So a single isolated incident - lets compare that to how many cyclists are killed cycling on the road every day shall we?
Or compare how many pavement deaths are caused by cars against how many are caused by bikes.
So a single isolated incident - lets compare that to how many cyclists are killed cycling on the road every day shall we?
You can't excuse bad behaviour by saying "everyone else does it too".
I noticed this too when i was using no helmet and helmet. But its better wear one because the old mentality, better to wear something than nothing at all.
Yup, a really awesome idea, if you want to (pick one or more of the below):
A) injure your foot
B) have your face smashed into the pavement repeatedly
C) be charged with assault/manslaughter
Just stick your foot out by accident as they cycle by. It works a treat.
Roll your eyes as much as you want.
You can use a shopping bag, block their way and I've not been injured. B&C will happen to them if they try anything. Now just keep off my pavement and have your fights with motorists. Oh and I do drive but only give respect on the road.
To be honest, if they're wobbling around I prefer they're on the pavement. In my opinion it should be required by law to be wearing a helmet if you're cycling on the road.
This guy should be responsible for all cycle policy
I think the problem is that cyclists are thought of as being selfish and hypocritical. They claim car drivers should treat them as per the rules, then flout all road rules when it suits them. They complain how they are treated badly on the roads, so ride on the pavement and treat pedestrians in the same way they are complaining about.
And it's not just a few bad apples, there's a lot of selfish and ignorant cyclists out there bitching about car drivers and then ******** on pedestrians when it suits them. No wonder they get a bad rep from it.
Some places are just not suitable for cycles, so asking the world to change around them is never going to work.
As many as 82% of drivers admitted to sometimes or frequently exceeding the limit, the poll by YouGov and insurance company Admiral found.
For male drivers, the figure was as high as 86%, while 78% of women motorists owned up to speeding.
The IAM has subsequently re-sent the press release without an embargo and with a more nuanced introduction. This reads:
"Fifty-seven per cent of cyclists say they have jumped a red light at least once, with 14 per cent saying they do so regularly or sometimes, according to the IAM's latest online poll of 1600 people".
It also adds other details, for example the 32% of drivers who say they jump lights. Shame the headline still professes, "More than half of cyclists jump red lights," but, short of the IAM binning the entire sorry exercise, it's some progress.
You can't excuse bad behaviour by saying "everyone else does it too".
Sorry, what were you saying again?
Hint: it's not the walkers or the cyclists who are borderline retarded.
Try and find a story about a cyclist killing a pedestrian on the pavement. Then try and find a story about a car driver doing the same (killing a pedestrian on the pavement). Which is the most common?When you find a survey saying most car drivers admit to driving at 20-30 mph down pavements, then come back to me.
I don't see many car drivers blasting thought red lights, along pavements, through pedestrian tunnels and pedestrianised areas, across pedestrian crossings, etc, but I regularly see cyclists just not bothered to stick to the basic rules of traffic. The whole point of roads and pavements is to separate the pedestrians and the road traffic. Which one does the cyclist want to be?
Id rather people think I'm a knob than get stuck under the wheels of a Lorry.