*** Cyberpunk 2077 ***

Literally only booted this up to check that it will start, and look at the settings very quickly. I'm at 1440p and on a 2080Ti btw.

I'm leaving everything up on maximum/Ultra (not going to psycho), except turning off the blur, chromic and film grain.

My one question is this though, specifically about DLSS and blurriness.

Even on the character creator screen, I can notice the bluriness, even on the Quality setting of DLSS. Specifically I'm looking at the characters facial hair. If I disable DLSS, it looks sharp again.

What do people recommend?
Just a heads up - If you have a GTX 1080 Ti, it's probably best to not upgrade to the latest Game Ready drivers - 460.79. There appear to be some problems with the GTX 1080 Ti specifically. Mine basically corrupted the screen. I thought my GPU had died. Info on Reddit here: https://www.reddit.com/r/nvidia/com...?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=web2x&context=3

I can confirm I'm getting that flickering with an Acer predator and 1080ti too. Thought it was me at first 0.o
Literally only booted this up to check that it will start, and look at the settings very quickly. I'm at 1440p and on a 2080Ti btw.

I'm leaving everything up on maximum/Ultra (not going to psycho), except turning off the blur, chromic and film grain.

My one question is this though, specifically about DLSS and blurriness.

Even on the character creator screen, I can notice the bluriness, even on the Quality setting of DLSS. Specifically I'm looking at the characters facial hair. If I disable DLSS, it looks sharp again.

What do people recommend?

Been answered a few times.
Read back a few pages.
This works but won't show FPS in the overlay either

To be fair the UI and button mapping in this game is appalling. I can easily imagine that it will put a lot of people off quite early in the gameplay.

Was in the Witcher 3 too, its why they basically redesigned most of the UI after release.

Been answered a few times.
Read back a few pages.

You may as well have answered the question.
Just a heads up - If you have a GTX 1080 Ti, it's probably best to not upgrade to the latest Game Ready drivers - 460.79. There appear to be some problems with the GTX 1080 Ti specifically. Mine basically corrupted the screen. I thought my GPU had died. Info on Reddit here: https://www.reddit.com/r/nvidia/com...?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=web2x&context=3
Not had that issue with my 1080ti and the latest drivers.
I am on 1080p/60. A brief scan through the comments looks like a common theme is that issues might be with this card/driver and high refresh monitors.
This looks like it's going to take ages to play, just had a quick blast on lunch.

@iamtheoneneo - I know what you mean about clunky UI, I guess there are a lot of 'actions' to perform and it's hard to streamline all of that. Some aspects of it are good though.
Game is incredible - struggling with whether to ocntroller or not. Tried both and easier to play with controller but shooting is significantly harder. A few bugs but its a next gen title for sure!
Does the steam version come with all the Soundtrack and extra wallpapers still or is it just the GOG version ?
Literally only booted this up to check that it will start, and look at the settings very quickly. I'm at 1440p and on a 2080Ti btw.

I'm leaving everything up on maximum/Ultra (not going to psycho), except turning off the blur, chromic and film grain.

My one question is this though, specifically about DLSS and blurriness.

Even on the character creator screen, I can notice the bluriness, even on the Quality setting of DLSS. Specifically I'm looking at the characters facial hair. If I disable DLSS, it looks sharp again.

What do people recommend?

Push Alt + F3 for the Nvidia Filter Overlay and create a Sharpness filter, then slide the sharpness up to help fix the blur.
I've been averaging around 70fps at 1440p on a 3090 with pretty much every setting maxed out other than screen space reflections and ray traced lighting which I left both on Ultra.
Wasn't initially impressed with the graphics until I realised I'd forgotten to disable film grain and chromatic abberation.

Does ANYBODY know why developers like to put these awful effects, along with motion blur (and have them on by default) into PC games?
Well, HDR looks nice and all but unlike where it's just perfect in Ni no Kuni II when I used it last week, it's just way too dim here
Can barely read the map with it on
Does ANYBODY know why developers like to put these awful effects, along with motion blur (and have them on by default) into PC games?

I've got a friend that plays all single player games with these settings on. His reason is it makes the game look more like a movie than a game.
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