*** Cyberpunk 2077 ***

Yay, finally hit over a Million with the Crash :D An absolute waste of time and resources creating something as silly as this TBF but, I don't know, kind of satisfying I suppose.

The exclamation mark in the top right means the item is a "story" item and these can't be dropped, disassembled, stashed etc - it's not a "bug" as such but a way to make sure you can't accidentally lose an item that the story *needs* at some point. However it is extremely annoying as I also have 3 copies Johnnies clothing, 2 copies of Crash etc that I can't get rid of.

If you look in you backback under the "everything" item you'll see your actual inventory is made up of dozens of these "story" items, even Johnnies robotic left arm (which you can attach BTW) like keycards, objects given to you by story characters etc.

Oh right, odd it's a story requirement because that mission you get it on is a side mission and so skippable I guess? Anyway I've loaded an older save and acquired the pistol again and carefully upgraded it to legendary again and the same thing happens. Odd because I tried the same with Plan-B Dex's pistol and got that to legendary just fine with no dupes. It doesn't have the exclamation point though so I guess not all iconic stuff is story relevant.

It looks like the bug where the legendary item stops appearing in the upgrade tab is because there's a max number of upgrades you can do, I've just tried this again from scratch and same thing has happened eventually the upgrade button becomes a red cross and it disappears from the list items you can upgrade.

Looks like this is the max damage I'm getting out of it so far, this was from last night

Having said that it uses 1 mod slot for PAX to make it non-lethal which could instead go on another epic +12% crit damage. And I don't yet have my clothes maxed out with legendary + crit damage, which are +30% each, these are really rare though. Is epic the highest the gun mods for +crit damage goes up to? or do you just need to craft 100's to stand a chance at getting one?
Seem to of suddenly been getting more bugs than I was in early parts of act two, last few missions of act two and character models warping places and heads randomly being in there back.

Had a bug during what I would say is an important scene from a character perspective which just ruined it.

Tbh once I have finished this I won't be going back, glad I used the vpn trick.

Earlier I was thinking 7 is about right however with the bugs seeming to get worse further I'm getting into the game I've knocked it down to a 5

Shame as the core story itself is good.
They are, just not as obvious or as many as we would like (or probably as important). For instance, there is a certain situation with a certain girl. On the first play through I've went along with a plan B she had and in the end ended up sharing a bed (just sleeping :D ). On the 2nd playthrough I've said no, so she order a room just for herself and, from what other NPC said, it may also have repercussions later down the storyline.
That is too simplistic. I am talking about something a bit more than that. Something that changes the game world, not just a simple do you get to sleep with the npc or not which is super simple.
I keep doing all the blue icons too. I don’t look at the map much, I just tackle what I come across. At some point I’ll need to make a push on the main story.
Yeah. After a while they get repetitive. Mix them up with gigs.

I am now at 50 hours and side missions keep getting unlocked. Really enjoying them. I refuse to do a main mission when there is a gig available :)
That is too simplistic. I am talking about something a bit more than that. Something that changes the game world, not just a simple do you get to sleep with the npc or not which is super simple.

Not revisited them all but there was one area I cleared out from a gang and when I ended up at the same place a bit later the area were not repopulated with another gang but homeless NCP's. Sure, it's not a decision you had to make in a conversation, but it something that changed due to your actions. So there is things that changes depending on how you act. On the other hand, pretty sure almost everyone clearing out areas where the criminal gangs are located so nothing major. :p
How do you do that?

For my earlier post but the spec is unchanged, just a "lucky" RNG role for 1 million+ as I was much closer than usual to the target -

This is my Crash doing 870k headshots even with a Rare silencer (only 15% damage drop) due to it's 3x 8hp extra damage mods, a +20% headshot damage mod and whole bunch of Stealth/Handgun Perks - kind of makes the game a little pointless by then (put in spoiler due to image size)


and it consistently gets 800k+ headshots and I've heard on Reddit that there's a YT vid with over 1 million damage from a sniper (Overwatch IIRC) :eek:



My finally current dude V -

Merry Christmas all :) you think its worth waiting to play this game until they iron out some of the bugs or are the issues more on the consoles?


No more issues on the XSX than PC. I think the PlayStations are having more issues though. The bugs I’ve come across are pretty minor. My biggest issue is the lack of AI while enemies just stay in one place and get shot too easily. Still enjoyable though.
Take away the gunplay mechanics from cod, bf.... what makes them good? haven't played COD in a long time, but the story at some point was cinematic, as in fun to play. From BF: physics, stable 64 player servers at good enough ticket rate. Stuff which other games (PC exclusive, aka ArmA!, Day Z) aren't capable off.

Take away the story and characters from rdr 2.... what makes it good? physics, level design, NPC, survival aspects.

Take away the open world aspect of gta 5.... what makes it good? same as above (minus survival) plus radio! :))

Could apply the same logic to anything out there.

The game as a whole is great.

The visuals and design of the city etc. just adds to what is a pretty solid story for an action adventure game with "some" RPG elements, really likeable characters etc.

Is cyberpunk as good as the hype? Nope and anyone who was expecting that is a fool tbh :p

I've been having an absolute blast, which is a nice change as quite frankly, gaming has been complete **** for me for the last year or 2 now, nothing has held my attention.

tbh if the game was realistic the damage would be infinite as you don't really walk away from a headshot. xD

Depending on caliber, distance, type of helmet and probably implants, could be doable. Is the RPG mechanics which makes it stupid. :)

That is too simplistic. I am talking about something a bit more than that. Something that changes the game world, not just a simple do you get to sleep with the npc or not which is super simple.

It is, but simple stuff like that at the end of the mission leaves the impression that your choices matter like....

if you do OK by the Militech lady in the mission with the spider bot, you get to sleep with her later whe she texts you and, I guess, you text the right thing back. Not sure yet if she'll help somehow later in the game


you don't get to have sex with Panam after the mission in which you help her recover her truck and merchandise that she was smuggling. Just share a bed IF you go with her after recovering that truck to kill the camp/guy that double crossed her. If you refuse to go with her, then she orders a room just for herself and goes to sleep, but Rouge says is the right choice, because like this, the friends of those camp people, won't come to raid the nomads later - at the first playthrough, the nomads got raider at some point because of the killed guy that double crossed Panam

So far I haven't got to / spotted a lot of major choices that change the world (haven't finished the 2nd playthrough), but... considering the NPCs don't say (almost) anything on the street (even The Witcher 2 NPC said something and have some day and night routine!), is understandable. Remember "looks like rain" or "the wind is howling"? V is silent. The difference between TW3 and this one is... significant. :)
A small "heads up" for those amongst us who are using the selling machine "Duplicate" exploit - selling 1 item, exiting, pressing Esc + R together, clicking on the sold item to get it back then keep clicking to get multiple copies back - Any Mods you duplicate with this exploit are "broken" and this is what is causing peoples Armour/weapons ratings to behave incorrectly.

Effectively the game seems to apply an ID to each individual item so, when you duplicate the item, all the duplicated items have the same ID so all appear to the game to be a one single item. So when you add say 1x duplicated +8 damage mod to a gun it applies this correctly to the gun stats, but if you apply 2x duplicated +8 damage mods the game see's the same identical item applied in two different slots (due to each mod having the same ID) which obviously can't happen, so the game breaks itself at this point making the rating figures go really nuts. The same happens for stacking "duplicated" armour mods, each one is a duplicate with the same ID so the game can't accept you having more than 1 fitted and, again, goes wibble. This is why removing some of the stacked mods with others (which aren't duplicates) seems to change the ratings in strange ways.

However, the "workaround" for stacking is to craft these items instead - craft a common mod using a few "tech Ability" perks to force an upgrade into uncommon, rare or epic - this way each item will then have its own unique ID, allowing the stacking effect to work correctly.

I've just spent about 10 minutes doing this as a test to both a weapon and some clothes and can repeat the results time after time so that is my findings so far.

For my test I took a Legendary shotgun with 4 mod slots and added 4x crafted Epic +8 damage and the damage figure rose correctly. Then reloaded the game and this time used the duplicate exploit to make 4x Epic +8 mods and applied these to the same shotgun - only the first mod worked correctly, nothing happened when applying a second, third or fourth and when I applied a different mod (so 3x +8 and 1x Crit chance) the ratings dropped back to original and only started to work correctly once all the duplicate Mods were replaced with crafted/found mods (each having its own unique ID).

I did the same test with armour and got the same results - Duplicated mods are broken when stacked, Crafted mods work correctly.
Its hard to ignore certain bugs/AI goofs when they're literally in your face lol.



Also my revolver now is my fav weapon in the game. I've seen it produce over 100k damage from a single critical shot. Makes for some fun multi-kills walking into a gang filled area and taking them out before each one even has time to go into alert mode properly :cool: https://i.imgur.com/nfsmgMz.mp4
That second one, I've seen that from the other angle multiple times, in fact, once I had a mission complete at the dropbox beside it, and I had to cross the police lines, so they started shooting the ***** out of me for trying to complete a mission whilst the holdup continued unabated.
Its remarkably sloppy.
Merry Christmas all :) you think its worth waiting to play this game until they iron out some of the bugs or are the issues more on the consoles?


I have very mixed feelings. There is some good stuff in the game, there are moments where they've pulled off something special, and it can run quite well for some people*. But for other people it is just a borderline unplayable mess either due to performance and/or bugs or both. What is there needs another 6-9 months of work to polish into what is really an acceptable state and it is a good 2 years away from the kind of game it had been talked up as.

Personally I've put around 40 hours into the game so far and there is a lot that draws me into the game but that is offset by a mess of a situation with key binds and action input/mechanics in general which I had to mess about tweaking config and datafiles to get into some kind of acceptable state and even then it impacts on my enjoyment of the game** and some features are just in such a poor state you have to either bypass them or just find something that works and go with it.

Pretty much anyone who bought into the CDPR/CP2077 hype is going to feel badly let down as it is a pale imitation of what was talked up.

* I get a pretty solid ~60 FPS with ultra settings + RT + DLSS at 1440p on my 3070FE for about 2 hours before the game falls apart and I have to restart or it is a laggy ~45 FPS - but some people with even better hardware than me with the game settings don't see anything but a laggy ~45 FPS and some CPUs it seems to just not like at all.

** If you are someone that isn't bothered by quick time type events in games, etc. you will probably find that less of an issue, if like me you find that kind of stuff like having someone constantly nudging your arm while playing then it is tiresome.
Well thats it fully "finished" - I've done all the various endings (each of the 3 has two potential outcomes but some are shared across missions) apart from the secret ending which needed a different ending conversation with Johnny (when he's at his grave) than I chose at the time so it's unavailable to me, unless I repeat 40+ hours of game. Then I've done all the side missions, gigs and just finished my last Police mission. I've definitel emotionally bonded with the characters and their various stories over the past 130 hour (playing upto 10hrs a day whilst on sick leave for something to do) so, as mentioned before, I feel a little empty now it's done and I don't think I'll enjoy the "story" side of the game as much if I replayed as a different character as I don't think it'll be able to recreate that emotional response from me.

No matter what though I can't wait to see what they do next with this game!

Mine doesn't.

Finger gun, pew pew.

LOL, despite having quite a few visual glitches I haven't had Finger Guns yet :D
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