I've just about got enough energy to play this again in short bursts. I find you really have to look for your way to get enjoyment out of it if you know what I mean. I'm trying to be stealthy as much as possible, but I feel like I'm fighting the game to get the best out of it.
I'm sure I'll get >50 hours of fun from it, so it meets my "£1 per hour" rough personal guideline for good value for money in a game. I've played it for ~20 hours so far and I'm still enjoying it despite the flaws. I agree that you have to fight the game to get the best out of it, though. There's a lot that's badly done and/or unfinished, especially in the UI. That matters, since the UI is what connects the player with the game.
Also, I always say with these types of games, don't worry about the driving, You will get used to it eventually, but there is no getting used to this. Something like Sleeping Dogs had terrible driving, but in the end I just got used to it. The GTA games I'll get used to. This is unplayable!
I thought that initially, but now I'm getting around on Jackie's bike without any major problems. By far the biggest factor was taking my hand off the mouse when I got on a bike or in a car. The camera autoadjusts (not well, admittedly, but it does do it) as long as there hasn't been any mouse movement in the last couple of seconds and the vehicle is moving forwards. So I get on, move the camera to a usable position and then take my hand off the mouse and get going. Also, I found that 3rd person is effectively required when driving/riding in this game. 1st person is of course usually far better for driving (and almost everything else), but in this game due to the deficiencies of the driving 3rd person is better.
It helps that it's almost impossible to crash seriously or to do much damage your vehicle and even if you do then your vehicle is auto-repaired for a trivial fee when you summon it again. The only time I've come off the bike is when I hit a lampost at ~100. I lost ~50 health, so I ate a bar of chocolate and healed completely in about 20 seconds because that's how it works in this game. Walked back to my bike, which was undamaged, and set off again.
I'm now fine with the riding in Cyberpunk 2077 despite the fact that I'm using a keyboard for it. On top of that, I have to use WASD for the bike and that's a very poor control setup for riding/driving. It's not unplayable. It's badly implemented, but it's not unplayable. 3rd person, hand off the mouse and it's playable. I've started doing some light off-roading to shorten journey times and do some exploration, some light jumping for fun or just cruising around with the radio on. It's playable. It's not good, but it's playable.
I would suggest a bike rather than a car, mainly due to the traffic. There's also a mod for the minimap which allows you to zoom out. That's useful when using a vehicle and following a line to a destination because it gives you more notice of an upcoming turn. I haven't installed it yet, but I might. I miss turns sometimes because of the short notice in the unmodded game.