*** Cyberpunk 2077 ***

Gun guy sells a mod called Pax - renders your weapon non-lethal allowing you to damage your enemies without killing them. Also increases dmg. Not the eye upgrade I know, but seemed relevant to what you want to do regarding early game.

I think this only works on energy weapons from what I've been told, which I can't find early game.
Wow. Just messing about and noticed if you punch a NPC, wait for everyone to start running, do a 360 turn and all the NPC's disappear. They just stop rendering when you look away :eek:
Have noticed cars popping in and out too :mad:
Yeah not a fan of the bullet spongeyness

Again, much like The Division, it’s an RPG with action overtones, not a first person shooter. One thing I did enjoy though is Johnny’s pistol. That thing is WHACK.

I agree I'm not much of a fan of it either probably because I'm more of a first person shooter fan, not a typical RPG game player - but I do get it as the RPG element means stats play into it a lot more. Destiny 2 I don't think is that much different - but lasers and aliens make it more believable to shoot someone in the head 10 times etc.
Wow. Just messing about and noticed if you punch a NPC, wait for everyone to start running, do a 360 turn and all the NPC's disappear. They just stop rendering when you look away :eek:
Have noticed cars popping in and out too :mad:
the people WOWED by static screenshots won't tell you that though. Games a bit of a mess in terms of AI and pop in and floating items such as keycards and phones.

I have slowed down a bit to do some side missions.
The main story is good but if you are not paying attention you will actually end up playing on rails steamrolling through the story.I think one reviewer actually gave a warning on this
Sounds like an absolute mess on its current state.
It really isn't. Maybe I've been lucky but I've barely seen any of the immersion breaking bugs apart from a girl walking in mid-air and a floating mobile. The game plays and looks great.

If you're playing on an Xbox One or PS4 it's a mess graphically but IMO should never have been brought out for those consoles as it's clearly next gen graphically. CD Projekt Red got greedy.
Been really looking forward to this, but I think I can wait till a sale or a few more patches.

An open World cyberpunk game was always going to be EXTREMELY hard to pull off. Unlike Witcher where mud and grass believably can fill in entire landscapes, you need to fill a modern World with a lot of functional features. One of the reasons that Deus EX worked so well on primitive hardware was it gave an impression of being part of a wider World, but very astutely limited the actual space you could operate in. I remember upgrading my ram from 64meg to 126megs to play that game. The World of Deus Ex 1 made you use your imagination, yet its World still felt real at the time, not in graphic terms as they were poor even then, but in the complexity of choices, etc.

I respect CDProjekt but at some stage they likely realised they saddled themselves to making something comparable to GTAV in terms of open World functions and free form gameplay - the problem is that Rockstar have had over 20 years to refine and perfect the formula - years of 2D GTA games to draw upon, games like Body Harvest on N64 that were prototypes of the GTA 3D engine.

Looking back now, Body Harvest was especially rough, GTA3 still a good game but very rough around the edges too, but Rockstar had 20 years to perfect the formula or (as close as anyone has managed.)

Maybe CDProjeckt should have asked to buy rights to the GTA engine instead of trying their own in a short time, I doubt Rockstar would have let them in a million years, but still.
OK I've worked out the best outcome for me that's basically the best of a bad situation.

What I've done is confronted Royce and when the gun is under his chin just shot him, that has the benefit of him not escaping and being a boss at the end of the level. That's also a cutscene kill which in a pacafist play through is going to have to be allowed anyway because it happens later on. Jackie deals with the other mobs in about 5 seconds so you can hide behind the softa, but he can't deal damage to dum dum, he does however distract him, you can run right behind Dum Dum while he's shooting at Jackie and grab him and choke him out.

Then you can stealth the rest of the factory with the added benefit that you can also free Brick who goes on to reform Maelstrom anyway and vows to owe you a favour, and then you have the other benefit of coming out the factory friendly to militech, Meredith apparently has more missions for you later on. You also get the benefit of searching the terminals and finding the militech mole

Phew, what a mess!


Spoke to someone else who said that if you don't meet Militech at all before the mission they dont know the location and so wont gatecrash, that means if you can earn the 10k eddies through side missions you can avoid confrontation completely (I think) although you miss a lot of other stuff
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It really isn't. Maybe I've been lucky but I've barely seen any of the immersion breaking bugs apart from a girl walking in mid-air and a floating mobile. The game plays and looks great.

If you're playing on an Xbox One or PS4 it's a mess graphically but IMO should never have been brought out for those consoles as it's clearly next gen graphically. CD Projekt Red got greedy.
Same experience.

20hrs played and not a single annoying or game breaking bug. Once body from a car appeared on top of it, once cup or food was floating. Don't care about consoles ;)
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