*** Cyberpunk 2077 ***

Runs fine @ 1080p on a 2070S with everything maxed including RT, not checked framerate but it's smooth as butter. I haven't even updated to the latest driver either, doh!
Anyone having issues enabling Gsync? I tried the game early this morning and everything was as smooth as silk. Have come to it now and its stuttering like crazy. Only way I seem to be able to get Gsync to "take" is to put it into windowed mode. Very strange....
Anyone able to enable HDR?

Option is there but I can't do anything.

Stunning looking game, runs pretty crap though, waiting on digital foundry or hardware unboxed settings before really sinking time into it.
Playing with a 5900x, 3090 at 3440x1440 and have to use DLSS to get a stable 60, otherwise I'm at 30-40. Hoping more updates will smooths things over

Edit: This is with everything maxed out
What DLSS setting are you using cos im getting 80-100fps same resolution and 3090 but with a 9900k. Got all settings on ultra or psycho inc RT, game is silky smooth.
That doesn't sound right? I'm running i9 9900k (5Ghz) and a Asus Strix 3090 OC (2.1ghz core, 20ghz mem) and at 3440x1440 with everything max (reflection and RTX set to psycho) with DLSS to balanced, I'm getting average of 75fps.

Did you install the latest drivers?

What app are you using to see you GPU memory?
I have used EVGA\After burner ect. But they don't say the same thing.
Wahey, my copy from Amazon arrived earlier than the 11pm they suggested :p



Impressed by the GOG servers - currently maxing out my connection at 45MB/s, pretty sure Steam always goes down/slows to a crawl on a big release like this!
Game looks stunning.

RT Ultra, motion blur off, DLSS performance getting around 60fps on a 2080Ti 3440x1440 so happy with that. Not running the new driver and noticed no graphics bugs so far (445.87 driver)
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