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Cyberpunk 2077 Ultra performance

of course the player base will drop quick - people finish the game and move on, it has no multiplayer to keep them playing.
Its still the top selling PC game 7 weeks in a row
Uh what? Doesn't this game offer replay-ability based on how you start the game?
And missing content for some of the protagonist's abilities that cannot be used. It's said there is a whole underground city they scrapped from the game do to optimization issues, etc.
They won't even be able to release that until they scrap and rewrite the game code from scratch.
Its more worrying as Cyberpunk 2077 isn't an FPS game but an openworld RPG game,and Witcher 3 for example lost a lower percentage of its players. These are the kinds of games which people tend to sink 100s of hours into and play for a long period. Let's hope the cut content is added back in over time - honestly all the CDPR uberfans also didn't help as they were sending death threats to CDPR over the previous delays.They should have delayed the game another few months - I suspect the pandemic also didn't help either.
I was not impressed by the hype, i don't believe CP is such a great game but i also don't believe those leaks are real. And it can be explained why after a month a single player game is played by a much lower number of people. Not even the best single player games like RDR2 or those on PS5 won't keep you busy for a month.
Lol. :D

Fact check false.
Not only is this correct but they are a minority to what could have been the community at large if they took the time to develop the game proper.


It appears, at large, popular opinion is that this game is a complete disaster. And, there are reports that the developers will scrap most of the code and start over. No doubt do to those class action lawsuits they are trying to "defend" themselves from.

Please stop with the weed. Less people are playing it now due to the cries from the ********* gamers regarding the length of the Witcher 3. CDPR responded by making a shorter game.

BTW. Steam all reviews: 79% Mostly Positive (309,262). Not bad for a complete disaster :p

Maybe my review will hit 80% :D

Edit! I'm confused, why is the 'fluffy frozen winter rain' flake word censored?
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I was not impressed by the hype, i don't believe CP is such a great game but i also don't believe those leaks are real. And it can be explained why after a month a single player game is played by a much lower number of people. Not even the best single player games like RDR2 or those on PS5 won't keep you busy for a month.

I watch the basic game trailers, but avoid anything more as I feel that always leads to disappointment. I actually enjoyed No Man's Sky on release.

If you have not played CP2077, I can recommend Cohhcarnage's play through. Just bear in mind it's his kind of game, likewise for myself.
I watch the basic game trailers, but avoid anything more as I feel that always leads to disappointment. I actually enjoyed No Man's Sky on release.

If you have not played CP2077, I can recommend Cohhcarnage's play through. Just bear in mind it's his kind of game, likewise for myself.
Yes but it is not my kind of game, i can wait until/if they bring better AI and extra content. The graphics are not a problem for me but there are other things that stop me right now from wanting to play it.
Gamers Nexus has compared the PC and PS5

the PS5 is not equal to a 3700x and rtx2080 as first thought but is on par with a 3300x and gtx1080


GN’s ‘special’. Comparing 1080p on pc vs up to 4k on console ( dmc5 perf mode), comparing different versions of games ( dmc5 se only on ps5 with RT, dmc5 on pc wont get the update which also has more enhancements not just RT ). Why no 4k benchmarks hmm? Oh, obvious why.

Idiot video spreading misinformation for them clicks from frustrated pc gamers with ****** hardware.

Completely ignoring what he’ll put out in the future from now. Then again mostly ignoring all the youtubers.

This vid will get so much attention ( 90k views already) and will do more dmg on their reputation than all the clicks they’ll receive.

ps: apparently they’re also using the old trick to change video title after posting and getting clicks - original title 500$ pc, now changed to 120fps perf etc...

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Its more worrying as Cyberpunk 2077 isn't an FPS game but an openworld RPG game,and Witcher 3 for example lost a lower percentage of its players. These are the kinds of games which people tend to sink 100s of hours into and play for a long period.

I'm 120 hours played, just before the point of no return main story section, so I'm finishing up other bits. Great story, great characters, great voice work, stunning visuals (for the most part) and some silly bugs, sloppy AI, I really don't like some of the sound bugs - I got stuck with a 3 chord riff of johnny's that played over a large story section which spoiled it somewhat and contacts phoning and talking over other story dialogue.

I kept away from all CP hype, previews etc and so went in blind and I've enjoyed the game.
The visuals are a bit hit and mix - some of the street furniture models for instance wouldn't look out of place in a 1997 game other times you can get that almost but not quite photorealistic vibe from it.

There is a bedside cabinet somewhere that someone has obviously spent hours over photographing a real one in super high resolution and working in every little scratch and burred edge, etc. LOL with no polygon count spared.
I'm 120 hours played, just before the point of no return main story section, so I'm finishing up other bits. Great story, great characters, great voice work, stunning visuals (for the most part) and some silly bugs, sloppy AI, I really don't like some of the sound bugs - I got stuck with a 3 chord riff of johnny's that played over a large story section which spoiled it somewhat and contacts phoning and talking over other story dialogue.

I kept away from all CP hype, previews etc and so went in blind and I've enjoyed the game.

I enjoyed the game too and the city is very distinctive IMHO. I think the art design and direction is excellent. Graphics can be hit and miss for me - some aspects can be amazing,but then some aspects can clash and look a tad unfinished. Voice acting is great for the main characters,but for the random NPCs the lack of voice lines and variety makes it even worse than old RPG games. In some other games you could actually have more than the one liners sprouted at you. The side stories are actually quite interesting but very,very shallow.

The issue is I am not seeing much in terms of replayability here especially as its billed as an RPG. Its a good game overall,but it had so much more potential in the RPG part.

If you look at The Witcher 3 the percentage falloff was much lower,and it consistently stayed high in the Steam rankings for years,because of its replayability. Apparently now CDPR are downplaying the RPG aspects,but really talked a lot about it for years. After all this game is based on the Cyberpunk 2020 pen and paper RPG which has a lot of backstory to it.

Even the two other life choices only change a bit at the start,and don't affect the rest of the gameplay as much as you think. CDPR was saying originally how each of the life choices would make a big difference but it doesn't. In fact a lot of stuff has been removed from what they originally talked about a few years ago:

You can kind of see it in many sidequests,which start and then suddenly end very abruptly and have no impact on the main storyline,even though they should. So they imply a greater story but have no payback WRT to the final outcomes. Compare this to the Witcher 3,Mass Effect games or old RPGs such as Fallout:New Vegas,where there were very real consequences for what you did in the world,and there were multiple ways of trying to work around things. Even have a different follower could change a bloody outcome to a peaceful one.

It seems like CDPR ran out of time and couldn't integrate them into the main story. Even one of the characters which was implied to have a greater impact in the story and was shown in the demos,basically had their story cut back massively.That is the problem - people have put 100s of hours into the Witcher 3 and other RPG games. People play these games for years over several different characters. So I am hopeful CDPR can integrate this cut content over the next year into this game. If not I am uncertain within 12~24 months how many will be left playing this unless the modding community comes to the rescue! CDPR releases games every 5 years,so I am concerned TBF! :(
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