*** Cyberpunk 2077 ***


That's a RIP for us 20xx/30xx users

Dlss with the new driver does show performance improvements with dlss 4 over dlss 3 and the old drivers on 30xx. Will find the Reddit post later.
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The comparison 5 mins in is pretty insane.

Interestingly the video also shows how the new transformer model highlights the SSAO bug more than the CNN model which kind of sucks. The flicker is off the chain and for those that can't afford RT lighting it basically means having to disable SSAO which is a pretty big ask.
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Tried out 571.96 - unfortunately it looks like the new driver has a definite larger CPU overhead compared to 56x series - i use an oc'ed i7 920 with a 3070 and my fps dropped by about 10% so it looks like the new driver needa a modern cpu
Nope, I'll be keeping this one a while longer yet, 5080 doesn't look much better. Will wait for the refresh unless something dramatic happens with pricing. This thing doesn't break 58 Celsius running the most demanding stuff, I do have a large case though.

And CP2077 with the new transformer model DLSS looks and runs fantastic at 1440p with path tracing :)
Same idea, wondering what the refresh would bring.

Btw without looking through 659 pages. Is this game worth buying now? i knew it was mess on release a while ago.
Tried the new drivers today gained a surprisingly large fps boost from them, which was even more surprisingly large when I noticed the new NVidia app had set virtually every graphics setting to max and it also tweaked my RT settings but it didnt enable ray reconstruction. DLSS set to balenced.

However I do need to delete all my add-ons and reinstall them as I've a few that are not playing nicely with the new patch before coming to a final judgement as to how much I've gained
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Ive never actually played Cyberpunk. I recall the moaning and complaining at the state of the game on release, but ive read recent steam reviews suggesting all is now good.

its £22.49 on steam now. Worth a punt for that? i like a linear, story rich game (think half life) How "open world" is this? is there a story to keep me playing? as an example, I got bored of borderlands as there didnt seem to be any point to it all. Am i guided through the story? or will i be wandering around lost most of the time? :cry: i'm not the best at games and have zero sense of direction
Ive never actually played Cyberpunk. I recall the moaning and complaining at the state of the game on release, but ive read recent steam reviews suggesting all is now good.

its £22.49 on steam now. Worth a punt for that? i like a linear, story rich game (think half life) How "open world" is this? is there a story to keep me playing? as an example, I got bored of borderlands as there didnt seem to be any point to it all. Am i guided through the story? or will i be wandering around lost most of the time? :cry: i'm not the best at games and have zero sense of direction

It's like GTA.

Borderlands was open world and also similar to GTA, with side quests and main quests.

Linear games are freaking boring, ie Last of Us. YAWN.
Ive never actually played Cyberpunk. I recall the moaning and complaining at the state of the game on release, but ive read recent steam reviews suggesting all is now good.

its £22.49 on steam now. Worth a punt for that? i like a linear, story rich game (think half life) How "open world" is this? is there a story to keep me playing? as an example, I got bored of borderlands as there didnt seem to be any point to it all. Am i guided through the story? or will i be wandering around lost most of the time? :cry: i'm not the best at games and have zero sense of direction
It has been a solid game for some time; even before the most recent update.

It's definately not linear in a similar way to Half Life. Instead it gives you plenty of choices as to what to do next. But the main story and side missions are all fairly well scripted - you get guided on the map to where you need to be and then prompts for what to do. So you are not just left to wander around the map to discover things. Plus other things to do are well marked on the map.

To get the most value from the game you probably do need to ignore the main story from time to time and do other things, but I guess you could simply always do whatever the game is telling you to do and still enjoy it.

There are some hidden things and there are critical choice points (mainly dialogue choices, which you won't know about unless you look for walk-through guides) that can affect what you can and can't do later. But unless you want to get every possible ending/achievement I don't think those choices make much difference to the possibility of enjoying the game.

hmmm.... i didnt get past the opening scene in GTA.
What put you off?
It has been a solid game for some time; even before the most recent update.

It's definately not linear in a similar way to Half Life. Instead it gives you plenty of choices as to what to do next. But the main story and side missions are all fairly well scripted - you get guided on the map to where you need to be and then prompts for what to do. So you are not just left to wander around the map to discover things. Plus other things to do are well marked on the map.

To get the most value from the game you probably do need to ignore the main story from time to time and do other things, but I guess you could simply always do whatever the game is telling you to do and still enjoy it.

There are some hidden things and there are critical choice points (mainly dialogue choices, which you won't know about unless you look for walk-through guides) that can affect what you can and can't do later. But unless you want to get every possible ending/achievement I don't think those choices make much difference to the possibility of enjoying the game.

What put you off?

That should be be ok. Finishing a game to me is getting to the end of the story, ive never worried about 100% completion.

I cant really remember what it was about GTA now... i think i tried to play it on mouse and keyboard. I dont use standard keys so i seem to recall getting very annoyed setting up all the keys for every possible situation//type of vehicle, and then the first thing you had to do seemed a real pain in the arse. I cant remember the details, but i remember being really annoyed with it.

Probably what i should have done was just plug a controller in.
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