CS:GO Discussion

this game just got fixed!

Played a match earlier 5v5 matchmaking, guns do seem a bit better although deagle seems a bit useless now with its accuracy?

The thing this game lacks is the guns feel like they have no power and the feedback of guns make them hard to judge...

Hopefully a few more fixes in the works.

I do hate the game engine tbh, absolute reeks of consolitus but won't stop me from playing it, <3 it as my go to shooter
Im starting to feel that this game plays a bit like.....COD?

I went back on CSS last night and wow...its so much better.
Had only had a quick blast on it after initally getting it, played a match maked competitive game on Aztec (urgh, had enough of that map in CSS!) and got lumped with terrible people so got soundly thrashed and hadn't played it for ages after that.

Had a mate invite me to play in another competitive match, got on TS and was so much better. Can see this being a viable improvement on CSS and the majority of my steam friends list (which for 90% of them, are from CSS gaming) are migrating over.

Think I will be sinking some more time into this :)
Would anyone on here be up for a couple of mixes some time? I used to play CSS competitively and have just started playing this again, love to play some mixes sometime.

A thing called mixvent used to exist but... let's not talk about that...
People really need to stop this.

tbh it never stops its like bf3 people saying it about cod but cod 4 has 5 times as many people playing at any time of day :p

csgo is good fun and better if you want smaller better newer fps than others in comparison.
why do you feel to try to pull my up on every post ;)

spout crap check the numbers then come back :D

all people think bf3 is popular it really isn't compared to other fps games that are older and has died off pretty quickly with numbers unlike the truer fps games

so every time a cod hater pops up with the stupid cod blah blah i just pop those numbers out to show that true fps games like cs , cod are the kings (even cod 2 has twice as many playing than bf3 lol )

csgo is a good game with proper reg team play . bf3 is just a cluster **** of console type players with bad reg and buggy mechanics.

so people wanting a competitive game but are either bored of older competitive games look for something similar csgo fits this more so than bf3 does which is designed for the ps3 as priority.

will have a go on csgo later had a break from it and have been playing cod 4 promod again but will try the game again see what changes are now :cool:
I've no idea if that was aimed at me but I don't even play BF3 lol. Ditched after a month due to it being awful.

It just gets very tiresome having you post the same ramblings in every FPS thread...
I was a great fan of 1.6, but in this game, I really struggle to see the enemy at distance. Maps like aztec are a complete nightmare for me as the enemy totally blends into the background.

Its totally put me off playing the game, what I liked about the original was it was a basic tactical point and shoot, none of the clutter and bush hiding that you can get in other games.

Anyone else feel this, or is it just me getting older and my eyesight going.

There is nothing more infuriating than being killed by someone that is right in front of you in the open that you simply cannot see?
Counterstrike Strike Global Offensive

Hi guys.

I've been playing CS:GO for just shy of a month and must say I'm hooked!

Me and a few friends have been playing competitive matchmaking.

Which if you don't know places you into a 5v5 game with people in around your skill level which is determined by your rank. You obtain a rank by winning ten competitive games. This mode also allows you to party up with friends and filter which map you want to play allowing you to learn maps.

If anyone on here does play this already or would like to play this mode then chuck me a steam invite

It would be great to get a group of players. More the better.

User: hairyangel
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