*** Cyberpunk 2077 ***

10.5 hours in, at the very last mission for the prologue. Having quickly looked over the games completion path in the official guide, I'd STRONGLY suggest people do do side missions when they can. They can and will not be available as you progress like other RPG's. Now I am 100% sure I'll be playing through this, many, MANY times.
Unless you are forcing something non-standard I wouldn't have thought so - either the game would refuse to work or use a fallback path.

Wow, that Nexusmod AVX check works!


I really must upgrade to an AMD 6 series chip when they get released.
I'm surprised - normally stuff like that is either checked for and prevents you running or checked for and alternative path used instead.

EDIT: Ah just had a look into it - looks like another instance of sloppy development :s
10700k with a 3080 and kinda meh about the graphics, using a alienware 3440x1440 and at times the game looks amazing but there's times where it looks so potato, for consistency throughout the game I still think witcher 3 looks better and red dead blows it away in terms pure graphics, rtx still pointless unless u like sub 60 fps, still the game Itself Im really enjoying but let down my the graphics, also is it just me but does dlss have a **** ton of ghosting?
Put in over 10 hours now. I'm enjoying it, but it doesn't seem like there's a great deal to do really. The side missions aren't exactly great, and the city is devoid of anything fun to do...

Main story has been decent so far, but the characters are weak though. They're mostly forgettable apart from Jackie. The dialogue is painfully boring too.

If anything it really highlights just how utterly incredible Witcher 3 was. Forever unbeatable.
Amassed 11.8 hours so far and I've only just reached Afterlife! The longest I have played any game in history in just 2-3 sittings I think.

Anyway I have been gaming today with RTX off but Screen Space Reflections set to Psycho. DLSS on Balanced and everything else on max 3440x1440. I have to say I am not missing the RT shadows or reflections considering the level of detail and quality offered by non RTX Ultra alone. I have locked the game in the video tab to 60fps as well and am happily maintaining that now even outdoors in the city.

Look how glorious it looks, and the photo mode is exceptional too. Also have had no crashes at all, and the last few hours have not seen the 16:9 dialogue box bug either. Enjoying levelling up my Nomad, he's gonna be an epic swordsman and hacker :D

These are all with the above settings and RTX off:
















runs fine on a 980ti @ 1080, defaults to mostly high about 30% of the settings on med.

turned some of them down and didn't notice a difference, getting 50-60fps not bad :O

my old i5 4670k @4ghz is only around 90% cpu usage as well, thought it would be choked
So messed around with the graphics settings last night. First was 1080p with most things maxed and got a rock steady 60FPS. The I tried 1440 with most things turned to low/medium and got anywhere between 47-55FPS which ought to be playable but is it normal to notice severe choppiness within this range? I only ask as I read here that many find these frame rates smooth

I’m running 5930k with a Titan Xp (equivalent to 1080ti of course) and playing on OLED 4k TV.

I’ve enabled v-sync in game (which I have to for all games) but really not sure what else I can do to improve things? Are there settings in NV control panel I should be changing?

I have considered a total rebuild recently but not sure I’m sufficiently impressed with the game to justify the expense. Whilst it appears enjoyable, it’s no where near as good as I anticipated. Quite disappointed actually.
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Initial impressions after 90 mins or so are good. I feel like I really want to wander round and explore too which I hand has in a game since probably GTAV.

Performance wise on my 3080 @ 3440x1440 - I've got most settings on high or ultra with RT medium and DLSS Balanced. I'm getting 55-70 on average but as low as 45 in one scene where it was raining and in a car. Not really noticed any bugs yet.
Getting similar performance from my 3080 (with i7 5820k) at 3440*1440. RT Ultra, DLSS performance and I'm between 50 and 70 FPS.
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Posted in the GPU section but more people here might be playing the game. Is anyone seeing stuff like this? I don't have another PC to test on.
It's putting me off playing on and not sure if it's some kind of problem with my pc or the game.(recorded using phone not screen capture)
If this thread is 80% frame rates etc. It would be helpful if people post what cpu they are using as well just to give up more of an idea.

No point saying 60fps on a 1080ti if we dont know what the resolution or cpu is....

Enjoying it.

But you're kidding yourself if you think this anyrhing more that a gorgeous looking cardboard cutout.

NPCs do nothing. City life is skin deep. Police don't behave like police. Nothing really, happens. Every interesting sequence is scripted.

GTA 2077.

Enjoying it.

But you're kidding yourself if you think this anyrhing more that a gorgeous looking cardboard cutout.

NPCs do nothing. City life is skin deep. Police don't behave like police. Nothing really, happens. Every interesting sequence is scripted.

GTA 2077.
I agree, it reminds me so much of Deus Ex: Invisible War when it released years ago, a really graphically punishing engine and a fairly shallow game.
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