Cycle RAGE!!!!!

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Roads are getting too busy to share with cycles - just in the last few days in one incident I came around a corner to find 2 cars overtaking a cyclist just before a blind bend the second car nearly took out the cyclist avoiding me and another one on a dual carriageway saw a car going the other way pull out into someone about to overtake them to avoid a cyclist with the two cars making contact and the cyclist deciding to head onto the verge in precaution which resulted in them stumbling over on the rough ground.

That's the thing. Given the choice between wiping out a cyclist and going head on with another car, most people will swerve towards the cyclist. It's the natural reaction.
I know what you're saying, but I couldn't have possible nearly killed him. I was driving through a small village with a 20mph speed limit on a straight road. I was just following a road I've driven down thousands of times when this happened. I'm sure it was caused by something, but just as the kids at the special school I used to work in would go crazy at the slightest thing, this guy was probably on the same level.

Then it must be a clear case of mistaken identity, or he was an actual nutter.
If the cyclist came alongside you most likely passed him at some point. Maybe he thought you were too close, but I agree with others that nothing excuses vandalizing someone's car.

Let motors see the footage!
He’s an idiot for doing what he did, but the fact you didn’t notice him until he pulled up beside you AND you have no idea what you did is probably an indication of what you may have done...

Going to make an assumption and say you probably pulled out in front of him/nearly knocked him off because you didn’t look hard enough, or you went past him without giving him any space.

“Easily” done, which is why when you’re on a bike you assume everyone in a car is blind and aiming to kill you...

Roads are getting too busy to share with cycles - just in the last few days in one incident I came around a corner to find 2 cars overtaking a cyclist just before a blind bend the second car nearly took out the cyclist avoiding me and another one on a dual carriageway saw a car going the other way pull out into someone about to overtake them to avoid a cyclist with the two cars making contact and the cyclist deciding to head onto the verge in precaution which resulted in them stumbling over on the rough ground.

Which is why more and more cities are restricting car use in central locations. Less pollution and safer for other road users.
Which is why more and more cities are restricting car use in central locations. Less pollution and safer for other road users.

Most of my driving at the moment is rural(ish) lot of the roads I just don't think it makes sense to be there as a cyclist these days - though some of the roads I cycled many many years ago.
Roads are getting too busy to share with cycles - just in the last few days in one incident I came around a corner to find 2 cars overtaking a cyclist just before a blind bend the second car nearly took out the cyclist avoiding me and another one on a dual carriageway saw a car going the other way pull out into someone about to overtake them to avoid a cyclist with the two cars making contact and the cyclist deciding to head onto the verge in precaution which resulted in them stumbling over on the rough ground.

That doesn’t sound that the roads are too busy but drivers making poor judgements and driving without due care or attention. These are the sort of drivers that are a danger to other road users and should be banned.
Well the trouble is too many people in cars have the sad opinion you joked about. Hence not being surprised comments like that appear.
I nearly get killed pretty much every time I go out on the bike it feels despite purposefully going out when the roads are quiet.

7am the other morning on a road wide enough for 3 cars and no oncoming traffic and a car passed at 40+ (in a 30 - i was doing 25)with their wing mirror less than 6 inches from me. If I'd have caught up with them at the next lights I'd probably have done the same..

OP likely nearly wiped them out without even realising
I couldn't have possibly nearly wiped him out. I was on a straight, 20mph village road. I saw him speed up behind me, screaming like a maniac and then come along side me when I stopped to give way at a mini roundabout. Anyway, the police are ringing me later today to take more details. The guy was totally unhinged.
You'll have to hand over the whole memory card and NOT upload it to the internet if they are going to use any footage as evidence.
Totally put of order to kick your wingmirror off. Im sorry to say that if I was in my car with my wife and kids I would most likely pull him over and smash something off his bike.
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