The more I've looked into this game the more it's become apparent that they probably needed several more years to get anywhere close to completion and their publisher just told them there's no end in sight and it's being released 3 months no matter what state it is in, the developer has then just patched up a half finished game the best they can with very trivial AI routines, scripting etc. I mean people are posting screenshots of in-game signs with placeholder text, it's simply not a finished product. The patches being released should be called something like 0.85. It's just sad that they have made so much money and got away with releasing a buggy, un-optimised, half baked game.
Whatever the developer has been doing for 8 years I think it's a case of them biting off more than they can chew.
lol, go and look up who the publisher is....then realise how silly your post is.