up, either play for 10 minutes in Arms, have a bit of fun in Demo/Casual, or play seriously in Competitive, AND even join one of the larger 40 man servers I frequent on.

Very happy with the game, and my beloved little laptop can run this at max in game settings with a 1900x1080 res @ 80-120 FPS depending on the situation.
This game hasnt grasped me sadly :(

only 9 hours on record. Tried a competitive 5on5, went 2-18 lawl. Gun Game is great fun though.

230+ on CSS. Tried a competitive 5on5, went 20-3. Suppose by this logic i need to play CSGO more and just get into it :D
Yep.. its drawn me in like the CS of old did.. However I wish they would remake Militia and Siege.. Need more hostage maps.. Some maps just feel like deathmatch maps..
Pretty much the only thing I'm playing at the moment.

Never got into CS much but hooked on this one. Good skill level and community (most of the time).

Really could do with some new maps though, anyone heard any news on that?
Want to get back into this

Played a load of CSS back in the day but haven't really played much CS:GO

I've got a few guys who I play with and we have signed up to Enemy Down although we could do with a couple more, anyone interested?

Nothing too hardcore like 6-9pm every night but we do take games seriously.

I've also got a server which I could increase the player number of (it's currently only 100) if people wanted a vanilla server to play on when it's not needed for matches?
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