Getting bored waiting for the PS5 version, is it much better on PC compared to console? Starting to get tempted at £17.
It varies a lot from PC to PC, both in performance and bugginess. A fairly large amount of the bugginess has been patched, so the chance of it being playable on your particular PC is much higher than it was at launch. You'll
probably be able to play just fine with nothing more than some occasional graphical glitches. For example, I didn't encounter a bug until I was a bit past 100 hours of play and that was a section of road becoming invisible. Disconcerting, but far from gamebreaking. But other people had a far worse time with bugs, bad enough to make the game literally unplayable in some cases.
For £17, yeah, I'd say it's worth a go. It's unfinished and rushed. Some skills and perks do nothing. Literally nothing - the code for them hasn't been written yet. The UI is seriously flawed. Balance is on a par with a drunk on a pogo stick. Parts of the game have been very obviously cut out and stuff cobbled together to paper over the holes in order to shove something out the door by release day. The "AI" is amazingly bad. Really, truly, startlingly bad. Especially for vehicles. And pedestrians. And almost all NPCs. There isn't even a reasonable faking of AI. I think it's another example of something that wasn't finished and had to be cut out and something barely functional cobbled together in a hurry to paper over the cracks. But the framework is there. The gameworld is well realised, immersive and interesting. The storytelling is very good in the parts that have been properly finished. Yeah, there's a bit more of the "stuff cut out and something cobbled together to paper over the cracks" in the storytelling too. But there's some properly finished storytelling too. Judy's story is probably the best example. A shame you only get to experience it if you make certain decisions during certain missions. Another year or two of development and it could have become a really top notch game. Maybe.
If you saw anything that CDPR said about the game before it was released, you'll probably be very disappointed by it even if you got it for free. The game doesn't bear much resemblence to that. At best, they were describing the game they hoped to make rather than the game they actually made. At worst, they were lying. Probably lying, based on evidence such as the faked footage they had made to show what the game would be like.
But if you can pretend that the game just appeared without any claims being made about it beforehand, it's OK and has some good bits in it. I paid £50 for it and I think it was worth that much to me. Probably because I didn't see any of the things CDPR had been saying about it before release. I only saw them after the scandal broke and I'd already started playing the game. I did two complete playthroughs of the game.
I'm hoping that they make a sequel. Hopefully one that's actually finished before release. There's a lot of potential there. I certainly won't preorder a sequel, but I will very likely buy it if it's made.
As a standalone MP game yes it was scrapped, thank goodness. CDP need to focus on what they do best, storydriven narrative singleplayer RPGs.
They still talk about wanting to include some MP elements, but frankly I wish they would reconsider that too.
Yes, that, absolutely. There are plenty of MP games. There's no need to make everything MP. I can see why it's appealing to game dev companies - they can make half of a game and charge full price for it on the basis that players have to make their own stories - but there is a market for games with stories and CDPR can do games like that very well.