The exclamation mark in the top right means the item is a "story" item and these can't be dropped, disassembled, stashed etc - it's not a "bug" as such but a way to make sure you can't accidentally lose an item that the story *needs* at some point. However it is extremely annoying as I also have 3 copies Johnnies clothing, 2 copies of Crash etc that I can't get rid of.
If you look in you backback under the "everything" item you'll see your actual inventory is made up of dozens of these "story" items, even Johnnies robotic left arm (which you can attach BTW) like keycards, objects given to you by story characters etc.
Yay, finally hit over a Million with the CrashAn absolute waste of time and resources creating something as silly as this TBF but, I don't know, kind of satisfying I suppose.
That is too simplistic. I am talking about something a bit more than that. Something that changes the game world, not just a simple do you get to sleep with the npc or not which is super simple.They are, just not as obvious or as many as we would like (or probably as important). For instance, there is a certain situation with a certain girl. On the first play through I've went along with a plan B she had and in the end ended up sharing a bed (just sleeping). On the 2nd playthrough I've said no, so she order a room just for herself and, from what other NPC said, it may also have repercussions later down the storyline.
Yeah. After a while they get repetitive. Mix them up with gigs.I keep doing all the blue icons too. I don’t look at the map much, I just tackle what I come across. At some point I’ll need to make a push on the main story.
That is too simplistic. I am talking about something a bit more than that. Something that changes the game world, not just a simple do you get to sleep with the npc or not which is super simple.
How do you do that?
This is my Crash doing 870k headshots even with a Rare silencer (only 15% damage drop) due to it's 3x 8hp extra damage mods, a +20% headshot damage mod and whole bunch of Stealth/Handgun Perks - kind of makes the game a little pointless by then (put in spoiler due to image size)
and it consistently gets 800k+ headshots and I've heard on Reddit that there's a YT vid with over 1 million damage from a sniper (Overwatch IIRC)
My finally current dude V -
Merry Christmas allyou think its worth waiting to play this game until they iron out some of the bugs or are the issues more on the consoles?
Take away the gunplay mechanics from cod, bf.... what makes them good? haven't played COD in a long time, but the story at some point was cinematic, as in fun to play. From BF: physics, stable 64 player servers at good enough ticket rate. Stuff which other games (PC exclusive, aka ArmA!, Day Z) aren't capable off.
Take away the story and characters from rdr 2.... what makes it good? physics, level design, NPC, survival aspects.
Take away the open world aspect of gta 5.... what makes it good? same as above (minus survival) plus radio!)
Could apply the same logic to anything out there.
The game as a whole is great.
The visuals and design of the city etc. just adds to what is a pretty solid story for an action adventure game with "some" RPG elements, really likeable characters etc.
Is cyberpunk as good as the hype? Nope and anyone who was expecting that is a fool tbh
I've been having an absolute blast, which is a nice change as quite frankly, gaming has been complete **** for me for the last year or 2 now, nothing has held my attention.
tbh if the game was realistic the damage would be infinite as you don't really walk away from a headshot. xD
That is too simplistic. I am talking about something a bit more than that. Something that changes the game world, not just a simple do you get to sleep with the npc or not which is super simple.
That's the 1.05 patch, strange you got it so late!
My Revolver needs more power!
Merry Christmas allyou think its worth waiting to play this game until they iron out some of the bugs or are the issues more on the consoles?
Mine doesn't.
Finger gun, pew pew.