Depends on which way around you want to think about it. D300 and D700 have the same MP count, yet the D700 has a lower pixel density. Each pixel on the d700 uses a larger area of the lens. As the pixel covers a larger area of the lens, the lens is able to deliver more LP/mm, this effectively increases the resolution that can be obrained from that lens.
Or a short way of putting it, is for any given output size, FF will provide more resolution from a lens than when on a crop camera.
Obviously there are caveats that can affect this, like corner softness etc. but the above is the general rule most of the time.
I agree with this, and is what I was saying but from the other direction.
To illustrate my point, if we take a lens say an 85mm f1.4 stopped down to f/8. Clearly the lens doesn't change when putting it on a full frame camera, it will always output the same resolution image from its rear element.
Now if we create 2 sensors using 100% identical technology so all pixels are equal and identical, and we create 1 sensor the size of a 35mm FF and the other an ASP-C crop. All pixels are the same size and shape, same quantum efficiency, same ADC readout, etc. if we then put black masking tape on both sensors so that only a single area 1x1cm square is exposed on each sensor. if we were to take a photo with the APS-c sensor and the FF sensor we will end up with 100% identical images of the same resolution, the same sharpness, the same detail, the same noise performance, the same magnification, colour depth, DR, FoV, DoF. Hence the FF camera has not magically change any way the lens operates, it has not made the lens become sharper by magic.
That is the only point I was making, but some people (not you) seem to think by magic putting the lens on a FF camera will increase the sharpness, where sharpness is measured at the per-pixel level.
even if we remove the black asking tape the difference between the image would be the FF camera image is wider. If this FF I age was cropped down to give the same FoV as the crop camera then we would end up back with 2 identical images with the same sharpness, resolution and detail. Many people don't seem to understand this.
The FF camera will only gain when trying to photograph the same scene with the same FoV and using a lens with a longer focal length equivalent to the amount of cropping required, so about 130mm compared to the 85mm on crop. If one did use this longer focal length lens on the FF camera with the sensors described as above then the FF camera will offer a higher resolution image of the same scene, the pixel level sharpness may be the same, better or worse depending in the lens, but when printed to the same size will offer greater sharpness and detail.