*** Cyberpunk 2077 ***

I purchased a while back and got a refund shortly after, but am tempted to try it again now.

How important is the hacking in this for progressing, that's one part I didn't particularly like. I would rather not bother with it.

Do you mean the hacking minigame thing, where you have to pick the right hexadecimal numbers from a grid? You can almost entirely ignore that if you want to. It's only necessary for decrypting one or two shards for one or two side missions. Although come to think of it, I'm not certain it's necessary to decrypt those shards. I think it is for one of them. Other than that, it's used for more convenient disabling of cameras and turrets, reducing the cost of attacking enemies with quickhacks (attacking their cyberware remotely, basically) and for some stealing (from some terminals, some vending machines, that sort of thing). None of which are necessary. You can disable cameras and turrets one at a time. You can attack enemies physically and you can make enough money from looting and payments for missions. Or by crafting and selling.

If you mean hacking in general, including things like remotely disabling cameras, mines, etc, that would make stealth very difficult in many cases. You could try using a silenced weapon to shoot out cameras. That should work. Or you might be able to get to a terminal that you can use to turn the cameras off. Mines would be more of a problem, but you could probably manage to avoid them. Getting the double jump cyberware mod would be useful (but probably not essential) for those things. It costs 45000 eddies, so that will take a while unless you exploit the game's broken crafting economy. Or you could ignore stealth completely and just use maximum violence from the get go even when stealth is requested. Your fixer will be disappointed and you'll get less or no payment for the job but if you're roleplaying someone like that your character isn't going to care. There might be a few missions in which stealth is required, but I'm not sure and you might be able to do it without hacking cameras.
Nah £10 seems about right, they delivered 20% of what was promised, they get 20%. Plus it won't run fast enough on a 3070 so there's that. I'll play it on a 4070 when those are in stock ;)

I'm running it on a 1070 Ti and it's running fast enough. 2560x1440, which is the native res of my monitor. Default settings other than turning off grain and motion blur. I'm not a fan of deliberately making things look worse. It looks fine and it runs fine.

The "they delivered 20% of what was promised" is fair though.
Another tip - ignore the boxing questline. You need to hit your opponent ~100 times. They need to hit you once. That's with legendary gorilla arms, body stat of 10 and brawler skill of 8. Unless you're playing an unarmed melee specialist (if so, why?) it's impractical.
Also best off IMO ignoring the Delamain quest line unless you either do it straight away or leave it until later - not only is it periodically irritating if you have it active while doing other stuff you can also fail the whole quest line while doing other stuff because you've strayed into an area which triggers part of it without actually continuing with it resulting in a potential fail condition.
Another tip - ignore the boxing questline. You need to hit your opponent ~100 times. They need to hit you once. That's with legendary gorilla arms, body stat of 10 and brawler skill of 8. Unless you're playing an unarmed melee specialist (if so, why?) it's impractical.

Yes and no. You can change difficulty at any point which drastically changes the amount of health and damage on the boxing mobs.

There's two decent weapon rewards and a car behind the boxing matches so if you want those and you hate the boxing minigame that how you do it.
Yes and no. You can change difficulty at any point which drastically changes the amount of health and damage on the boxing mobs.

There's two decent weapon rewards and a car behind the boxing matches so if you want those and you hate the boxing minigame that how you do it.

Heh, I hadn't even thought of doing that. I've been playing on a hard setting since the beginning. Maybe I will switch to easy for boxing, just to get those mission markers off my map. I've spent ~150K on melee mods solely for the boxing, so I may as well have another go.

Also best off IMO ignoring the Delamain quest line unless you either do it straight away or leave it until later - not only is it periodically irritating if you have it active while doing other stuff you can also fail the whole quest line while doing other stuff because you've strayed into an area which triggers part of it without actually continuing with it resulting in a potential fail condition.

Yeah, but it's some fun. "I'm going to kill you and all the cake is gone."

It's best to have an intelligence of at least 10 when doing the final mission in the chain, which is given to you shortly after you've retrieved all the taxis. That way, you can integrate the fragmented Delemain AI to create the real Delemain AI rather than killing some of the Delemain AIs
Yeah, but it's some fun. "I'm going to kill you and all the cake is gone."

I was talking to the meditation monk that is on the roundabout when mid-cutscene one of the Delamain cabs must have passed by and it triggered the conversation with it and started Epistrophy: North Oak blabbering on about how I had to get it safely back to the garage then next thing I know, while still mid-cutscene with the monk, the cab comes flying upside down over the roundabout, collides with another vehicle, catches fire and explodes all while I'm still in the cut scene for another question/conversation and then failed the entire Delamain quest line. I just LOL'd and saved game so I would no longer get the irritating calls from Delamain while driving about.

EDIT: The only one I actually completed was the Portal reference one.
I was talking to the meditation monk that is on the roundabout when mid-cutscene one of the Delamain cabs must have passed by and it triggered the conversation with it and started Epistrophy: North Oak blabbering on about how I had to get it safely back to the garage then next thing I know, while still mid-cutscene with the monk, the cab comes flying upside down over the roundabout, collides with another vehicle, catches fire and explodes all while I'm still in the cut scene for another question/conversation and then failed the entire Delamain quest line. I just LOL'd and saved game so I would no longer get the irritating calls from Delamain while driving about.

EDIT: The only one I actually completed was the Portal reference one.

That's a very Cyberpunk 2077 thing to happen. I've been finding quite a few vehicles embedded in the road recently. It seems that Night City has developed a sinkhole problem as well as an exploding car problem. I was riding along a street yesterday when a parked car blew up for no apparent reason. One of the pedestrians said "Not this again", which I thought was very appropriate.

I climbed to the top of the Hollywood North Oak sign today, because I saw it and wondered "can I get up there?" Fun stuff in an open world game. There's nothing up there, but I wanted a photo of V standing on one of the letters. Nope. Bugged. V is levitating above the letter and pretending to stand on one leg. In midair. I guess the 3 meditation sessions they'd had with the monk that day were very effective indeed.
Another tip - ignore the boxing questline. You need to hit your opponent ~100 times. They need to hit you once. That's with legendary gorilla arms, body stat of 10 and brawler skill of 8. Unless you're playing an unarmed melee specialist (if so, why?) it's impractical.
Loved those. Only the last 2 fights were hard, well actually it was just the penultimate fight. As usually if you die a few times you end up working out the ai and then it becomes easy. In the hard fight which was in a ring I cornered the guys and managed to drop around 70% of his hp while he was stuck there.
You could try using a silenced weapon to shoot out cameras.
Never got that to work for me, always some npc suddenly gets super hearing powers and kicks off. I quite liked daisy chaining the hacked cameras together and then seeing how many enemies I could fry the brains of before I even entered the fight.
Do you mean the hacking minigame thing, where you have to pick the right hexadecimal numbers from a grid? You can almost entirely ignore that if you want to. It's only necessary for decrypting one or two shards for one or two side missions. Although come to think of it, I'm not certain it's necessary to decrypt those shards. I think it is for one of them. Other than that, it's used for more convenient disabling of cameras and turrets, reducing the cost of attacking enemies with quickhacks (attacking their cyberware remotely, basically) and for some stealing (from some terminals, some vending machines, that sort of thing). None of which are necessary. You can disable cameras and turrets one at a time. You can attack enemies physically and you can make enough money from looting and payments for missions. Or by crafting and selling.

If you mean hacking in general, including things like remotely disabling cameras, mines, etc, that would make stealth very difficult in many cases. You could try using a silenced weapon to shoot out cameras. That should work. Or you might be able to get to a terminal that you can use to turn the cameras off. Mines would be more of a problem, but you could probably manage to avoid them. Getting the double jump cyberware mod would be useful (but probably not essential) for those things. It costs 45000 eddies, so that will take a while unless you exploit the game's broken crafting economy. Or you could ignore stealth completely and just use maximum violence from the get go even when stealth is requested. Your fixer will be disappointed and you'll get less or no payment for the job but if you're roleplaying someone like that your character isn't going to care. There might be a few missions in which stealth is required, but I'm not sure and you might be able to do it without hacking cameras.

In general I was talking about, didn't play enough 1st time to get a feel for it, but there were a few times I seemed to be getting hacked myself when attacking enemy areas, I had no idea how, as I was going in stealthy at the time, perhaps I was spotted by a camera without realising. I will just learn the hacking basics I think as I like to play a stealthy approach. Thanks
In general I was talking about, didn't play enough 1st time to get a feel for it, but there were a few times I seemed to be getting hacked myself when attacking enemy areas, I had no idea how, as I was going in stealthy at the time, perhaps I was spotted by a camera without realising. I will just learn the hacking basics I think as I like to play a stealthy approach. Thanks

Here's a very basic overview of hacking for stealth purposes:

Use your opticial implants to scan the area. Line of sight only of course, so be wary of the possibility of cameras and turrets you can't see from your current position.
When an item you can interact with remotely has been scanned by your implants (takes about a second), a window will pop up and you can switch ('Z' by default) between information and a list of available interactions.
The main ones you'll want for stealth are turning turrets off, turning cameras off and taking control of all cameras on the system (so you can use them to study some of the area, locate guards, etc). Then turn them off.
Many machines can be used to distract guards. You can, for example, remotely open and close doors, turn lights on and off, force a vending machine to burp out a few cans. That sort of thing. It tends to attract attention, especially from humans. They'll walk over to look at it and you might be able to use that time to sneak past behind them.
Use computers you find (hold 'F' by default), especially the local tab. It's usually possible to turn multiple cameras off from a computer in the area, often any one of several computers.
Look for alternative routes. There's often an alternative route that's easier for stealth. Over a wall at the back, up onto the roof and down through a maintainence hatch rather than using the front door. That sort of thing. The double jump leg implant is often useful for an easier time of that.
Consider using the hacking minigame thing ("Breach Protocol" in the list of available interactions when you scan something). If you have the right perks, you can disable all cameras and all turrets on the same system as the one you've breached. For 6 minutes.

The other thing you'll probably want to use hacking for sooner or later is disarming mines. Though you can set them off by shooting them.

Hacking is a key part of stealth in this game, which make sense in that context.

Having said that, I largely agree with this:

It's way too easy to create a **** up cascade when trying to stealth missions. I always end up murdering everyone anyway

I do stealth some missions for roleplaying reasons (e.g. I try to avoid harming non-gang guards who are just doing their job). I also use it for some targeted murder missions because it feels appropriate. I'm being hired to kill one specific person, so out of professional pride I kill that one specific person only. Which is also roleplaying. But on most missions I storm in with a smart SMG or a smart pistol if my assault skill is as high as my reflexes stat and I choose to train my secondary weapon to get some more perk points. That way I can avoid harming any innocent bystanders. If there aren't any, then it's total mayhem time so I can train multiple skills to some extent. Throw grenades all over the place (they're very cheap to make, so why not use a couple of dozen?), SMG, pistol, club, quickhacks...whatever skill I'm not currently maxed out in. Then steal everything, stroll out, mount my motorbike and roar off. I might dress in black, but I'm not a ninja.

Stealth is much harder.
Here's a very basic overview of hacking for stealth purposes:

Use your opticial implants to scan the area. Line of sight only of course, so be wary of the possibility of cameras and turrets you can't see from your current position.
When an item you can interact with remotely has been scanned by your implants (takes about a second), a window will pop up and you can switch ('Z' by default) between information and a list of available interactions.
The main ones you'll want for stealth are turning turrets off, turning cameras off and taking control of all cameras on the system (so you can use them to study some of the area, locate guards, etc). Then turn them off.
Many machines can be used to distract guards. You can, for example, remotely open and close doors, turn lights on and off, force a vending machine to burp out a few cans. That sort of thing. It tends to attract attention, especially from humans. They'll walk over to look at it and you might be able to use that time to sneak past behind them.
Use computers you find (hold 'F' by default), especially the local tab. It's usually possible to turn multiple cameras off from a computer in the area, often any one of several computers.
Look for alternative routes. There's often an alternative route that's easier for stealth. Over a wall at the back, up onto the roof and down through a maintainence hatch rather than using the front door. That sort of thing. The double jump leg implant is often useful for an easier time of that.
Consider using the hacking minigame thing ("Breach Protocol" in the list of available interactions when you scan something). If you have the right perks, you can disable all cameras and all turrets on the same system as the one you've breached. For 6 minutes.

The other thing you'll probably want to use hacking for sooner or later is disarming mines. Though you can set them off by shooting them.

Hacking is a key part of stealth in this game, which make sense in that context.

Having said that, I largely agree with this:

I do stealth some missions for roleplaying reasons (e.g. I try to avoid harming non-gang guards who are just doing their job). I also use it for some targeted murder missions because it feels appropriate. I'm being hired to kill one specific person, so out of professional pride I kill that one specific person only. Which is also roleplaying. But on most missions I storm in with a smart SMG or a smart pistol if my assault skill is as high as my reflexes stat and I choose to train my secondary weapon to get some more perk points. That way I can avoid harming any innocent bystanders. If there aren't any, then it's total mayhem time so I can train multiple skills to some extent. Throw grenades all over the place (they're very cheap to make, so why not use a couple of dozen?), SMG, pistol, club, quickhacks...whatever skill I'm not currently maxed out in. Then steal everything, stroll out, mount my motorbike and roar off. I might dress in black, but I'm not a ninja.

Stealth is much harder.

Thanks for this, very useful info. You really make me want to purchase it again now, I must say I actually played on series x, I actually found it ok bar the bugs. I should wait for the patch 1.2 really though before I jump back in?
3090 here everything on max and quality DLSS @4k and its 45-55fps most of the time. Even dips below that.

3090 and 3440 here. 100% max settings, psycho raytracing etc. DLSS balanced. Lowest I've seen is like 56 in 1 or 2 spots in the game. Rest of the time between 60 and 80+ depending on area.
3090 and 3440 here. 100% max settings, psycho raytracing etc. DLSS balanced. Lowest I've seen is like 56 in 1 or 2 spots in the game. Rest of the time between 60 and 80+ depending on area.

I honestly cant use balanced DLSS. Quality looks great but the blur starts to come through with anything less. Some parts are worse than others but for me the difference is huge.
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