*** Cyberpunk 2077 ***

how bad it runs on old consoles is laughable...
I literally play the game on
i5 4670k @ 4ghz
8gb ram
980ti with power limit set to 54% and the fps capped to 30 LOL (gpu downclocks from like 1300mhz to 700 lol)

I never had a single game crash so far and dont see issues with 8gm ram apart from driving if i swing the camera around really fast it sort of stutters a bit
(guess my pc would have been like topend in 2015-2017 when they were working in the game though so maybe they did a lot of optimizations for 980ti)

I only power limit the gpu so the fans not noisy it easily pulls 50-60fps @ 1080 on the default settings it chooses for me which is like everything on high apart from a few mediums.
turned screen spacer reflections to ultra, didnt even notice a 1fps drop, looks helluva better

just how weak were the xbone , amd 8 core cpu though AMD were really crap gaming CPU's compared to intel back then for per thread performance.

personally played way over 30hours by now, only did side quests for 2 days straight pretty much.

died 3x to fall in places I shouldn't.
do see the traffic bug everyone has, loads of cars from a distance on high ways but they vanish instead of lod change or whatever.
okay the AI is kinda average for a game.
the AI cars look like a 70s movie

then there's the bugs that are funny in fallout or a skyrim game, but in a cyberpunk game it's terrible?

I don't get all the hate even on my old crap rig it runs perfectly fine almost constant 60fps if I wanted.

The game is fun for most people surely, just seems like people expected way to much compared to other games, I didn't follow the hype though, just caught a few trailers before release.

The old consoles are underpowered, yes. However, just how bad it looks and runs on them is entirely on CD Projekt. Many other developers have sill been able to release fantastic looking, large open world games and have them run acceptably on the original xbox one and ps4.

Cyberpunk isnt some monumental leap in graphics. It looks very good on high end PC's granted, but blaming the performance/visuals on the old consoles hardware doesnt tell the full story as we know others have gotten a lot out of them in the past. It is just poor development.
Wow...just realised how short the main line quest is....im on act 2....been playing about 18 hours or so....mix of the main story and trying some side missions and I've just checked that from the main mission perspective I'm on mission 21 of a total of 30 missions.

As a comparison it took me 45 Hours on my recent playthrough this year, just to get to Skellige on the Witcher 3, which is about 65% of the way through the game.
A lot of people never finished the main Witcher campaign according to the data CDPR have. They also received a lot of complaints about the length of the campaign in Tw3 so they intentionally made the main campaign in CP2077 shorter.
Wow...just realised how short the main line quest is....im on act 2....been playing about 18 hours or so....mix of the main story and trying some side missions and I've just checked that from the main mission perspective I'm on mission 21 of a total of 30 missions.

As a comparison it took me 45 Hours on my recent playthrough this year, just to get to Skellige on the Witcher 3, which is about 65% of the way through the game.
loads of the side missions have actual story, some of them do continue like you finish one mission, the same person contacts you after kinda a continuation.
keanu even pops up in a lot of them and says a few words, some even have basically as much dialogue as the main missions do.

it's not like the content isn't there at all, side missions are far from pointless.

some you do even seem to have a choice of outcomes but it could be an illusion

Preorders only, so this doesn’t account for day 1 sales etc.
again so is 41% considered a small portion? it's a smaller portion of course.
i would hazard a guess and literally every other game is the other way round. so huge swing.:p

not to be taken seriously
I thought the CPU in the xbone and ps4 is way worse than the 4670k and gpu is more like a gtx670 on ps4 and gtx780 (or less) on a ps4 pro
seems didn't think it was supposed to be way worse.
50% 980ti can't be that much more powerful than a gtx780 though.
I think the real issue is the 8core amd cpu that have uber low clock speeds in the old xbone

core for core back then intel were like 1.5-2x as fast or something stupid like that.

they probably should have never released cyberpunk on the old consoles but I assume sony and MS kinda demanded it
So first impressions...

Is the mouse pointer in menus supposed to be a box - that is pretty janky.

Plus points for having indicators of which level a quality setting is versus the range of possible quality settings.

Big negative points because I can't bind a lot of keys through the options with just a generic failed error (yes I'm aware I can edit the file).

What the **** is braindance and how would I know what settings were best without knowing what it is and how it functions....... better to have generic action keys with intuitive controls that work broadly through the game. Oh and specific keys of some "panzer" functions which I can only guess at are vehicle related - again better to have some kind of generic ability keys (primary ability, secondary ability, etc.) that work broadly throughout the game. So big negative points for that.

Already feeling like hitting refund and I haven't even hit play yet.

Stick with it for me its been really quite engaging.

There aren't enough next-gen consoles in existence right now to make that a smart business decision. The budget on this game must have been utterly monumental, the only reason they've already broken even on it is because it's available so widely.

The base consoles have existed for the entire duration of this game's development, they've had more than enough time to get comfortable with the hardware and what it can do.

350 million dollar!!!
loads of the side missions have actual story, some of them do continue like you finish one mission, the same person contacts you after kinda a continuation.
keanu even pops up in a lot of them and says a few words, some even have basically as much dialogue as the main missions do.

it's not like the content isn't there at all, side missions are far from pointless.

some you do even seem to have a choice of outcomes but it could be an illusion

So are the side missions, the people that call you? Because the generic side mission of collecting taxis, killing Cyborg nutcases or collecting tarrot cards only interest me for so long.

im not complaining at the length of it either.....im just quite surprised how quickly im getting through it in comparison to the Witcher. (which I personally loved the length of, but understand people that find that too long).
Just because I have an Amiga in my parents loft i'm not expecting Team 17 to release a new Alien Breed or Cannon Fodder game for Amiga any time soon :D (how good would it be if they did!!)

My god I wish they did, the immersion I felt when this screen loaded with the music....


  • 57775-alien-breed-ii-the-horror-continues-amiga-front-cover.jpg
    101.6 KB · Views: 8
So are the side missions, the people that call you? Because the generic side mission of collecting taxis, killing Cyborg nutcases or collecting tarrot cards only interest me for so long.

im not complaining at the length of it either.....im just quite surprised how quickly im getting through it in comparison to the Witcher. (which I personally loved the length of, but understand people that find that too long).
they are listed as side missions in the journal, but yet mostly people who call you.

some might seem like stupid and you won't wanna do them like finding that AI cab companies cars, it does continue once you find all the cars and it does seem to give 3 different outcomes ;)

it's not a totally pointless find XX things on the map quest

I collected all the taxis in less than 2 hours last night without fast travel, I started the tarot cards last night and went to bed after 11 of them.

something must happen when you collect them all and I suspect it involves the keanu chip

I think "gigs" are the pointless missions, but I will do some at some point.
My god I wish they did, the immersion I felt when this screen loaded with the music....

07:50 in for the good start. The videos take away the darkness of the game. That music on the menu is what I remember and "smart card message follows"
Music from some Amiga games I will never forget. Baked into my brain since childhood
Also, even seeing certain logos like the pink Team 17 logo. You just knew it was going to be a fantastic game

This intro scared the crap out of me as child

Anyway, back to being on topic...
Dropped a fair few hours over the weekend and my original opinion hasn't changed. It's a very engaging game even through side missions and just general dialogue, it keeps me interested. Theres still so much to do in particular with character refinement and choosing different paths etc. I just hope theres a way to respec my character at some point so i can try different things out. I've yet to buy a car and still haven't purchased all the cyberware to fill in the slots.

Spent an embarrassing amount of time in jig jig street though lol!!! Some proper culture going on there :D
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