Had a few of hours on it last night, only seen a couple of minor bugs so far, mainly with calling your car to your location (seems to enjoy driving though object's to reach you!). Performance wise it's a little bit of a mixed bag, I'm running a 2080ti & 5930K @4.3 but feel like I'm being bottlenecked at both ends as turning up/down the eye candy makes little difference in the busier areas, the usages also seem off on occasion, sometimes sitting at only 60% CPU and only 20% GPU. Other than that it's pretty acceptable. The lack of walk key was also bugging me, bit of an odd oversight tbh. I've also resorted to using a controller for driving as I just can't get the knack of using KB+M at the moment.
Most of the time it looks really good, I've had maybe a couple of instances where I thought it looked a little flat and underwhelming (almost reminded me of the Halo infinite reveal, maybe similar circumstances with the lighting and materials just not gelling together?). Then you get scenes where everything is just right and it genuinely might be the most visually impressive game we've seen. The audio and music is awesome too, they've really knocked it out of the park on those fronts.
Some of the choices and quick dialog options really had me thinking already too, its going to be interesting how many variations there are to some of these quests. I spoke with a friend earlier to get his thoughts so far and some of the stuff sounds like it played out completely different for him.
I was excited at launch, but expecting drawbacks giving the amount of issues people were describing. There's definitely a lot more room for polish and potentially further optimization so I can sympathize with everybody who isn't having a great experience, unfortunately it seems they really botched themselves into a corner with the way they handled the delays when ideally it maybe needed another couple of months in the oven.
There's just something about it though, at the beginning of the night I was contemplating shelving it for a little while in the wait for further patches, however by then end I had to drag myself away to bed, I'm completely invested now.