CS:S.... cheating and steam bans

17 Dec 2006
I've been playing CS:S a bit again lately and have been playing against people that are much better than me. I've started improving myself now and you could say i'm even starting to rival them a bit.

Thing is though, when i play on my other favourite servers everyone acuses me of cheating and what not. I know i'm not, but aparantly i'm wall hacking and aimbotting, guess i must have been getting better than i thought :D

Now on a couple of servers the people who acuse me seem to go and grab some admin from somewhere and i get moaned at and kicked out. When i rejoin a few days later same thing happens, i get some ridiculous score everyone acuses me of cheating and all of a sudden people are quoting my steam ID left right and centre and i'm "getting reported to steam for an account ban".

Now i've heard things about steam locking peoples accounts and all their games are gone, having got quite a few games through steam now i'm quite worried that they could do something like this. Basically i'm asking what are the chances of someone reporting me for "cheating" and what is the likelyhood of losing my account? Will i be warned first or will i randomly find it locked one day?

I don't see why i should lose my account because i play better than other people, is there soemthing i can tell them to prove i'm not cheating or will i just have to purposefully play bad in order to prevent being called a cheat in the first place?

You won't lose your account.

I used to get called a hacker all the time and unless they actually have proper evidence/a demo of you hacking then Valve don't do anything. Quite right too.
How will a video help though? I mean i play assault a fair amount as a T and its obvious where the people will come in from so you can get headshots on almost every kill. Won't constant headshots look a bit dodgy if its just a video?
I always take cheating accusations as a compliment - if the idiot thinks you're playing so well that you must be cheating, then, thank you very much!

They probably just don't understand how lag works.
krisboats said:
How will a video help though? I mean i play assault a fair amount as a T and its obvious where the people will come in from so you can get headshots on almost every kill. Won't constant headshots look a bit dodgy if its just a video?

no, like a video of spec mode of someone going through a wall or there cross-hair follows heads perfectly etc! if your cross-hair is left in the same place then no, its not dodgy :)
krisboats said:
How will a video help though? I mean i play assault a fair amount as a T and its obvious where the people will come in from so you can get headshots on almost every kill. Won't constant headshots look a bit dodgy if its just a video?

To a skilled player the difference between when people are just good and when they're cheating is quite obvious. Same goes for the people who handle the bans. A demo of them in action will show their jittery crosshair if they're aimbotting or a suspicious amount of looking at walls if they're wallhacking.
You won't get banned at all. Unless you are actually using, external .exes etc that interact with the source engine.

VAC would pick you up as a hacker. your not dont worry.

keep playin'.
Everyone gets accused of cheating, everyone. It doesn’t even matter if you have a decent score (although it helps). If someone is having a bad round and you manage to take them out with a little skill, you will likely be accused.

I get it all the time, today I got it and my score was pretty average. I used to say "For a hacker, I must be exceptionally bad" if my score wasn’t too great, to which they would reply "you die a few times to make yourself look normal". So I hack to be average?

Sign, I really do hate the CSS community.

Saying that though, you have to be half suspicious, hacking being so widespread. I know I have (probably) wrongly suspected innocent people. I'm just not a jerk about it.

VALVe couldn't possibly keep up with the barrage of childish reports.
You guys have filled me with confidence. Cheers, i can go out and happily get the ridiculous score of 156:23 i had earlier :D

Spawnpoint servers are funny, full of americans, constantly lag, spike and stop responding but i still love em :D
Yes, there is no chance that you will get banned by VAC. VAC will only ban by detecting .exe's running. Even if these people sent a video of you, nothing would happen.

The worst that could happen is someone could send the video to one of those banlists (can't remember any names at the moment), which servers use to ban known trouble-makers, and they decide your hacking and get added yourself. However I doubt this is going to happen if you are definitely not hacking, and the person watching the video knows what they are looking for.
Yh you wont be banned by vac as above the worst would be servers that are protected by steambans (a 3rd party not to do with valve) in which case you wont be able to join steambans protected servers which are few and far between.
I get told I am a hacker all the time. Its funny. Most people joke that that they are using hacks to wind others up when they are on a good run.

As long as you are not hacking you have nothing to worry about.
why don't you play on a server with people of the same skill as you.

It's like Tiger woods playing at my local open golf tournament.

If you are that good then try to find servers that are at your skill level "pwning" noobs might be fun by you can see why you playing so well is upsetting the team balance of what otherwise would be a closely fought game.

Ever thought about that?
jas72 said:
why don't you play on a server with people of the same skill as you.

It's like Tiger woods playing at my local open golf tournament.

If you are that good then try to find servers that are at your skill level "pwning" noobs might be fun by you can see why you playing so well is upsetting the team balance of what otherwise would be a closely fought game.

Ever thought about that?

If he is consistantly as good as he says there won't be many pub servers that are populated and a nice map rotation :)
I've played cs from beta and css on from 1.6, i actually went pretty hardcore pro and all that jazz in css and was with the top uk team and all, over a year ago. For a stage our team was not allowed to play on publics because sponsors were getting complaints of us cheating too much and although it was meant to be hitting a specific new big public server a few times a week for an hour before proper training to raise profile etc, it ultimately just caused problems.

I rarely play css now, infact i had my first go in around 4months the other day as i bumped into an old e-friend on IRC. To this day i am still called a cheater, and usually pretty quickly too. Its just casual gamers or complete idiots who have no idea how to play the game with any skill, which is odd considering peoples heads on css are about 5 times larger than on 1.6.

I almost guarantee you will not bump into a cheater on css, i have seen two in my entire years of playing that game and even then, it will be those at the highest level feeling the pressure. There are NO cheaters on publics, especially these days.
Shicky said:
I almost guarantee you will not bump into a cheater on css, i have seen two in my entire years of playing that game and even then, it will be those at the highest level feeling the pressure. There are NO cheaters on publics, especially these days.

I can guarantee you will come across cheaters in css.

Ive seen quite a few cheats recently its becoming very common, we are talking blatant wall and speed hacks.

Ive also seen a lot of players im very suspicious about, i normally just say Hmmmm to these guys and watch them carefully (caught a few cheats that way)
Shadez said:
I can guarantee you will come across cheaters in css.

Ive seen quite a few cheats recently its becoming very common, we are talking blatant wall and speed hacks.

Ive also seen a lot of players im very suspicious about, i normally just say Hmmmm to these guys and watch them carefully (caught a few cheats that way)

Agreed. Cheating is a huge problem, two words into Google and your away.

I saw a guy blatently use a noclip in front of me and the rest of ther server yesterday :(
Shicky said:
I've played cs from beta and css on from 1.6, i actually went pretty hardcore pro and all that jazz in css and was with the top uk team and all, over a year ago. For a stage our team was not allowed to play on publics because sponsors were getting complaints of us cheating too much and although it was meant to be hitting a specific new big public server a few times a week for an hour before proper training to raise profile etc, it ultimately just caused problems.

I rarely play css now, infact i had my first go in around 4months the other day as i bumped into an old e-friend on IRC. To this day i am still called a cheater, and usually pretty quickly too. Its just casual gamers or complete idiots who have no idea how to play the game with any skill, which is odd considering peoples heads on css are about 5 times larger than on 1.6.

I almost guarantee you will not bump into a cheater on css, i have seen two in my entire years of playing that game and even then, it will be those at the highest level feeling the pressure. There are NO cheaters on publics, especially these days.

I disagree. There are still cheaters out there on CCS. We had one on a public server the other night. Luckily we have good admins watching constantly.
I wouldn't worry about getting banned, valve have got it wrong a few times. But there is a successful appeal system to over turn bad admin decisions.

Public servers unfortunately like that, they don't have the same gamesense and usually like either rush or camp. If you play the game competitively you learn what is likely to happen etc...

There are cheaters on public/dm/matches but are usually very easy to spot. It only becomes difficult when skilled players decide to use hacks, as this gives them an edge but still play like other high skilled players - making them much harder to spot.

I find myself playing public less and less, unless there's a lot of us on (clan) and mess around on a public for fun. Otherwise I just try and play some matches with the clan.
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