*** Cyberpunk 2077 ***

Totally agree with Macks review, refund/uninstall and wait 6-12 months for what could still be GOTC after patches. Totally unacceptable to play in its current state.

Hopefully as an apology to fans, the first..or at least one of the DLC should be free.
Got random crashes until today.
Now it crashes every time when i click continue at the menu.
9.8 hours in.
I'm glad they don't make software for planes or for ai driven vehicles.
I love the game but RDR 2 is still king:


We dont know how good we had/have it with RDR2. It's an astonishing achievement and as this shows, Cyberpunk can't really call itself an open world/immersive environment game when you compare it to what has come before (RDR2).

I think the main thing CP has reinforced for me is just how good a game GTA is and how exceptional Rockstar are at development. Not that I ever doubted it but it’s so far ahead of anything similar, CP doesn’t come close.

CP is fun, it’s good but nothing special considering how long it was in production. There’s still enough content to make it worth playing, especially with the lull in decent games.

Yep, Rockstar obviously have some SERIOUSLY talented people working for them.
37 hours in and yet to crash for me, worst I've had today is a couple of cars stuck in the ground.

Done most of the side missions that were available to me, apart from the fights, and I'm nearly at level 25, so back on to the main missions tomorrow. The taxis are toxic AF :D

No idea who that **** is but how's he got 270k subscribers? I'm loving it so he can go and **** himself.
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To be fair: RDR2 has no choice -> consequence system, missions cannot be done/approached in different ways, side stories/activities are better written (although is subjective) in Cyberpunk and so on. :)

Yeah the forced story line in RDR 2 put me off the game completely because you couldn't make decisions based on your own values and insights.
28 hours in and reasonably impressed with the game, had 1 crash and multiple stuck things on the screen / phone calls not ending due to me doing something else whilst on the phone.

Game looks amazing, story is OK, inventory system drives me mad, city feels dead, you can tell the corners which have been cut to get this game out.

I'm enjoying the game, but it feels unfinished.
To be fair: RDR2 has no choice -> consequence system, missions cannot be done/approached in different ways, side stories/activities are better written (although is subjective) in Cyberpunk and so on. :)

Indeed I thought rdr2 has a fantastic open world but story and rpg stuff is not comparable.
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