*** Cyberpunk 2077 ***

Just watched the teaser for the first time since 2013
Still gives me shivers like it did when I watched it every single day for weeks. Hard to believe I was 20 when that came out and now I'm not far off 29

Gotta say though it did remind me that I was expecting to be Night City PD in this game and not a Samurai
Yes i was a bit disappointed the game is not more like the teaser I was wanting a more bladerunner type of thing!
Just watched the teaser for the first time since 2013
Still gives me shivers like it did when I watched it every single day for weeks. Hard to believe I was 20 when that came out and now I'm not far off 29

Gotta say though it did remind me that I was expecting to be Night City PD in this game and not a Samurai

You think that's bad, I was in my fifties when it was announced, now I'm in my sixties. :(
Will do, thanks. Same thing happened on the r/cyberpunkgame subreddit. You would get a "warning" message you were banned, and boom. Spoilers in your face. Luckily I only read the information via a mod sticky and not for myself. I would have flipped.
These are tweets from the same woman;

Seriously, what kind of a **** does that.

That is sad.... What a horrible thing to do.

Sounds like it's full of bugs :(

I'm not coughing up £50 to be a beta tester.

Get it for £20 from using Russian VPN or get it free as it is DRM free and then buy the GOTY at full price later once all bugs are fixed.

Personally these guys have worked hard to bring a game that is exactly the type of games I want to see being made, so I am supporting them and got it via steam and will also buy the expansions also on release.
Yes the Witcher 3 Expansions were both better told stories than the vanilla
Save the World grandiose ending

Blood & Wine must be the best DLC I have ever played for any game. Played it again recently, absolutely brilliant from start to finish. Another reason why I like the thought of playing CP after all the bugs are fixed, if I can hold out that long...
Interested, those graphs were just removed by TomsHardware on request from CDPR... I would take a huge pinch of salt with the results.
Were they? I can still see the graphs.

I would take a much lesser pinch of salt based on the fact CDPR asked TomeHardware to remove them! I was originally hoping for 60fps on Ultra settings with a 2080Ti @ 3440 x 1440. Looks like thats going to be more like 30-40fps
It's clear the reviews skew upwards in fear of being lambasted by the fans, same as all major darling studios. For me what I could forgive in TW3 wrt basic gameplay I cannot forgive here anymore. They have been in a position to do better, have all the advantages they could want & need. If they still ****** that up, then **** 'em. Writing alone won't win me over, I can go read books for that.

No maybe the joke reviewers that give scores of 100% do that but serious reviewers don't, in fact they often skew downwards to be edgy and contrary.
Blood & Wine must be the best DLC I have ever played for any game. Played it again recently, absolutely brilliant from start to finish. Another reason why I like the thought of playing CP after all the bugs are fixed, if I can hold out that long...

I was actually gutted to finish that DLC, and it's the only DLC I cared about lol
Just watched the trailer. No spoilers in it, if anyone's wondering.

Is it just me, or have they totally solved the CGI "Dead Eyes" problem? The facial capture and expressions are nearly scary.
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