I'll try and guess without looking up any post history
You seem butthurt by my comment, so I'm going to suggest perhaps you bought the hype, splashed £60 or whatever on the game and have since been defending it to justify your decision. Close?
Firstly, not butthurt but actually quite interested in what you'd guess... in the same way you get those personality tests, the What Marvel Character Are You quizzes, or that app that reckons it could guess your age/name/favourite colour/what film you're thinking of.... In short, that was me saying, "Go on then".
As for CP2077 - I saw the initial footage and thought it could be cool. Then saw bullets going round corners and decided it was going to be a steaming pile of ridiculous fantasy ***** that could **** right off.
The hype subsequently built and built, but I only gave it a second look when people whose opinions I value started taking an interest. I decided to see what it was like after release and then, based off watching a couple hours of someone else playing, decided I might give it a go if I ever manage to find a 3080.
As is, I paid the grand sum of £0 for it, as my best mate gifted it to me. I still don't have the 3080, but the game turned out to be a
lot better than I was expecting!
It's not the best game I've ever played, but they did enough that kept me occupied and maintained my interest for over 300hrs.
It's still pretty janky and Destination made a good list of the main issues, but it's nowhere near as bad as people had led me to believe. I'm mostly just quietly disappointed that CDPR didn't fix all this, despite all the delays when they said that's what they were doing.
I'm certainly no fanboy - I haven't even finished Witcher 2, never mind 3 or 4!
If they do another Cyberpunk, I'll keep my options open and hope they learn from the failures 2077 had.