Damn those mini motorbikes

10 Apr 2004
Darlington, County Durham
What is it with people and these mini motorbikes. They make so much bloody noise, and the (usually) grown-ups riding them look so silly going up and down the streets, on what looks like a kid's bike powered by a lawnmower's engine.

The next time they come down this street, I will be taking a shot just for the police. :mad::mad:
<Grumpy old man>

Bit pathetic imo, I see kids on these cutting down lanes and alley ways and over green belts.

/<Grumpy old man>
Spacky said:
<Grumpy old man>

Bit pathetic imo, I see kids on these cutting down lanes and alley ways and over green belts.

/<Grumpy old man>
Well I normally associate those things with council estate chavs. Looks like we have a new neighbour somewhere down our otherwise peaceful street. :mad:
I live in a one way street and these fools ride them up the road the wrong way and because of the size it is very difficult to see them. I have seen several incidents where drivers have had to stop suddenly and then be subject to a barrage of abuse from the little scrotes riding them.

I am under standing orders from her ladyship not to get out of the car to confront the asshats for fear of me ripping their tiny brained heads off. Hate them, hate them HATE THEM! :mad:
Hehe i think they are kinda cool but as usual you get the stupid chavs driving them and causing havoc as per usual.

Although when i was in Canada a few months ago, they seem to be a big thing over there. As i pulled up to the gas station to put some gas into my car...i saw some dude ripping up the road in one...well the sidewalk as you cant drive them on the roads there as far as i know. But he was going at some speed though and just for the record...the sidewalks are very wide over there...as wide as the roads so plenty of room.

Mentioned it to my brother, who said he might buy one for my nephew but hes kinda too young and small....but they look mad as hell....:p
every now and again they come onto the field and ride them about- ruining the field and upsetting the doggy. They come close to her on purpose, knowing she's scared of them :(
kitten_caboodle said:
every now and again they come onto the field and ride them about- ruining the field and upsetting the doggy. They come close to her on purpose, knowing she's scared of them :(

Next time grab a big stick or a rock and...take aim, launch and watch as you knock them off their bikes...then get doggy to run up and bite their crown jewels...result :p \o/
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vonhelmet said:
Of course not. Feel free to call the police and marvel as they do sweet Fanny Adams.
My mother's estate has been pestered by them,they all got together and phoned the police........it only took them 4 days with 10 calls a night for them to do something about it. Mind you they did turn up mob handed and confiscated the bikes into the back of a large truck :)
FishFluff said:
Quick, call the police. Someone is having some fun!
More like they are being a nuisance in an otherwise peaceful area.

Why should a street of around 60 houses, suffer for one person who is breaking the law?

Have some of these: :rolleyes::rolleyes:
FishFluff said:
Quick, call the police. Someone is having some fun!

What kind of a post is that?
You find it acceptable for people under 16 to be riding these things on public grounds?
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some guy got drove past me while i was out yesterday trying to look hard.

unfortunately hes on a minature motorbike and looks less hard more like a fool whos robbed a bike off the borrowers ....
I've never heard of mini-motorbikes, but I got a funny mental image when I read the thread title. I googled it and it was the same image!

These are popular?


Look like something a clown would use, like those tiny bicycles. :D
TommoUK said:
I've never heard of mini-motorbikes, but I got a funny mental image when I read the thread title. I googled it and it was the same image!

These are popular?


Look like something a clown would use, like those tiny bicycles. :D

*SCREAMS* Thats them!

Almost as bad as those scooters with motors (they have died down quite abit I would say)
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