*** Cyberpunk 2077 ***

How do you know what cars in 2077 are going to handle like? :confused: :p


I really do wish someone would DDOS that forum out of existence. It's nothing but an echo chamber hangout, for fascist loony-tune woke SJW's.

It’s an Internet Forum like any other. Its users have a right to a voice the same as anyone else. Just exercise your right to choose to not get involved.

But... yeah! :D
If anyone's bored and in a mood for some insane asylum lunacy laughs, here you go:


God I hope the insane moderators on that cesspit actually do ban all Cyberpunk talk. How glorious would that be.

It is insane, these people have become completely self absorbed. It's interesting to see them speak quite literally about things being "offensive", as if anything can be objectively offensive. Being offended is an emotion you feel and different people have different emotional responses to the world around them. These people elevate their offense at something as an indication that something is objectively offensive and thus must be changed. What they really mean is that they feel offended and they'd like the developers to change their game for them.

It's a dangerous path to go down, we've seen SJWs pursue this line of reasoning for "hate speech" where they are somehow arbiters of what is considered hate speech and thus pushing to have such speech made illegal and punishable. We saw that in Canada where it's now illegal if you don't use someones preferred gender pronouns. I genuinely hope CDPR aren't reflecting on threads like that to inform them of how they ought to build their games.
I really do wish someone would DDOS that forum out of existence. It's nothing but an echo chamber hangout, for fascist loony-tune woke SJW's.

They are indeed, authoritarian fascists of the highest order. What's funny is that Neogaf used to be that, but after the exodus is now a sane forum, like OCuK.
to be fair to this guy every time a need for speed game came out people always knew the handling would be bad based on the videos they showed of it.

cyberpunks not a racing game anyway so I doubt the handling will be up to much
Yeah, I would prefer arcadey controls anyway, it ain’t a racing sim for god sakes.
I'd just hope the driving was fairly repercussionless. If there were no cars about that'd make it seems kinda empty so that's not great... But if I'm trying to get somewhere I really don't want to have to deal with law enforcement every time I bang bumpers with someone, or squeeze past them as I'm not bothering waiting for a red light ... these aren't really issues you've gotta worry about in medieval settings when getting around on a horse, but they become a pain when driving around a city.
Has anyone seen any footage yet with FPS and PC spec etc?? Hopefully, the 2080ti can handle 4k to some extent. Doesn't look 3080s are going to around for launch anyway.
Has anyone seen any footage yet with FPS and PC spec etc?? Hopefully, the 2080ti can handle 4k to some extent. Doesn't look 3080s are going to around for launch anyway.

I'm guessing it will depend on what framerate you're happy to play at. I don't think the 2080Ti will have any trouble maxing the settings out (inc Ray tracing) at (native) 4K, but you will probably have to play at 30fps, DLSS 2.0 may come to the rescue for 60fps, just have to wait and see really.

Me, I'll be happy if I can play it with maxed out settings @1440p 30fps with my vanilla 2080, or 60fps with DLSS 2.0.
I'm confident my 1070 will be able to run this at 3440x1440, every setting maxed, with full ray tracing, no problem.
and goodness me, there was I thinking there's an increasing number of 'real', you know, goose-stepping fascists about these days, but, no, it's 'SJW' types we've got to be worried about. Frightening indeed what people who presumably regard themselves as reasonable and, even, decent, can project onto others to justify their hate-mongery. But obviously that's no-one on the OC forums.
strange old world. History repeating itself and all that.

Never even played the Witcher 3 properly, as far as gaming goes. :p
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