*** Cyberpunk 2077 ***

they are listed as side missions in the journal, but yet mostly people who call you.

some might seem like stupid and you won't wanna do them like finding that AI cab companies cars, it does continue once you find all the cars and it does seem to give 3 different outcomes ;)

it's not a totally pointless find XX things on the map quest

I collected all the taxis in less than 2 hours last night without fast travel, I started the tarot cards last night and went to bed after 11 of them.

something must happen when you collect them all and I suspect it involves the keanu chip

I think "gigs" are the pointless missions, but I will do some at some point.

Ah ok...thanks...ill perceiver with them then :D

He's had his review removed already. Doesn't surprise me tbh, he got through the good points in the game as fast as possible then spent the majority of the video moaning about bugs and slagging it off. He complains there are sex toys in the game and that it's pointless and silly then end's his video sex toying someone to death. Yes Mack there are in the game for people like you to enjoy.

He get his Sub's by calling AAA games and praising broken indy games.

He's had his review removed already. Doesn't surprise me tbh, he got through the good points in the game as fast as possible then spent the majority of the video moaning about bugs and slagging it off. He complains there are *****'s in the game and that it's pointless and silly then end's his video "Dildoing" someone to death. Yes Mack there are in the game for people like you to enjoy.

He get his Sub's by calling AAA games and praising broken indy games.

I seriously dislike the guy, he's a total idiot, even if I do or do not agree with his review. He's just a sad grumpy man with little to no understanding of the games industry. If it doesn't suit what he likes, then it's the 'worst game ever'. Utter pleb. Anyone who takes his reviews as gospel are in the same boat.

Edit, and no, I've not watched his CP2077 review, I can barely get through 5 seconds of his videos, let alone one designed purely for clicks.
I seriously dislike the guy, he's a total idiot, even if I do or do not agree with his review. He's just a sad grumpy man with little to no understanding of the games industry. If it doesn't suit what he likes, then it's the 'worst game ever'. Utter pleb. Anyone who takes his reviews as gospel are in the same boat.

Edit, and no, I've not watched his CP2077 review, I can barely get through 5 seconds of his videos, let alone one designed purely for clicks.

Agreed hate his videos, he is not objective or reasonable, just whines a lot.

There is room for independent reviewers who are not biased, but I'd find another one who is actually worth watching.
I seriously dislike the guy, he's a total idiot, even if I do or do not agree with his review. He's just a sad grumpy man with little to no understanding of the games industry. If it doesn't suit what he likes, then it's the 'worst game ever'. Utter pleb. Anyone who takes his reviews as gospel are in the same boat.

Edit, and no, I've not watched his CP2077 review, I can barely get through 5 seconds of his videos, let alone one designed purely for clicks.
I used to like him but after about 5 videos it gets tiring to listen to him rant for the sake of ranting and ringing his stupid bell like a child.

let's face it not counting the old console releases the games at least a 7/10 in it's current state, personally I'd give it a 8.5/10 if they fix the bugs and make the city a bit more alive.

people fooled themselves into thinking every character in the game would have it's own real AI or something.. I mean yea you could probably do that for about 1 person in the game with machine learning if you wanted to devote 75% of your cpu to simulations.
Mopped up a few achievements I wouldn't have gotten had I continued as I was this morning. Few require Body and then Technical Ability to get to level 18 so did those and reloaded so I can continue dumping them all in Reflexes. Also stumbled on a fire fight between police and robots, was quite amusing to see the police get terminated but then they terminated me too which wasn't as funny :D

Look at who made the post and then don’t feed the troll. They’ve been spouting stuff like this since before the game even released.
Considering how dumb the AI is in places, he's going a long way to proving how dumb it could've really been had it been based on real life.
Edit, and no, I've not watched his CP2077 review, I can barely get through 5 seconds of his videos, let alone one designed purely for clicks.

To be fair he did say that if all the bugs were fixed and if they improved the AI and the open world NP interaction/immersion he would have given it game of the year.

That seems fair all things considered.
To be fair he did say that if all the bugs were fixed and if they improved the AI and the open world NP interaction/immersion he would have given it game of the year.

That seems fair all things considered.
I've never watched one of his vids before but I found him insufferable. Having said that, his opinion is just an opinion and I would've had no issue had he not blamed gamers for buying it. The fact he's now complaining that it'll hurt him financially after pleading with his viewers to request refunds, which would've hurt CDPR financially, **** him. You reap what you sow.
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I would've had no issue had he not blamed gamers buying it. The fact he's now complaining that it'll hurt him financially after pleading with his viewers to request refunds, which would've hurt CDPR financially

Yeah, I didn't feel great after hearing those bits, made me very meh, I'ma click off of this vid now.

Keep refunding guys, we need to let the developers know this is not acceptable.

No man, just wait, plenty of other games were crock on release in the last 10 or more years, I'm keeping my full priced CP2077, there will also be DLC and a multiplayer in the future. I'm only 2.7 hours in and even with my rig I'll wait for more patches, I've got lots of games I've not finished while I wait. Don't do a mack lol
In case it hasn't been seen already. Game might not be using SMT correctly for AMD cpus. (I saw there was a ram hack, but not this).


Been around a few day now.

I think it is more effective to 3XXX and 5XXX processors.

For me, it works very well. I did another check this morning and the difference is very marked.

I have not seen any response for CDPR yet though.

However I think they have enough on the hands LOL
Where does he say this? In the review? I might have missed that.

He actually said that the game would have been his game of the year if it had lived up to what was promised, but that customers should refund the game and then buy it 6-12 months down the line when all the bugs have been fixed and you get the experience you were expecting.

The *****-truncheon thing was because it was a joke weapon that did more damage than his high tech katana. While he realises it was a joke, he though it devalued the the game experience.
Keep refunding guys, we need to let the developers know this is not acceptable.

Theres absolutely no point in refunding, just shelve it, come back later when its been patched/updated. They've sold like 20 million copies of it, even 10,000 people refunding (and there arent even that many people here) is an irrelevant number in the scale of the monies made. Refunding now is as pointless as when tv channels and media tell you that YOUR vote matters in an election, it doesnt. It really doesnt, not when the votes number into the 10s of millions. Anyone who actually thinks that refunding a game which has sold this many copies is making any sort of statement to the developers is phenomenally naive at best or at its worst hugely overestimating who they are or how important they are.

Best thing to do right now, if you've bought it and have aspects of the game that you like but have things that are spoiling it for you, is just pop it aside, play one of the thousands of other games out/coming out and return to Cyberpunk later when it *may* be more agreeable.
Does not matter if you like worth a buy or not he is entitled to his review and opinion. The fact he seems to have had every mention of his video removed but not demonetised or actually removed seems like pretty clear censorship to me and without the decency to even tell him why is bad. While I agree some of his reviews are pretty trash he was actually fairly positive in this review and I agreed with most of it. If the bugs had been fixed and a few other things that ruined it for him personally, then it would have been voted his game of the year. He gave it a fair score based on it's current state of playability and he is right as its a mess. I mean he had a very emotional scene near the end of the game and it was ruined for him when it pans to character and the whole model was messed up. AAA games need better QA.
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